19 - Hiding Her Away

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"Where's your bedroom?" is the first thing that comes out of his mouth after manhandling me. "What?" I ask far too confused to try and figure out what he's doing. Before saying anything else, Liam starts walking towards Thomas's bedroom. I chase after him while trying to convince him to stop. He turns around to look at me and I nearly run him over.

"Stop. Please," I plead as I grab his arm. "That's Thomas's room. You won't find anything there." Liam's features harden once more and he asks, "You're sleeping with my brother's secretary?" My eyes bulge from their sockets and I don't bother hiding my discomfort. "No Liam! Thomas is like a brother to me. His parents basically adopted me." He glares down at me trying to find any fault in my words, then moves around me.

"Good," he says as he walks away. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that," I tell myself and exit the kitchen. I watch as Liam looks at the stairs and starts heading up towards my room. "Stop! You can't go up there," I shout while running after him, but it seems I only motivated him further as he climbs the stairs faster. By the time he reaches the knob, I've climbed the stairs. "Liam. Don't," I plead once more. He swings the door open and heads inside my bedroom.

I chase him into my own bedroom and watch as he pulls out my travel bag (suitcase) and places it atop my bed. "What are you doing Liam?" I ask as I watch him open it up. "I'm packing. What does it look like?" he finally says and opens my wardrobe. He pulls out some of my knickers and throws them in the bag, but not before taunting me about not having any daring garments. "Not everyone wants nor needs such overpriced items," I tell him as I walk towards him.

He pulls out some random clothing items and places them in my bag. I walk up to him after he starts to close my bag. I put my hand on his chest and shoulder to say, "I'm not going anywhere, Liam." He takes in a breath and takes ahold of my hand on his chest. "You don't understand V," he silently mutters, "He'll take you away if I don't." "Who?" He turns and faces me as he captures both my hands in his. "I can't say," he tells and I shake my head in disagreement.

"Then I'm not going anywhere with you," I softly say and add, "My life's not in danger Liam. I'm perfectly fine." I watch as Liam grits his teeth and takes a shaky breath. "Fine. Then you've given me no choice," he says with an authoritative tone. "What are you talk-" I try to ask but am cut off. "Your employment is hereby terminated." I scoff at him as I rip my hands out of his hold. "You can't be serious!" I exclaim, and he continues. "We will have someone bring you your possessions first thing Monday morning," he informs me in a dejected manner.

"Just because I didn't want to leave my home -" I start to raise my voice and so does he. "Please be ready to receive your belongings or they will be tossed in the bin," he says until our voices interlace. His is emotionless and masked, while mine is filled with hatred and grief. Two different cries, two different people, two entirely different intentions. I never thought this day would come. Especially, not like this, so like any reasonable human in this situation, I do the only thing I can.

"Get out of my flat," I meekly say with an unambitious heart. Liam continues to banter off until something in me snaps. "I said Get out of my flat!" I yell and he finally stops talking. "What?" he asks me almost comically while looking me in the eye. I look away and tears start to threaten to escape. I raise my arm and point in the direction of my flat's entrance and say, "Get. Out. NOW!"

He stands there, still, as I blink away my tears. Some escape and fall down my face before I see his figure retreat and exit my bedroom. I drop my arm and wait until I hear the front door close before I drop down in sobs. "I always knew he was trouble, but I never heeded the warnings," I cry to myself. "Why was I so stupid?" I question and curl up into a ball.

For a moment, I think about contacting H.R. but decide against it as the rest of them are either too frightened of Liam or will succumb to his every request without question. I think about how Richard might look out for me, but disregard as Brooke could easily sway his mind. Thomas will surely get fired if I tell him the truth and Mik can't afford to lose this pay. How could she ever support her toddler and pay rent without her & her husband's income?

After a couple of hours of cleaning the sitting room, my bedroom, and Liam's charade, I've decided what I'm going to do. "I'm going to have to lie to everyone," I say whilst looking at myself in my bathroom mirror. Suddenly an overwhelming sensation comes to me and I hurl the contents of my stomach into the john. It takes the rest of my energy to go to my mirror and look at myself. "What is going on with me?" I ask myself.

Tuesday Afternoon

After throwing up the rest of today's contents, I lean against the loo for support. My breath smells atrocious and my weary state doesn't help with my condition. This is the second time I've hurled since I woke up in the middle of the night because I needed to urinate. I wish I could just eat my food and keep it down.

Thomas stands by the doorframe and leans against it. "Van," he coos at me with sympathy lacing his words, "I think you should go see a doctor." He looks me in the eye and I nod. "I don't have the money for that right now Thomas. If only I had a job, but I can barely go a day without hurling," I tell him and he walks over to me. "I don't know what's wrong with me," I say and begin to cry.

I see him walk closer to me and crouch down. "Van, it pains me to see you like this, but you can barely take care of yourself right now," he informs me and I just nod my head as the tears cascade down. "If it wasn't for Richard giving me the rest of the day off, who knows what could've happened to you?" With the reminder of what occurred earlier this day, I can't help but imagine what a sight it must've been for him.

I remember taking a nap on the sofa, because of my weariness and being unable to breathe shortly thereafter. I didn't realise that I was choking on my own vomit until I was flipped over and retched the rest of it out onto the rug. I thanked him for the longest time as he saved my life and helped me get up. I took a shower shortly after we threw out my rug, and now I'm not much different than before.

"Thomas," I say covering while covering my mouth, "I'll make you a deal." He cocks his eyebrow up and nods for me to continue. "If I don't feel better by Friday, then I'll go to the doctor," I say and he shakes his head. "No! Van, you could've died. If I hadn't gotten here when I did, I could've come home to find you dead on the sofa," he reminds me, but I don't want to hear it. "Thomas, please," I say while grabbing ahold of his hand, "I'm begging you."

Thomas looks away as his features contort with distaste. "On one condition," he says and I beam up instantly. "Name it!" I practically squeal and he stops me with his hand. "You brush your teeth this instant because I cannot stand the smell of your breath right now," he states and I tackle him with a hug. "Ah! Thank you, Thomas!" I squeal and hug him tightly. He hugs me with as much enthusiasm as I'm giving before quickly letting go.

"Okay. Now go brush your teeth. I have to make a call," he says before getting up exiting the bathroom. I nod my head at him and get up slowly. I reach the sink and brush my teeth until they bleed a little. Then I rinse my mouth with Listerine. Thomas knocks on the door and I look at him through the mirror.

"Richard's letting me take the rest of the week off as long as I work from home," he informs and I spit out my rinse. "What?" I question and turn around. "Why would he do that? Doesn't that mean you're taking away from your holiday days?" I say but he cuts me off with a hug. "In case you didn't notice, but it's almost Christmas and our flat isn't exactly merry," he calmly states. "Besides, I'll still be working. Except, I'll be doing it from home."

I take in a breath and nod my head. He let's go of me and I say, "Alright, but only because you're letting me go to the doctor on Friday." He cheers and takes a step back. "Are you well enough to go take a shower?" he asks me with a cheeky smile. I swat him away while squealing his name. "Of course I am. Now if you don't mind, get out," I say and leading him out and closing the door behind him.

"Call if you need anything," I hear him say through the door and smile.


 Sorry for the short chapter guys, but I wanted to focus more on the upcoming chapter.

Will she find out then? Who knows?

Till next time! 

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