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Oh how I wish I can control my thoughts
For everything I think just stresses me out
For everything that has happened clogs my mind
Every single dream that I have is always about you
Now I realize I shouldn't overthink about you
Cause then it makes me not want to trust you
Ever afters only happen in fairytales but I hope that ours have one because I can't imagine one without you


mentions of a panic attack but it doesn't go in full detail


The more Tyler and Brendon hung out with them, the more Josh unwrapped himself from his shell. Ryan had told Josh that he wasn't dating Brendon but Josh often found them cuddled together, sharing kisses, and almost always holding hands so Josh figured Ryan was just lying (probably more to himself rather than Josh).

Josh wouldn't say they were dating, to him, they're just really close friends. Yeah, they hold hands and maybe share too many kisses but that's what close friends do, right?

He shook the thoughts out of his head when Ryan snapped in his face, looking at him with a worried expression but Josh just reassured him saying it wasn't bad thoughts.

"If you say so," Ryan teaser with a smile, giggling when Josh playfully punched him on the shoulder," but anyways, you ready for school? Today is Brendon's last day and he wants to get it over with. His words, not mine."

Josh didn't have a choice in the matter since Ryan already grabbed his backpack so Josh rolled his eyes and shrugged, "Sure, I guess."

"To make you feel better, we won't have to drive him to school anymore." Ryan pointed out while shrugging, Josh tugged his bottom lip between his teeth and nodded.

"Yeah, you're right. No more stories at least." Josh said with a smile, hooking the backpack straps around his shoulders. Ryan nodded at that as his phone started to ring.

The brunet sighed and showed Josh his screen which had Brendon's name flashing on it, "We should get going before he starts blowing up my phone."

Josh snickered as he let Ryan lead the way downstairs. He's been letting Ryan drive ever since the accident (even though Ryan already demanded he drive until the incisions healed) so he simply grabbed his keys off the kitchen counter and handed them to Ryan, who smiled in return.

Today's going to be a really long day, Josh can already feel it.


It doesn't take much to throw Josh into a panic attack. It was right in the middle of a history test when he felt like he couldn't breathe. Tyler (who was sitting next to him) noticed almost immediately. Do you know those tables that every science class has? (If you don't then you really need to get out from under the rock you're under). The room was originally a science room but they switched it into a history class and wasn't bothered to change the tables.

The choked sobs Josh was letting out was probably a little bit too loud but he couldn't help it. The brunet pulled the sobbing boy into his lap and ignored everybody's stares. Luck wasn't on their side since the teacher noticed and angrily walked over to them, hands on her hips as she looked at them, "What is going on here? Can't you see that students are trying to take a test here and they can't concentrate on this commotion."

Tyler tried to hold back a nasty comment but their teacher was shooting daggers at them and his instinct of defending his boy took over, "If you haven't noticed, one of your students is having a panic attack and you yelling at us for something he can't control is not helping."

"I don't care if he's having a panic attack, you guys need to be focusing on your tests," she seethed, venom dripping off every word she spoke. She quickly snatched their papers of the table, "since you guys are coming up with ways to avoid taking tests, you both will get an automatic zero."

Tyler didn't care if he got caught but once her back was turned he flipped her off, which had some students snickering.

Josh wasn't calming down whatsoever and Tyler knew Josh wasn't in a stable mindset to go to the rest of his classes, so Tyler simply grabbed both of their bags and headed towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Their teacher hissed once the brunet reached the door.

Tyler scoffed as he turned around, "Somewhere away from here but if you'll excuse me, I got my boyfriend to take care of. So please kindly fuck off."

Tyler flashed her a fake smile and left the room.


The only logical place to go was his place since his parents were both at work so, with a lot of praising and promises of never leaving, Tyler finally got Josh settled in the passenger seat. It was a quiet ride except for the occasional hiccup and sniffle from the now calm boy but Tyler still kept a close eye on him.

Josh clung to Tyler once they got to the brunets house and Tyler helped him out of the car but Tyler didn't mind. Tyler left their bags in the back of his car since they serve no purpose at the moment (the only thing that did matter was digging his house key from one of the pockets in his bag).

It was eerily quiet in the Joesph household rather than the loud hustle bustle from his siblings but Tyler found it soothing more than weird. He realized Josh was asleep once he got to his room but decided against waking him up since Josh always got tired after having a panic attack so Tyler simply laid the boy down on his bed and cooed when Josh cuddled up to the blankets.

Tyler would like to think they're back together but he knew he wasn't the one to make that decision. He could wait for Josh to make that choice, no matter how long it takes.

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