23 - Chiswick News

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Brace yourselves.

This one's a long one.

As promised, of course.


January 9th

I'm sitting on the sofa reading a novel on my mobile when the smell of hot chocolate alerts me to find its source. Although I've been feeling quite nauseous these past few days, I lift my gaze from the novel and look around the sitting room. "No hot chocolate here," I tell myself and go back to reading my novel.

Having read only a few more paragraphs of this enticing tale, I feel a presence next to me. I cease reading and peer up to see Kyle's childish-self holding two mugs of hot chocolate. "I made some hot chocolate for us," he says and gestures for me to take one. I make no objections as I put down my mobile and eagerly take hold of a mug with both hands.

"What made you decide to make hot chocolate with whip cream?" I ask with a slight interest in his response. "Well, I thought it would be a nice treat considering how it's that time of the month, and it's time we discussed what's really going on," he states as he takes a seat across from me. I blow shakily on my drink before taking a sip and nodding at him to continue. "There's only so much I can tell you before I can't," he informs me with a sigh, and continues, "But I'll answer any questions I can."

"Alright." Kyle makes himself more comfortable by placing both elbows on his knees. He holds his mug in front of himself and avoids eye contact. "As you know, Thomas didn't come home to find a man's corpse in his living room." I nod my head and take another sip of my drink. Kyle mimics my movements and I watch as he drinks his chocolate.

"Liam got someone to take care of it," he says and faces me, "Now don't ask how or whom because you know I won't tell you." I lift a hand in defeat and keep my mouth shut. Kyle sighs heavily this time, takes a sip, and places his mug down on the floor. I watch as he runs a hand through his shaggy blonde hair and faces me. "The man who's after you is someone you already know," he says and I freeze.

"He wasn't interested in you before, but you... Let's just say you flirted with someone he doesn't fancy too much at the moment, and are now being used as leverage." I stare at him as if he's grown two heads and wait for him to say something. He doesn't and I'm left wondering who this person is. What the actual fuck?

I place my hot chocolate down on the floor in fear spilling it and sit back up. I lightly touch my breast and hiss at the tender state they're in. "I 'flirted' with someone and because of it this man who I apparently know wants to kill me?" I squeal in a whisper. "Well, when you put it like that, no. It's not just because you flirted," Kyle states and meets my gaze. "You got too close for his liking and he's been kept busy with others, but you wouldn't stop being you."

"You got into this mess by being yourself and associating with a certain person," he tells me and I shake my head. How can that even be possible? "I don't understand. Thi- This makes no sense, Kyle," I respond in frustration. "I know. Okay. I know," he sighs again and adds, "I wouldn't believe myself either right now, but it's the truth." Kyle grabs my hands and squeezes them. "It's all I can give you. I'm sorry you got caught up in this."

Before he gets to say anything else, my mobile rings next to me. I pick it up and see it's an unknown number. I see the call's coming from Chiswick and I decide to answer. "Hello." "Good Afternoon. I'm trying to get ahold of a Ms Vanessa Bane. Is this she?" the female on the other end ask. "Yes. Who are you?" I ask and she disregards to say, "I'll be transferring you to Dr Todd now."

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