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"What the fuck do you mean by 'I'm not shagging you without the help of some good liquor'," I yell at him. "Simple. I won't sleep with you without another round of strong drinks. Trust me. It'll be more entertaining for both of us this way. " he says as he pours himself quite the glass.

I watch him take a seat on the sofa and takes a big sip of his scotch. Fuming, I walk over to him and snatch the scotch from his hand. Before he can grab it from me, I drink the rest of it. I exhale proudly when I finish it and place it on the coffee table. "The hell woman?" He shouts at me.

"I'll show you how fun I can be Liam," I say while raising my dress to my waist, peeling off my knickers, and straddling his waist. He makes no move to stop me and I guide my hands up from his lower abdomen all the way up to his chest. I look him in the eye and whisper timidly, "I've never done this before." He grabs my wrists and says, "Then don't." I shake my head at him and guide a captured hand to his face. "But I want to. I'm finally brave enough to do it." I tell him.

He nods at me and I feel the same heat from before warm my flaps. I roll my hips against his bulge and I see him close his eyes as he leans his head back. I smirk at his reaction and roll against him again. I can see him squeezing his eyes shut and his hands let go off my wrists.

I move my hands to his shoulders as I grind against him harder until I finally hear him groan. He cups my arse with both hands and I gasp. "More," he grunts at me and I oblige. He lifts his head up with open eyes and suddenly removes his hands from my arse. He looks me in the eyes regretfully, and I refuse to end this here. I don't want to stop, so I grab his hands and place them on my breast. I squeeze my breast with his hands and moan while I rockl my hips against him.

Without breaking eye contact, I use more force with every circle I make against him and move one of his hands to my arse again. When he finally gets the message, he starts grinding with me in his chair. I hear him moan below me and I melt. "Liam," I breathlessly whisper in a groan. He growls at me and takes ahold of my face as he forces a snob.

I don't fight back this time and wrap my arms around his neck. His hands lower to the hem of my dress and slowly lift it past my chest. We break our kiss as we look each other in the eye as he lifts off my dress and tosses it to the side. I put his hands back on my body, placing one on my breast and the other on my arse. His eyes darken with lust, but I can still see the hesitance in his eyes. To prove my persistence, I unclip my bra and slowly peel it off of me as seductively as possible.

I remember reading a hotline in a book and decide to follow in its footsteps. I lean into his ear and breathlessly whisper, "Touch me, Liam. I want you so bad." I roll my hips to further prove my point. I grab the hand that's on my breast and guide it towards my bean. I stop right before to ask. "I'm so wet for you. Can't you tell?" I grind and put his digits on my wet folds. "Can't you feel my body calling for you?"

I back away in time to see his features harden as he moves his hands off my body. Suddenly, he grabs a much too firm hold of my waist and forces himself to still. Untouched and all hot n bothered, I undo my ponytail and shake my head. My unruly hair falls past my shoulders shielding part of my breast. He still hasn't moved and I'm starting to become discouraged.

So, I take one hand and fondle my left breast with it. While the other, I prepare to do something I've never done before. I insert two fingers into my mouth and slowly pull them out. Liam's grip on my waist tightens even more and I softly smile at him. My right-hand travels down my body before reaching my soaked folds. "If only these were your fingers. I bet they'd do great things to me," I tease before shoving my digits inside my bean.

I enter my fanny slowly as I spread myself with the help of my fingers. I gasp at the movement, and momentarily break my gaze with Liam. When I reopen them, I start to slowly wank myself off in front of him. Within seconds of curling my fingers inside me and thrusting them, I start moaning. "Ahh! Liam," I say slightly breathless all the while fondling my breast.

"Yes. Liam! " I shout as I imagine that these are his digits pleasuring me. "Oh, God. Right there. Uhh!" I groan as I try to open my eyes. Through hooded eyes, I manage to look at Liam. I can see him fighting himself, so I decide to make his decision easier. "I love it when you touch me there. You know just how I need. Just how I want it." His face tightens, yet still, he makes no move to touch me.

I start grinding myself against him as I wank off. "Fuck! Harder Liam, harder," I say while keeping his gaze and wince in pain when his nails dig into my waist. "I'm yours to tame and master." Liam's grip on my waist intensifies so much that I halt my actions to recover from his merciless grip. That'll definitely leave a mark.

I feel my orgasm reach me after a few more thrust and unravel before him as I scream his name. I thought I heard him moan as I reached my peak but I can't be sure. I collapse onto him as I try to regain my breath. I can't believe I just had my first orgasm. In front of him, my boss's brother, but I want him badly. Now this made be the scotch talking but I want him to feel the same lust I feel.  I breathe profoundly until I can make sense of what's going on. Liam's hands are now back on my arse as they tightly grip me. He clenches my cheeks with so much force I yelp in pain.

"Liam?" I breathe into his neck, "Why won't you touch me? I thought you wanted me," I wait a while for an answer but to no avail, he remains quiet. I look away. I look at anything but his face as I feel a rush of sorrow and shame come my way. I feel tears threatening to escape my eyes, so I try to get off him. His hands instantly move to my waist as he slams me down against him.

I gasp at his brutality and look him in the eye. He forces my body against his chest and speaks. "What makes you think I don't want you badly?" He dangerously asks me. "Do you know how much self-control it took me not to fuck you right here? To not bend you over, and shag you till daybreak. Do you not realise how much of a turn on that was? DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW MUCH I WANT YOU? How much I've wanted you since I've met you?!" He shouts at me and I try to back away.

"Then why don't you touch me?!" I cry and a tear escapes. He cleans it off before looking down with a heavy sigh. "Because the moment I do, I won't go easy on you. I won't let you leave easily either. I'm into some weird things most people consider dangerous." I close my eyes and look down. His right-hand leaves my waist and I feel him replace it on my face. "Look at me," he pleads, but I shake my head.

He breathes and tells me again. I open my eyes and try not to cry. "If I were to fuck you, I'd tie you up and whip you. Your body would be marked by my kinks. I'd use all my toys on you and leave you sore for days. I'd make you please me any time of day because that would be your purpose. To please me and only me. Orgasms would be your only reward. Outside of sex, you'd be nothing more than a coworker and I know you're looking for a happily ever after. I'm not that happily ever after, because I am not a fucking prince. I'm no ones fucking prince," he states with such fierce promise of what's to come and it only turns me on even more.

I remain silent and rub off all the escaped tears off my face. "Do you honestly think I don't want to sleep with you?" he asks in a hurt tone and I nod my head. "If you didn't think I could handle it, then why did you invite me over? You could've let the remise take me home, but you chose to bring me here. You brought me here to pleasure you and so I shall because I can handle it." I say with determination. 

"I've never wanked off before and I did. I've never even reached an orgasm and I did today. I've never kissed anyone with such raw passion till I kissed you. So fuck off with your lame excuses you minge! Just say you want Brooke and I'll get it, but don't fuck with me just because you didn't get her."

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