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Liam's POV

Saving her. Finding out about her & Kyle. Seeing her broken down and beaten. Taking her to the hospital.

I gain my composure as fast as I can and get back to work. It's not long after that I hear another knock on my door. "Come in," I yell and the door opens. Francis walks in with a smirk on his face and I narrow my eyes at him. "What the fuck do you want now?" His smile only grows as he pretends to be insulted by words, and says, "Why I want nothing. You, on the other hand, want something I now have."

"What could you possibly have that I would want?" I ask daring him to test my patience. He looks down at me with a wicked smile and hands me his mobile. I eye him before taking the cell away from him and looking at it. My face instantly drops as a picture of V tied up to a chair is presented to me. She was in my office nearly half an hour ago. "What kind of sick joke is this?" I boom at him as I stand up from my chair. He laughs at me in mockery and shakes his head.

"Now you & I both know I keep to my word," he says as he walks closer to me. His only shield being my desk and debate whether killing him right now would be too kind. "When I said I'll have her, I meant it," he says before raising his hands with pride, "After all, I am Erick Williams." "Where is she?" I growl as I grind my teeth. Erick plucks his cell from me and smiles. "Where she is will be revealed to you within minutes of her waking. If anything happens to me while I'm in here, that baby of yours will die and so will she."

I slam my hands down against my desk and it causes Erick to jump swiftly. "The brutality. Mmm. I love it!" he exclaims as he bites his lip in mocking seduction. "It's too bad you didn't take my earlier offer, Liam. We could've been great partners together," he coos before looking out the window. "I'd never work with the likes of you," I spit and he laughs. "Father may have been a fool when he offered to raise you, but I'm not him. I won't let you take anything else from me you son of a bitch."

He rolls his eyes and cast me an uninterested gaze before looking elsewhere. "There's a reason your mother left you!" I shout and he smirks, "It's because you're still a bastard. You took her last name because father didn't want you to have ours." His smile fades entirely and is instantly replaced with a deep scowl. Good. Now he knows how it feels. "At least I'm not the knob that had the indecency to impregnate a virgin who was already claimed by another man," he bites back and I stand there indifferent to his words.

"You only wanted her cause I did. Isn't that right, brother?" he asks me with a twisted smile and I meet his gaze. "Half brother and I wish you'd never existed." I fold my arms across my chest and show him how serious I am. He lightly scoffs to himself and goes back to staring out the window. "You just had to stick your cock in her knowing how I felt about her that night, didn't you?" he questions in a pained manner. "Let's call it even, shall we? You took my sister's life, and I took your next toy."

"You'll never let that go," he yelps and turns to face me. "I already told you, I didn't mean to kill her. She was my sister too!" he shouts and I shout back. "No! She wasn't." I walk around my desk and he stays in place. "She would've never even followed you that night had you not been drinking and pimping out your used toys." "Oh ho ho no!" Erick laughs sickeningly at me as he retorts with, "You can't possibly be one to judge when you've done worse." I narrow my eyes at him and lower my self to his eye level.

"Keyword being done. As in, past tense." His scowl only grows and I look at him with equal hatred. "I did the things I had to do to take care of all of us. The ONLY one who knew the burdened I carried was her and you killed her!" I shouted and tears began to form in our eyes. "You killed Olivia just like you've killed are all your other toys after you reap them of their worth," I spit at him and I see the rage in his eyes. "Olivia shouldn't have been out that night anyway," he defends meekly, but his posture remains unyielding.

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