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Liam's POV

Sirens can be heard from afar and I accelerate back towards the main road. "I'm glad you tied him up," Kyle chimes and I stay silent. "Bastard deserved it after the hell he's put us through. Yet, you know there's a chance Erick could still get away with all of this." I glance down at the wheel before looking ahead. I hope to God there's not. "I can't wait until I get my chance to punish him," he chirps and I sigh heavily. Staring distantly at the road, I say, "You won't get the chance."

"Why? Why did you even let it get that far?" I ask with a tired breath while dropping the previous topic and looking at my best mate. He looks dead ahead with a nonchalant expression. "I... I won't lie to you, Liam," Kyle says before turning and facing me as I drive down the road. "I wanted her and I thought you were just protecting her like all your other "investments". I didn't know she actually meant anything to you. I thought she was just another lay, one of your pets, but then I met her." My face remains calms, but my hands grip the wheel. From my peripheral vision, Kyle faces the road again and continues. "I wanted to feel what her body felt like against mine. To hear her moan my name in pleasure. To make her cum-" I cut him off by pulling the car over and slamming on the brakes.

"If you ever speak-" "Liam, at least-" Kyle interjects, so I speak even louder. "IF you ever speak that way about her again, you'll be dead mate." Kyle's eyes lose their glow as they drift towards the floor. "Li-" "Wasn't it enough with Olivia? You broke my little sister to pieces. You took her virtue! You treated her like one of them. I won't let you do that with her. Vanessa's mine! Olivia was enough." He shakes his head gently, as it gradually fastens, before reaching a halt. "No," he booms, "I'm not letting you stake a claim on her, because she's pregnant with your child. Screw it. I'll fight you for her. We both know I'm the better match for her!"

"Fuck off you wanker! Wasn't my sister enough for you or was your love for Olivia a lie?... My family and their vocation have nothing to do with this," I hiss looking him in the eye. "Oh, but on the contrary. What will Vanessa think when she finds out you basically run a malignant whorehouse?" Kyle cocks with his head. "I highly doubt she'll want to be near a man like you." I relax at his words and smile back at him. "And what makes you think she'd want the man that forced these girls into submission. Moreover, did the same to my baby sister." Kyle's daringly narrows his eyes at me. "Sooner or later, she'll find out. Might as well let her in on the dirty secret while we've still got her around." I grind down on my teeth as I take a breath. He has a valid point. She'll find out and I'd rather she find out from me.

"Fine. I'll tell her the moment she's awoken and alone with me. From then on, she can decide how to live her life," I state leaving no room for argument as I extend my hand out towards my mate. "After the hell, we've been through and created, we both know she'll never really be left alone by anyone again." He stretches out his hand and clasps it against my own. "You'll be controlling her every move regardless of what she decides. Won't you?" Kyle asks with a whimsical smirk. I grin back at him while shaking his hand. "You know me too well, Kyle. I assume you'll be threatening any men she hopes to create a future with." "Indeed," he replies as he severs our hands, "She'll never be able to forget about us. She'll die trying."

I retract my hand and swallow the contents of my dense throat. "Alright, but know that I will never think of you like before," I reply and he knowingly smirks at me. "I would hope not, dearest friend of mine. Otherwise, I'd think you're going soft on me," he states while adjusting himself in his seat. "Don't tell me a baby could possibly make you think about settling down with someone. Besides, you said marriage is for those in love, and we both know you aren't in love." I chuckle apathetically at him and respond indifferently with, "Yeah, but I won't let my child be born a bastard." I look back at the road and see the road to be vacant enough to allow me to continue travelling. "We should start heading back to the hospital," I say and pull on to the road.

"You positive you haven't taken a fancy to such a plain girl? She's not your usual pet." Kyle asks me in his odd accent and I nod. "You'd be the first to know if I was," I reply and instantly regret the words that escaped my lips. He really would be the first to know out of the two of us, but for fuck's sake, Vanessa's carrying my child. My one chance at starting a new life outside of the chaotic world I came into. One where I wouldn't have to worry about maintaining the family business or taking care of father's messes or even dealing with petty fucking twits to deal with simple problems. Life could be so simple and clear, but people keep choosing to make it so fucking messy. "Maybe in another life," I mutter to myself in my mind.

As I start to get out of my head, I notice the hospital's within sight. Kyle doesn't say a word after my reply and I make no move to interrupt the silence. "I'm just going to pop in and make sure V's safe, after that, I have to get back to work. I know I'm quite behind on work as is," I tell myself as I park the car in the car park of the hospital. "Besides, it's not like she's going anywhere. Father's not going to take away a girl he's not interested in, and Richard's far too invested in keeping Erick gone for good to do anything stupid." I park and hop out without saying a word to Kyle as I make my way towards the entrance door. "Breathe Liam," Kyle tells me and I throw him a judgemental gaze. "I am," I shortly respond and he huffs out a breath. "If you were, I wouldn't be saying otherwise, jackass."

I shake my head at him with a smile and take in a deep breath. I reach the door and enter the hospital with Kyle only a step away. I take in yet another breath, yet this one comes out jittery and uneven, unlike my last. "Why am I nervous?" I ask myself as I make my way towards the lift. "V's fine and my son's still alive, so what's there to be worried about? Nothing. So, why are my palms sweating and my breathing uneven?" I hop aboard the first lift that opens and go to the third floor. I wait until after Kyle boards and the mirrored doors start to close to say aloud, "I'm coming for you." As the lift's doors shorten the gap between them, I see my reflection and deviously smirk at myself. This story's far from over and we've only just begun.




Uni has just begun and it's off to a great start. I plan on having time to work more on my writing, but for now, this is the end. Can you believe it? WE've reached the end. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
















Or... is it over yet? Is this really the end? I guess you'll just have to wait and find out. Till Next Time or Novel, Sleep Well & Read On!

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