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"Well maybe he finally fancies you and that's why he's inviting you back into his office," Thomas suggests as he wiggles his brows. I shake my head at him with a smile and go back to eating my cheesecake. "Or maybe, he just needs to talk to me about something work-related," I retort after taking a bite off my fork. "Only if you don't want to have an exciting perspective on life," Thomas counters and I laugh.

"Right, cause bringing home one-night stands is so adventurous," I cheekily replied. "At least I didn't shag my boss's brother while in love with my boss." I kick his leg under the table and close my eyes. "First off, Thomas, I don't love him," I say and then open my eyes. "Secondly, you, Mik, and I all know I was drunk that night. So drop it or else, I'll tell Mum you got blown by Tim that one night."

Thomas gasp and narrows his eyes at me. "You wouldn't," he says trying to call a bluff. Instead of giving in, I lean back in my seat and cross my arms. "Test me. I dare you," I say with a huge smirk on my face. He stares daggers into my eyes and I can't help the smile that forms on my face. "Fine. But know that if you ever end up with either brother, you better tell me them about your relationship with the other."

"Deal," I proudly tell Thomas. "And, you never bring up Tim again. It was a one-time thing," he says. "Works for me mate," I say and we shake hands. I let go off his hand and check the time. It's 12:18. I grab my coat off my seat and tell Thomas it's time to leave. "I'll pay. Meet me out front," he tells me and I nod my head. I put my coat on and walk past some tables filled with couples. "Maybe one day," I tell myself.

I reach the door of the restaurant and wait outside. I watch as the world around me continues it's routine and I begin to let my mind wander. "Alright Ms Bane," I hear someone to my right say and I look their way. "Hi, Kyle," I say and notice him wearing a wool coat with black trousers and black boots. "What are you doing in this neck of the woods?" he asks and I look at him as if he's grown two heads.

"Headed back to work actually," I say and start moving past him. "Alright. Well, see you around. Text me if you ever need another late night ride," he tells me with a wink before walking away. I start to question his sanity and wonder what made him think I had his digits. Not a second later, Thomas comes out and gets us a cab. Our ride is spent with me worrying about not meeting Richard's time and missing my appointment with Liam.

When we finally get to work, I rush into Richard's office and take a seat after told to do so. "Vanessa," Richard begins as he gets up from his desk. "You've only been here a short time, but I see so much potential in you." He walks around his desk and stops right in front of me. "In your two years here," he says and leans against his desk, "I've always wondered how you've been kept out of my reach."

I give Richard a questionable look and he continues. "I uh...," he clears his throat and walks backs toward his chair. "We need to get Brooke off the payroll instantly. She's not going to be working with us anymore," Richard tells me after he sits down. I know I don't like the woman, but that's no reason fire her. "May I ask why?" Richard looks away from me with a smile and stares at his computer.

"You may, but only because you'll find out anyway," he tells me and starts typing away on his computer. "We're getting married and she's going to get a job at a different branch," he tells me and my jaw drops. I leave my mouth agape in utter shock of his words. Does he know she's slept with both brothers? In the office? Multiple times? Does he even care? What kind of a man marries someone like her?

"Ms Bane," Richard says in a steady tone. I shake my head and meet his gaze. "Yes, sir?" I question. "I said you may leave. You don't want to miss your meeting with my brother," he tells me and waves me out of his office. "Of course," I say before getting up and walking out of his office. All I can think about is how Liam doesn't deserve this as I gather my things for our meeting. How will I face him now?

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