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Never in my life did I think I'd get lucky,
And again,
I thought I was stuck under my fathers roles for life,
Very funny how life can change in a matter of days,
Even when I thought it was all over, you came along and proved me wrong


"So, are you and Josh like, a thing?" Brendon coughed out with trails of smoke following along.

Tyler raised a brow and watched amusedly as Brendon pounded on his chest with broken coughs stuttering out of his lips.

After dropping off Joshua at four in the morning, Tyler and Brendon decided to drive around.

The car swerved to the left at a stop sign and, of course, Tyler didn't use his turn signal but Joshua wasn't here so it didn't really matter.

"Why do you care?" Tyler muttered out and slowly came to a stop in-front of the raven-haired boys house, snatching the burnt cigarette while rolling down his window and flicking it out.

Brendon clenched his fist but didn't say anything, practically kicking the door open and slamming it shut. Tyler shrugged his shoulders with an eye roll and stepped on the gas pedal, "fucking prick."

The car slowed down when Tyler came to another stop sign, he was about to go when his phone blared out, making him jump in shock. Tyler usually declined any phone calls but when he saw Laura's name in bright letters, he knew something bad happened.


"Um, yeah I can come over. Why though?" Tyler placed his phone between his cheek and shoulder, maybe going over the speed limit as he talked to Laura.

"Just...make sure he's ok for me I'm almost there, ok bye." Tyler quickly hung up and throw his phone behind him, swerving into the driveway and putting into park.

Laura was already waiting for him on the porch and when she saw him, a huge sigh of relief washed over her.

"He's in his room, Bill isn't here so you don't have to worry about him." Tyler nodded his head and walked inside, Laura trailed behind him and went to pester the kids for being up so early.

The brunet slowly made his way up the stairs, "Josh?"

Small sobs were his only response and Tyler made a bee line towards his room. The door creaked open and Tyler popped his head in, a lamp laminated a curled up Joshua underneath a blanket and it was shaking violently. Tyler closed the door behind him, "it's me, Josh. You don't have to be scared."

When Tyler didn't get a response, he sat down next to the curled up Joshua and trailed his fingers up and down the boys spine. Tyler smiled when he felt Joshua calm down a bit, "there you go, everything is going to be ok."

A fluff of dark hair popped up when Joshua crawled out of his small cocoon, shifting his position so his head was laying on Tyler's lap. The brunet soothes the boy by twisting the tiny locks through his fingers, roaming his fingers down the boys spine before coming back up to his hair.

"What did he do this time?" Tyler started, trying to make his voice sound gentle.

Joshua only shook his head and mumbled out a 'don't wanna talk 'bout it.' Tyler only nodded his head and returned to his task of calming the boy.

It didn't take long for Joshua to fall asleep and when Tyler was about to tuck him back in and leave, he heard the sound of a car engines shutting off and a slamming of a door. He looked down at the peaceful Joshua and knew he couldn't leave him alone, so Tyler repositioned Joshua with his head laying on a pillow and started to strip himself. The brunet only took his shirt off but kept his sweatpants on, ignoring the voices muffling their way up the floor boards and crawled besides the dark-haired boy.

Joshua cuddled up to Tyler and sighed, Tyler himself wasn't tired but still closed his eyes.

School was definitely out of the picture for them but Tyler could care less.

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