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When we arrive at Liam's flat, he pays the remise and I wait a few meters away. God, it's cold outside and the temperature keeps dropping. The alcohol's leaving my system and I don't understand why I thought it would be a smart idea to go clubbing without my mobile or cash.

I see Liam headed my way, and guides me towards his door. We're both freezing, but I'm the only noticeably shaking. When he finally unlocks the door, we both rush in and are met with slight warmth. "Damn it. I didn't turn on the heater." He scolds himself as he leaves me by the entrance to turn it on.

All the lights in his flat are still off and the only light we have is coming from the night sky. Not a second later, I hear his heating system turn on. I see him turn the corner and come my way. He stops a few steps away and flicks on the light. I blink several times to adjust to the light and take in my surroundings.

We're in his sitting room and there's minimal furniture. The sofas may have cushions and a blanket or two on them, but instead of the space feeling cold and distant, it's filled with warmth. The walls are light brown while the sofas are a light grey. I know I shouldn't be here, especially when I'm starting to catch feelings for my boss's brother.

"Want a drink?" Liam asks cooly. "Yes," I respond instantly and realise how haste that was. He nods and walks towards his dry bar. I sit down on the sofa and watch as he pours a dark liquor into two glasses and then walks over to me. I thank him while grabbing my drink and bite my lip. Abruptly, I say while getting up, "Maybe I should go."

"No," Liam states as he too gets up from his seat. Surprised, I ask, " Why not?" He drinks his scotch before placing it on the coffee table and walking towards me. "With what cash are you going to call a remise? Hmm. Or perhaps you thought you'd walk in the cold and catch a disease?" He states as a matter of fact. Annoyed by his smart arse reply, I walk the rest of the distance between us and speak up for myself.

"I can walk in the cold if I very much, please. You can't tell me what to do. You don't own me nor am I a child, so don't talk to me as if I was." I spit. He smirks down at me and says, "Really? Funny. From this height, I couldn't tell the difference." Offended by him, I rapidly drink my scotch to prove a point.

I slam it onto the coffee table and look him straight in the eyes. "No child can drink scotch," I say and poke him in the chest. "Just because I'm shorter than you doesn't mean, I'm a fucking child you fucking fanny." I poke him again and keep telling him off. "Why do shitfaced arseholes like you think they can keep fucking around all these sluts as if no one notices. I fucking notice!" I shout in his face and make no move to bugger off.

"Instead, I have to sit there in that office every day and see you all acting like fucking children fucking one another. So if anyone's a child, it's you, Mr. Randy. We've all seen you whoring around," I puff out my chest and take in a deep breath. I'm pissed beyond thought. I feel the room's temperature rising and it isn't because of his heater.

After a minute of silence, Liam finally speaks up. "If you just wanted to get your end away you should've just said so." He casually tells me and I grunt in anger. "I don't want to be legged over you fucking wanker!" I shout at him. "Oh really?" He questions me. Before I can say anything else, he grabs me by the arm and pulls me against his chest. "Then let's see how you respond to this." He states and starts kissing me.

At first, I'm caught off guard, but I quickly realise what he's doing. If I break away, he'll be right, but if I don't, then he'll be wrong. So I kiss him back but with more intensity as I wrap my arms around his neck. I bite on his lower lip to show him how far I'm willing to go to prove my point and he keeps his mouth closed.

I groan and stop kissing him as I try to pull away, but he tightens his grip around my waist and laughs at me. "A kiss means nothing if you can't back it up," he tells me daringly. "Oh, I'll back it up, mate. Question is, can you keep up?" I retort and he smirks down at me. He connects our lips again and bites my lower lip with a slight tug.

I open my mouth and let his tongue enter my mouth. It's been a while since I've kissed anyone but I try to remember what I did then. At first, our tongues collide in an unruly manner before dancing together with one another. I don't remember any of my previous kisses feeling as grand as this, but I sure as hell don't let him know that.

We keep snogging him until I feel him roll his hips against mine. I freeze, breaking our kiss and shut my eyes tightly. I didn't expect that. I didn't expect any of this. Liam starts trailing kisses down my neck as he rolls his hips against me once more. A soft moan erupts from my throat before I even process it. I lean my head back to give him more access and he nibbles on my neck. I moan once more.

I feel him smile against my neck and start getting lost in the feeling. Simultaneously, he kisses my neck while grinding himself against me. It feels so good I have to force myself not moan again. But the fact that I'm denying myself this physical pleasure, makes me groan aloud, therefore encouraging him on.

Liam displeased with my reaction towards him, ceases all action and guides us toward a wall. He grabs both of my wrists in his hands and raises them above my head. I can't move and I'm too horny to. I wince a little at his force but look up to meet his gaze. "Tell me you don't want this," he challenges me with his words with a roll. "Tell me you don't want to feel my dick inside you."

I gasp at his crude words and try to find my voice. No one's ever spoken to me like this and I'm not sure how to behave. "Tell me or I swear to the God I'll stop leaving you high and wet." He threatens and I whimper in response as he rubs against me. Unable to speak, I try to move my hips forward and to have him touch me again. He smiles down at me and pins me with his body against the wall.

"Use your words, Vanessa," he says and I shut my eyes. I bite my lip to try and fight this lustful hunger within. I feel his nose tease my neck and I stay still. He then goes back to kissing my neck in the same spot as before and bites it harder. I hiss in pain which quickly turns to pleasure, but say nothing. "The things I could do to your body if you'd just let me touch you," he whispers as he puts both my wrists in one hand.

He lowers his left hand down my body and raises the hem of my dress. Stopping in front of my knickers, he runs his digits down my clit and I jerk. Refusing to open up my eyes, I heavily breathe his name. I don't need to see his face to know he's already smiling in victory as his gentle assault continues. "You' know you're quite wet for someone who doesn't want me to shag them." He coos softly in my ear.

In frustration, I grunt out, "Please Liam." "Please what Vanessa? Please do this?" He questions as he goes back to kissing my neck while rubbing his fingers against me. I squeeze my eyes tighter than before and whimper. "Please stop?" he mocks and ceases all actions. I open my eyes and take a breath. I try to get my hands out of his grip, but fail. His teasing then continues but now with more force. I can feel an orgasm growing within me by the second and I know he feels it too since his actions come to a halt.

"Please fuck me Liam," I breathe in defeat. At that, he smirks at me, and let's go of me. He stands up straight and shakes his head. We stare at each other for a minute before he walks away. "What the hell was that for?" I shout at him in anger. Like hell, I'm being blue balled.

"Pass mate. I'm not shagging you without the help of some good liquor," he says calmly.

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