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I manage to wake myself enough to enter my home and make my way towards my bedroom. Before entering it, I call out, "Good Night Thomas," and close the door behind me. I strip from my clothes and put on a t-shirt. Far too tired and numb, I walk over to my bed and fall atop it with a grunt. I cuddle my pillow against my face and look at nothing in particular. Thoughts of my dream haunt my mind and I look down at my sheets. When will these dreams fade away?

I turn my body around and lay my back against the bed. I stare at the wall above and let the numbness overtake my being. My throat constricts while silent tears slip through my eyelids. I stay still as I bask in my misery. Eventually, sleep comes and I fade away.

When I come back to, my mobile's alarm sounds off in my bag. Annoyed by its screeching, I get up out of bed and rummage through my purse for my cell. Upon finding it, I turn it off and toss it back into my bag. Wearily, I walk over to my standing mirror and look at my appearance. "Great," I tell myself, "I look as stiff as I feel."

I slip into my bathroom and decide to take a shower. I turn on the warm water and pull off my T-shirt when the water's to my liking. I hop in and let the water wash away my degrading state. I start to rub my bath gel on my body when I notice an acute pain on the left side of my stomach. I press down on it and slightly squirm as I gasp shortly after.

Wondering how I could've hurt myself, I decided to finish my shower and get ready for work. Pulling my towel off of the john, I wrap it around my body and head to my wardrobe. I pull out a white blouse and black trousers and place them on my bed. I pull out my undergarments from my drawer and slide on my underwear. I pull off my towel from my body and dry my hair with it.l

I run my towel through my hair a couple more times before tossing it on the bed and putting on my bra. I grab the hair clip on my bedside table and pin up my hair. I grab my trousers and slid them on, making sure I do my little shimmy dance when putting them on. Then I grab my blouse and put it on. I take a quick glance in the mirror and nod in approval.

I walk around my room, grabbing the essentials, and set them on my bed. I grab my black fog down coat and heels before walking to my bed again. Before sitting down, I put on my coat and adjust it properly. I place my heels in my bag and take a seat at the edge of my bed. I put on my rain boots and grab my purse, and get up.

I walk out of my room, start my descend down the stairs, and see Thomas waiting on the sofa for me. I notice he's wearing a diamond vest with a long sleeve light shirt and some grey trousers. When I get all the way down, he walks over to the door without acknowledging me and I begin to wonder who's making him so distracted. He opens the door for me, mumbles a 'good morning', and goes back to paying attention to his phone.

 He opens the door for me, mumbles a 'good morning', and goes back to paying attention to his phone

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I walk out the door and start walking out toward the pavement. "Van. We're going to be late if we take the Tube. Let's go in my Fusion." Thomas calls out behind me and I nod my head at him as I make my way over to the car. I hop in and mindlessly look at our small house. "You alright Van?" I hear Thomas ask and I nod my head. "Yeah. Didn't feel like interrupting you and your mobile."

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