9 - Coming Home

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Throughout the night, I cum several times while Liam managed to only have three orgasms. Not because he couldn't have had any more, but because he chose to only have three. I, on the other hand, had at least eight before I had to call it quits.

Now, after the two of us got some rest, we lay in his bed toying with each other's fingers. I laugh as I almost beat him by grabbing ahold of his hand. He smiles at me and it makes my heart beat faster. "Thank you," I tell him and his smile fades a tad. "What for? For shagging you?" He questions me with a laugh and I bite my lip and look away. "Is that what you're honestly thanking me for Vanessa? A few tumbles in the sheets?" He asks me in a livid tone. I look back at him and realise, I ruined our blissful moment. Stupid cunt!

I get off the bed and look at him with regret. I need to get away from him before he spanks me again. My body's already in enough pain to last me a couple of days. I look towards the door and contemplate making a dash for it. "Don't even think about running out of this room, because if you do... I promise you the spanking will be the least of your worries." His voice resonates throughout his room as he gets up from the bed and I gulp.

After a second, I nod my head at him and he barely relaxes enough to hear me out. "Why are you thanking me for shagging you? They're meaningless fucks. You shouldn't be thanking me," he scolds and I want to cry but somehow manage to fight my sorrow. Fine. If I'm so meaningless to him, I might as well just leave his house.

"It doesn't even matter to you anyways. " I cowardly say as I bring the attention back to him. "Answer the goddamn question Vanessa," he snaps and I squirm. "Because... It just does to me! How can you find something so intimate, so casual and emotionless?" I shout. I exhale profoundly as I look up at him.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I told you I don't do emotions when it comes to sex," he barks through burning eyes. I remain silent and watch as he scoffs at me. I watch him run his hand down his face before looking at me again. "Is that what you wanted from me? To shag me and hope that I fell in love with you? To get my money? Is that?" he asks with accusation in his tone. "WHAT? No! Why would I do that? I was a fucking virgin before you. I-" I plead, but quickly shut up when I realise my mistake as I clasp my hand over my mouth.

"You were a FUCKING WHAT before me?" He booms and I swear the furniture shook a bit. "Nothing. As I said, it doesn't matter," I retort like the coward I've come to be. I feel his anger escaping his body and he breaks eye contact with me. He walks away from his bed and heads in the direction of his bathroom. Stopping in his steps, he turns to me and says, "You were a fucking virgin and you didn't tell me. Not only that, but you deliberately lied to me. How the fuck am I supposed to trust you?"

"You're right. I did lie to you, but it doesn't matter anymore." I wipe a tear off my face and continue. "It's like you said. Twas just a shag. So like after any normal shag, I'll leave," I say and start to walk away from him. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Liam asks me and I turn my face towards him. "Where I go is not in our contract. Not that it's any of your concern, but I'm just leaving my captor's entrapment." I cooly say and turn my face away as I bite back a sob. I continue marching towards the exit as I sway my hips with intent.

"Oh really? And with what clothes?" Liam ask all too cockily and add, "And with what money?" I reach the doorknob and turn it. "I have my ways, you wanker. And as for the contract, I'm sure we both mutually agree to end it," I say with my head looking back at him before walking out. Liam scoffs at me and replies with, "Of course. If you think otherwise, you're better off working elsewhere."

I nod my head at him and walk out closing the door behind me. I go downstairs and look for my dress from the club in the sitting room. As soon as I reach the sitting room, I hear banging and shattering coming from upstairs. Right above me, he moves to do God knows what, but it's not my concern. Ignoring his outburst, I put on my lacey dress and search for my heels. 

After I'm ready, I head towards the entrance door. I walk without regard, yet take every step with purpose. I reach the door, open it, and look behind me. I recall all of the events that went on these past few days. I can feel myself being affected by the reminder, so I hastily step out of his flat and walk away without looking back.

Wednesday Morning

I'm filing through a new set of applications for our openings. I categorize the stack of paper into three separate branches: Financial Secretary, CFO PA, & Advertising Executive. When I'm done with that, I count the number of papers in each stack before arranging them atop one another. Content with my work, I gather all other papers pertaining to these applications and add them to the pile.

I stand up from my desk and groan slightly at the trivial pain I still feel in my core. I adjust my pencil skirt before grabbing the stack of papers and make my way over to the side filers next to Richard's office. I count off the first section of miscellaneous sheets and open the designated drawer. I place them in their slot and move on to the next section of the sheets. Struggling to keep the pages straight, I place most of the sheets on top of the side filer. I check to see which sheets don't belong and add them back to the pile.

I repeat the process over again several times, each time pushing the sheets atop the side filers slightly further back. It isn't until the last section of sheets that I struggle trying to reach them. I get on my toes and use my heels to give me an extra boost as I try to reach for my papers. A few hair strands fall out of place, and I do my best to ignore them. To my left, I hear the elevator open, but pay no mind as I try to reach the sheets. Suddenly, a body comes up behind me and hands me the papers with ease.

"Thank you!" I say enthusiastically as I turn around and meet the face of my helper. To no surprise, I'm met with Thomas, Richard's secretary and my work best friend. "Anytime gorgeous," he quirkily replies as usual and I smile up at him. A clearing throat makes us snap our heads in its directions. Why I am not surprised to catch him here at this moment?

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