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Maybe we were meant to be together
Oh how I wish we knew sooner
Caring for someone like you has been a dream
Knowing that I have someone who deeply cares for me feels like heaven
I should know and hopefully, you do too
Nothing can tear us apart I hope because
Growing up with you has been nothing but a dream and I don't think I can live without you


I don't know what this chapter is, kind of want to do a smut scene with Tyler and Brendon but idk :/


It felt like love, at first sight, all over again when Tyler decided to take Joshua on a date. It made his heart flutter in his chest and tears kiss his eyelashes when the brunet took out a blue velvet box and a necklace laid inside it, silver wording adorn the chain and Joshua let out a choked sob when he realized what it said.

"My precious boy"

Joshua instantly tackled Tyler once the necklace was secured around his neck and continuously mumbled out how much he loved him, having Tyler to blink away the tears threatening to spill.

"I love you so much too, baby boy." It was safe to say Tyler did show how much he loved Joshua later that night and when the dark-haired boy woke up to soft kisses being pressed across his face and Tyler smiling down at him, Joshua knew he was hooked.


Graduation was around the corner for Brendon and said raven-haired boy was ecstatic, constantly saying how hammered he was going to get (which did earn him a few slaps from Ryan) and it was pretty funny for Joshua to watch Brendon whine about how hard Ryan has hit him but the brunet just rolled his eyes and said: "You're just lucky I'm letting you drink that night".

"I feel like every time Brendon talks about getting drunk, he should get slapped." Joshua thought out loud as he mindlessly scrolled through Twitter, hearing a gasp come from Brendon and laughing when Ryan tackled him into a hug while gushing about how much he loved him.

Brendon pretended to wipe away a tear and pouted, "I can't believe my own friend betrayed me." It only got weirder from there when Tyler claimed that he would never betray Brendon and then Brendon got down on one knee while asking if Tyler would marry him, Tyler pretended to be surprised and said "yes" and then both the brunet and the raven-haired boy left the room with hands laced together.

"How much you wanna bet they're going to fuck?" Ryan said as he still tried to ration what the hell just happened, looking over at Joshua who shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know but here's the bigger question: who tops?"

Couple hours later and multiple rounds of Mario Kart (which Joshua won every single time), Tyler and Brendon finally returned with tousled up hair and they smelled profusely of sex.

"Where the hell did you guys go?" Ryan questioned as he turned off the Wii and eyed Brendon's shirt that was crumpled and on backward, Brendon smiled and plopped down on the beanbag chair, "Just down the hall and before you ask, yes we fucked. Isn't that what you're supposed to do after you get engaged?"

Joshua stifled his laughter, "You got to be kidding me."

Tyler shook his head and wrapped an arm around Joshua who in returned cringed and wiggled out of his grasp, "Take a shower first, and then you can touch me." Ryan agreed and ushered both of them out, "And no fucking in the shower!"

"Can't promise anything!" Brendon shouted back as he tugged Tyler into the bathroom before closing the door.

"Why are we dating them?" Joshua shrugged his shoulders as Ryan turned the Wii back on and handed Joshua one of the controllers, "I'd rather have you beat me in Mario Kart then listen to them fuck."


"So, you guys are friends with benefits...while in relationships?" Ryan questioned slowly when both of the boys came back.

"Brendon shrugged while Tyler busied himself tickling Joshua, "I mean, we're close friends anyways. If you wanna fuck Josh, be my guest, I don't think Tyler would mind." Joshua managed to wiggle out of the brunet's grasp and hide behind Ryan, catching his breath as he shook his head, "I'm good but if you guys want to fool around, I don't care. Just as long as I get to keep Tyler, I'm good."

Ryan nodded along to that and decided to call it quits, the whole conversation was giving him a headache. Joshua resided himself back into Tyler's arms once the brunet decided to stop tickling him and sighed in content.

"Are you sure you ok with it?" Joshua looked over to see Ryan sitting comfortably in Brendon's lap while braiding said boy's hair while Brendon lazily traced the brunet's skin before looking up to see Tyler's soft gaze, "Your happiness is my happiness, I know you don't mean to hurt me but I trust you, so yes I'm ok with this. I love you, ok?"

Tyler smiled softly and captured Joshua's lips with his, adoring the small sighs his little love let out before pulling back, "I love you so much too, baby boy."

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