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"You're going to marry me," Liam snapped at me as he got up from his chair. He walked around his desk with his head down. His brooding figure walks menacingly towards me as I realised what great horrors I'd unlocked. He walks with such determination to own my life, my body, but most importantly, our child. If only I had known then what I know now, I wouldn't be in this mess. Who knew a one night stand would turn into a casual fucking, and lead to my inevitable pregnancy.

When his maddened figure reached me, I felt the familiar heat grow within me once more. The one that always left me aching for more. Why must my body betray me everytime he's near? I realised how close he was when I smelled his cologne and softly moaned to myself. I closed my eyes and took a breath. God, why did he always have to have this effect on me?

"Look at me," he threatened with a whisper. I blink several times before meeting his gaze. "I will have what's mine Vanessa." Liam took another step towards me and I backed away. Before I could add more distance between us, he grabbed me by the arm and closed the distance. Our breaths now share the same air yet the tension kept growing.

Liam points down at my belly as he says," When I say I'll have what's mine, I mean it. You and this baby are mine," His grip on my right arm tightens and it causes me to hiss in pain. At this, he grabs my face with his other hand and forces me to look him in the eye. "That means no one, but I am allowed to touch your godforsaken body. No. One. Vanessa," he spits at me with venom lacing his every word.

I look back at him with both equal shock and fear and beg that my brattiness comes out to save me. Yet, I'm frozen. Barely able to breathe, and struggling to stay quiet. All it took was a cynical smirk from him to transport me back to the wicked life I must now live. "I won't Liam," I say as I shake my face out of his hold. I take a step back and he releases me. At the feel of his rage, I take several more steps back before speaking again as I try to get my thoughts straight.

"I won't be tied down to you. I won't let you control my life. And I sure as hell won't be having your child." I shout at him unaware of the mistake I just made. Liam stomps towards me like the madman he really is, as I try to back away. Inevitably, I collide with the wall and so does his hand with my neck. "Like hell, you won't. " He breathes at me through laboured breaths and slams my head into the wall.

Throbbing pain shouts through my skull, yet his actions don't show signs of stopping. "My child just so happens to be growing inside of your despicable body. If you think I'm going to let you run off to take care of him with another man, you're wrong." Struggling to get air into my system, I manage to say, "How do you even know if it's going to be a he?" Liam smirks at me before realising his grip. "I just know. Call it a father's intuition."

I fall to the ground as I take in deep breaths and cough at the overfill of oxygen entering my lungs. On my knees with my hand around my throat, Liam looks down upon me before returning to his desk. I look at him and no longer see the man I was starting to fall in love with. What happened to him? What changed after that night? Whatever it was, doesn't matter as much as getting out of his office.

Feeling slightly stronger, I get up and make my way to the door. I notice how unphased Liam looks at his desk as he continues doing his work. I shake my head in disbelief and turn the knob. I take a breath and open the door ajar. "Oh. And don't even think about sleeping with Richard. I'll be the only one fucking you from now on." Liam says casually and I'm shocked at his words.

I turn around to protest and meet his darkened eyes. "You don't get a say in my love life. You don't own me. I can be with Richard if I please," I retort, but to my best hopes, he laughs. He laughs a humourless, murderous laugh. "But you see my dear. That's where you're wrong. I do own you. I have ever since your treacherous body decided to carry my offspring."

I stand there watching him in disgust, as the idea of him being the only one who can touch me ruins me in ways I never thought before. "And as for Richard, I know he won't want to be stuck with the whore who's carrying his brothers baby. He'd rather spent his time with Brooke," He smiles up at me with a raised eyebrow. He stares at me for a minute too long and I can feel that strange emotion dance within his eyes again. Maybe there's still hope. Maybe it's not too late.

But before I even get to see if that's true, he faces his computer again. Nope. I'm too late to make him see what really happened that night. "You may go now," he tells me as he signals for me to leave and I do so without any hesitance. I feel the tears in my eyes threatening to escape and I make a dash for it. I speed past his secretary and towards the lift. On my way there, a security officer stops me.

"Ma'am," he says, "I'm going to need you to follow me." I nod my head and follow him to the lift. Upon pressing the button, the lift doors open and I go inside. I don't notice what's going on around me; all I notice are how hot tears cascading down my face as I regrettably choose to accept my new reality.

Why did I have to get drunk that night and have sex? Why did I need some liquid courage to help me talk to Richard? Why couldn't I have just admitted my feelings towards him at the club? Why did I end up going home with Liam? Why did we go for several rounds before I told him to stop? Why did I end up loving the feeling of waking up naked wrapped in his arm? Why?

I sobbed and sobbed as I tried to make sense of my mistakes. My greatest mistake. The one night which liberated me in so many ways, yet trapped in so many more.

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