
433 22 1

Every time you smile, makes me smile,
No one can get me to feel this way like you do,
Like when you put me over others is extraordinary and makes me feel loved,
I don't know where I'd be without you or him,
Gosh I feel like a dork for spilling out my feelings like this but I don't care,
Have you ever felt like this before?
To feel like someone actually loves you and you get this warm feeling inside you?
Every time when I'm with you, that's how I feel,
Now I hope you stay with me cause I wouldn't leave you, I can promise you that and I hope you can too


School was back into swings, Tyler and Brendon not really enjoying being enslaved for another five days while Joshua was just scared to go home after. Tyler promised Joshua that he could come over anytime but Joshua only said maybe once because he knew his father would get suspicious.

"Aye, what's up fuckers? Have a good weekend?" Brendon snickered out as he jumped into Tyler's car and slammed the door.

Joshua only rolled his eyes and Tyler simply ignored him.

Ok, so maybe it's a little bit rude not to answer back to your friends but when it came to Brendon, it wasn't. Joshua and Tyler were just used to the raven-haired boys attitude and personality.

The school parking lot was already crowded but Tyler easily found a spot, Tyler may not be popular but he has his ways to get the things he wants.

Brendon already had a cigarette dangling from his lips with puffs of smoke slipping out here and there when they exited the car, Joshua coughed when Brendon exhaled it his way and Tyler had to prevent himself from ripping it out of the boys mouth and simply lead Joshua away.

"I swear those things are going to kill him way before I do." Tyler muttered out when they stopped by Joshua's locker first.

Joshua just agreed and grabbed his essentials he needed, closing his locker and asking Tyler if he needed to stop by his.

"It's better if I do, I forgot to do my homework this weekend. Ok, maybe not forgot." Tyler raised his hands in defense when the dark-haired boy started to go on and on about how grades were important and that he should be doing his homework.

This definitely wasn't the first time Joshua had to remind Tyler and this definitely was not going to be the last.

Tyler laughed when Joshua kept rambling and stopped the boy, "ok ok, I get it. I'll do my homework from now on, you'll just have to remind me..again."

Joshua agreed and started to head to class, dodging kids on the way and easily slipping through small spaces because apparently kids were too lazy to move even if you asked. Being kind of short has its advantages.

Joshua, Tyler, nor Brendon had any classes together and only got to see each other during lunch, Joshua and Tyler were fine because they didn't have to deal with Brendon physically but mentally since Brendon was apparently the laughing stock of seniors and both boys got told tons of stories about the raven-haired boy that Brendon will never say if they're true or not.

Joshua was probably the only one in his classes that got stuff done and by the end of the day, the assignments that were due the next day were already done and Joshua could relax once he got home.

Tyler told the boy that Brendon was dragging him off to god knows where so Joshua was left to walk home since Brendon forced the brunet to leave right away once school was over. Joshua was fine with it though, it happened rarely but it never bothered him.

When Joshua got home, he was instantly bombarded with questions from his father but he just ignored them and ran up the stairs and to his room before his father could question him any further. Joshua only encountered his father when it came to dinner but for once, his father left him alone and Joshua could actually eat his dinner in peace.

It took five minutes for the Dun kids to get their chores done and do whatever they pleased, Joshua went up to his room like always while the others went off to their friends.

It may have been a little odd for Joshua's Monday's to go by pretty smoothly but Joshua was just glad it was over.


"Do I have to go..?" Of course Brendon wanted to go out at midnight just to walk around and of course Brendon wanted Joshua to tag along again.

Joshua sighed and rubbed his eyes, "fine, can you pick me up?"

After Tyler's agreement that he would, Joshua trudged out of bed. Making sure he was quiet while sleepily tugging on a sweatshirt and pants and tiptoeing down the stairs. He was almost asleep on the porch when Tyler came and had the brunet pick him up which Tyler done without complaint.

Joshua yawned, "thanks."

Tyler smiled, "no problem, Brendon's already at the park so we'll just head there."

Joshua nodded and rested his head against the window, accidentally slipping off to sleep with the gentle tones of the radio.

Tyler noticed but said nothing, letting the dark-haired boy sleep in peace knowing he'll have to deal with a very hyper Brendon at one in the morning.

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