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Don't you understand how I feel?
I don't even know if you do,
God I wish you acted different but I can't help it,
Not like I don't want too but I have other things going on then just focusing on you,
I know I may act so kind and caring but that's not how I feel on the inside,
To think that I put my hopes up because I think you finally realized my feelings,
You don't know how I feel and sometimes I wish you knew


Their friendship may not be perfect, yes, they knew that. Not all friendships are going to be perfect or wonderful, no, friends fight and they can either make up or not.

With them, their friendship is balanced.

Joshua is the glue that holds them together, that's no doubt.

Brendon, well, you may not believe it but Brendon keeps things grounded. Yes, he smokes but he's the only one that can keep everything calm sometimes.

And Tyler, he's like the jokester of the group. Yes, he's almost always in a pissy mood but Tyler does have a good sense of humor.

These three need each other more then they realize and I think they're going to learn that sooner or later.


"So, why are we going to your house?" Tyler asked in a bored tone as Brendon dragged him down the hall with Joshua not so far behind.

Brendon snorted, "because I knew Josh doesn't want to go home and I know you don't want to deal with your parents," he looked back at them and raised an eyebrow, "I'm not wrong, am I?"

Tyler rolled his eyes but said nothing, Joshua nodded his head.

Brendon was always right.

The raven-haired boy smirked and pushed the door open, tipping down the sunglasses that were perched on his head and heading towards Tyler's car. Brendon patted down his jean pockets as Tyler dug into his backpack to find his car keys and when he didn't feel the box, he looked over at Joshua with eyebrows knitted together.

"Do you have my cigarettes?" Joshua raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

He looked over at Tyler who was too busy unlocking his car to realize what was happening before turning back to Brendon, "no, I don't."

Brendon clenched his teeth but nodded his head, Tyler was already in the car with the engine running when Brendon got in the passenger side and Joshua in the back. It was a five minute trip to Brendon's house and the whole ride was silent with the add sound of Brendon tapping his fingers on his leg.


"So, you two sure you're not a thing?" Brendon hesitantly asked with puffs of smoke trailing out of his mouth.

While Joshua and Tyler sat on the bed, Brendon sat perched on his bean bag sitting across from the bed.

Joshua didn't say anything but Tyler rolled his eyes, "why are you so interesting in our love lives? No we're not, end of story."

Brendon didn't let that slide, "I'm not interested, I was just wondering and I'm pretty sure friends don't act that close."

While those two bickered like they normally do, Joshua was in deep thought.

Did he like Tyler?

He didn't know for sure to be honest, he does love Tyler but it was only for friendship but now he was second guessing it. With the way Tyler treated him like they were actually dating had Joshua be a blushing mess, even others would ask if they were dating but Tyler would always snap at them and tell them to 'fuck off'.

So did he like Tyler?

"Josh!" The dark-haired boy snapped his head up with a questioned look, both Brendon and Tyler were looking at him with odd faces.

Brendon sighed, "finally, now as I was saying, do you like Tyler?"

Joshua looked over at the brunet who had an emotionless expression then back at Brendon, "I-I don't know, in what way?"

Brendon rolled his eyes, "like in a dating way, duh."

Joshua looked down and fumbled with his fingers, he heard Brendon snicker but Tyler was still silent.

He was about to speak but a voice beat him to it.

"Have you seen my other relationships, Brendon?" Tyler muttered out with a bit of an annoyance laced in his voice.

The raven-haired boy opened his mouth but Tyler raised his hand, "have you?"

Brendon just nodded his head with a questioned look.

"Do you remember how they ended?" Tyler pressed on, feeling Joshua's stare on him.

Brendon nodded his head again, a quick realization smacked the boy upside the head and his face lit up. Tyler rolled his eyes and looked over at the confused boy, cupping Joshua's face and ignoring Brendon's wolf whistle.

"I'm like a drug, Josh, and I don't want you to get addicted." Tyler said with worriment laced in his voice.

Joshua couldn't help but let his mouth release words he knew Tyler wouldn't like, "but what if I do?"

Tyler released his face and got up, Brendon questioned where he was going but Tyler ignored him and looked over at Joshua as he opened the door, mumbling out words he regretted to say, "then I'm not sorry if I hurt you."

The door closed behind the brunet and Joshua was silent, Brendon smashed his brunt cigarette and sighed, "well, there goes my ride and chance of getting drunk."

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