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Ok, so maybe this is a weird way to show my feelings,
Let's just pretend it isn't, if
You ever find this, never show this to anyone because this is how I emit my feelings for you and only you


Holy hell this book hit 1k reads. The drawing of Brendon (in this story) up top is done by yours truly.

Also, happy birthday tyjo!


The atmosphere was so...calm with those boys sleeping peacefully.

The tv rolling the end credits of the documentary at a fast pace you'd have to pause it to even see the small bold letters properly.

The empty bags and little remains of food were forgotten, the drink sat tilted at an odd angle and if you moved just a tiny bit it'd topple over, spilling its contents and soaking up the thin cotton blankets.

The brunet wakes up though, groggily with sleep glueing his eyes together. His eyelashes flutter and he takes in his surroundings, knitting his eyebrows together when he heard muffled laughter and looked up to see Brendon with his hand covering his mouth.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Tyler yawned out while rubbing at his eyes.

Brendon snickered, "oh nothing, just uh, just wondering how your date went."

Tyler made a hum of confusion until he looked down to see his precious boy snuggled in his lap asleep, cooing silently and pressing a few kisses to the side of his head.

Brendon started to whistle loudly which made Tyler glare at him and throwing his hands up in defense, "sorry bud but uh, my parents are coming home soon and I really want to get this cleaned up before that."

Tyler just nodded his head and adjusted his sleeping love in his lap before slowly getting up, his limbs popped while doing so.

"I'm going to take him in your room first then I'll come back and help." Tyler stated while heading towards the staircase leading to the basement, Brendon making a noise of approval.

Tyler swore he never went down a staircase as loud as Brendon's, every single step caused a long groan as if the steps had feelings.

Tyler rolled his eyes at Brendon's inconvenience of cleaning up and softly laid his love on the raven-haired boys bed, cooing when Joshua made a soft whine but cuddled up to the pillows and sighed.

It took around an hour or so to dismantle the fort, place the blankets back in their wanted space, and throw away the little remains of food.

"Now that is the first and last time I'm building a blanket fort." Brendon huffed out while searching the back of his jean pockets for his cigarettes.

Tyler nodded and plopped down on the couch, "same, if you're going to smoke, go outside, I don't want smoke to be the first thing Josh smells when he wakes up."

Brendon rolled his eyes but listened anyways.

The brunet stretched out his limbs while yawning, resting his feet upon the coffee table both him and Brendon had to move back and his hands behind his head. A soft yawn caught his attention from the tv and looked over to see Joshua rubbing sleepily at his eyes.

"Hey sleepy head." The brunet said with a smile.

Joshua slightly waved before waddling over to the couch and plopping himself down on Tyler's lap, letting out another sleepy yawn before tangling his fingers in Tyler's short brown hair and capturing Tyler's lips with his. Of course, Joshua couldn't kiss properly because he just woke up but that never stopped him before.

"M'love you." His precious boy mumbled softly against his lips.

Tyler smiled and kissed back, "I love you too, sweetheart."


"Happy birthday!"

November ended and with December starting, Tyler's birthday was, well, the first day of December. Him being the last person in the group to celebrate his birthday while Joshua and Brendon already celebrated theirs in the earlier months.

The brunet never did his birthday with his parents, it was always just the three of them.

"Happy birthday you old fucker." Brendon laughed out while chugging down a bottle of beer.

Tyler rolled his eyes, "you're a year older than me, Bren."

Brendon just shrugged and went to grab another beer, probably his fifth or so already. The raven-haired boy always drank so much when their birthdays come around, some how beating his record by one each time so Tyler was anticipating Brendon to drink around 30 this time.

Or was it more?

All three of them were chilling in the backyard, sitting comfortably in lawn chairs while calm music playing from Brendon's speaker played in the background. Brendon sitting in a chair himself and well, you should already know the two lovebirds were sharing one together.

Joshua snuggled closer and kissed the brunets neck, "my baby's already eighteen."

Tyler smiled and watched Brendon down another beer, "yep and the best present I'm going to get is a hungover Brendon in the morning."

Joshua perked up at the word 'present' and slid out of Tyler's grasp, Tyler raised a brow and watched his love enter the house from the sliding doors.

"Where the fuck is he going?" Brendon slurred out while drunkenly opening up another beer.

Tyler just shrugged, smiling like an idiot when Joshua came back with a present tucked under his arm.

"You didn't have to." Tyler said while Joshua straddled his lap.

Joshua rolled his eyes, "yes I did, now be quiet and open it up."

Brendon watched intensely as Tyler opened up his gift, making 'ooh'ing sounds when Tyler lifted out a brand new ukulele.

"I remember you saying you wanted a new one since your parents took away your old one so I've been doing mine and my siblings chores for a whole month to save up enough money and yeah," Joshua rambled out while Tyler placed his newly opened present on the ground, "happy birthday love."

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