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Thomas's voice booms through our flat, and my eyes bulge in fear. "You FUCKED LIAM?!" I don't dare move, and I can see the anger in Thomas's eyes. "No wonder he was being such a fucking arse to me at work today. You're the reason he was making me work overtime with him, even though I'm not his secretary." I scrunch up my face in confusion and Mikayla laughs below me. 

"Yeah. That's a lot more sense than your ridiculous fucking theory mate." Mikayla clears a tear from her eye as she continues laughing to herself. "Arsehole," Thomas mutters to himself and sits back down. "Van. If only you knew the amount of work that beast of a man made me do today for helping you out earlier. You'd pity me." He tells me as he grabs my hands. I take one away from him to clear my slowing tears.

"Ey. It wasn't just you, he made everyone work their arses off. It was all of his floor too. It was the first time I saw Brooke doing real work after their annoyingly loud shag." She tells me and I chuckle. I sniffle my nose and look up at both of them. "So you're not mad at me?" "No. It's not your fault we had to work so hard. It's his. We're mad at the minge who made us all have a longer day than usual." Thomas tells me and Mik and I laugh. 

"Well, technically, it is her fault, but we're not going into that," Mik says and they laughingly agree with a nod. "I'm so glad you guys aren't mad at me. It was hard enough having to live with this secret. I couldn't bear the thought of my friends hating me because of it as well." I say with a sob. They both tackle me with a hug and we spent the night making jokes as we eat our food.

Late Monday Morning

I'm managing all the work I missed and stressing out about all that I must complete before the day is over. But before I can finish any of this, I must relieve myself in the ladies bathroom. So, I get up from my desk and head over there. I don't even bother checking the loo to see if it's clean, as I relieve myself instantaneously.

When I go to clean myself up, I notice a light pinkish liquid on my pad. I sigh as I notice my period has come in a day late, meaning I can ignore all those bizarre dreams of me being pregnant with Liam's child. I finish my duties in the bathroom and hed back to my desk without a second thought. 

When I get back to my desk, I instantly sit down and work the day away. I missed a lot of fucking work. The few people that work on my level wave goodbye to me as they pass by. Hell, even Richard was surprised to see me working this late, but he bid me good night and left without a second thought. I knew that if I left this place and went back to my flat, that I wouldn't get any work done. I close my eyes tightly and squeeze the bridge of my nose. When I exhale, I try to release all of the frustration I have pent up inside.

Even the cleaners were surprised at my late night stay. I move away from my desk, but the noises were coming from every direction. So, I dismissed them for the night because the noise they were making was slowing me down. At first, they were extremely resistant, but after a few meaningful warnings about their jobs, they eagerly left me alone in peace. I watched as the last cleaner boarded the lift and left. "Finally. Some peace and quiet." I tell myself and head back over to my desk.

When I sit back down, I take my heels off. I mentally thank myself for wearing a pencil skirt, as it allows me to cross my legs comfortably. I unbutton the first three buttons on my blouse and sit back in my chair. I look down at the small pile of paperwork left to do and groan. I swing my head back and run my digits through my loose hair. After taking a few long breaths, I sit back up, as expected, and continue working.

The current paper I'm reading is a resume, regarding Liam's new PA. That was quite the haste decision for him to make. The man has employed a rather worrisome character to work for our company, and my thoughts start to ponder. What could they possibly be involved in and why did everyone in HR approve of this hire? Why did no one inform me? I'm the head of HR, they need my approval before adding someone to the payroll, and I go over it with the CFO.

At the reminder of having to get Liam's approval, I notice now, why no one told me of this new hire.  Liam still wasn't able to be professional around me, and I haven't seen him since I got back. Yet, the eerieness of Liam's PA new position here left an unsettling feeling in my mind. The man named Francis Y. Jackson has already etched his way into my brain, and it's not a piece of piss to get him out of it.

As I continue reading his documents, I hear the lift ding and its doors open. Curious as to whom is here at this hour, I leave my desk and make my way towards the lift. When I turn the corner, I see someone has entered Richard's office and left it partially open. Curiosity and fear of being fired spread through my mind, and I pull my pocket knife out of my skirt. I flick it open and make sure the blade is sharp enough. Satisfied, I stalk towards Richard's office as quietly as possible and notice the lights are turned off.

I peek inside without moving the door and check to see if the intruder is still inside. With the lack of lumination, I decided to go in but take a breath first. Placing my palm against the door, I yank it open and barge into the room ready to attack. I notice how the half-crescent moon shines its light through the windows and makes shadows across the room. I squint my eyes while looking around the office and notice no one's here. I relax and put my pocketknife down.

I exhale profoundly, happy knowing no one's in here, but tense up the moment I hear the door shut close behind me. I turn around and instantly see a body charge at me from within the shadows. I try to swing my knife at them, but fail as they grab my wrist with force before I got the opportunity to injure them.

Believing this is how I'm meant to die, I try to go out fighting. So, I clench my right hand into a fist and swing at their poorly lit face. The intruder manages to grab my other fist just a mere centimetres away from their face and I tense up even more. I hear a growl come from them and I instantly know the intruder is a male by his tone. I try to yank my wrists out of his hold and rapidly realise my mistake.

He starts pushing me with force and speed and fear overwhelms me. After a few more steps, my back collides against the wall roughly, and the light flickers on. Recovering from the brute force of that surprise attack, I blink as I adjust my eyes to the light. I look up and recognise Liam as my attacker. Anger boils within me, and I try to get out of his grip. "Let go of me or else," I spit at him as I look him in the eye.

He smirks down at me and slams my left wrist against the wall with a relentless grip. I wince in pain and let my pocketknife fall out of my hand.

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