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I feel the tears in my eyes threatening to escape and I make a dash for it. I speed past his secretary and towards the lift. On my way there, a security officer stops me.

"Ma'am," he says, "I'm going to need you to follow me." I nod my head and follow him to the lift. Upon pressing the button, the lift doors open and I go inside. I don't notice what's going on around me; all I notice are how hot tears cascading down my face as I regrettably choose to accept my new reality.

Why did I have to get drunk that night and have sex? Why did I need some liquid courage to help me talk to Richard? Why couldn't I have just admitted my feelings towards him at the club? Why did I end up going home with Liam? Why did we go for several rounds before I told him to stop? Why did I end up loving the feeling of waking up naked wrapped in his arm? Why?

I sobbed and sobbed as I tried to make sense of my mistakes. My greatest mistake. The one night which liberated me in so many ways, yet trapped in so many more.

When the lift doors open again, I'm escorted past Samantha's desk and out the front door. The man's hand guiding me on my back didn't occur to me until I was about to board a remise. "It's not necessary sir," I say as I stop before boarding. "Ma'am. It wasn't a request," he says almost threateningly and I back away. "I already have a ride," I try to say, but he grabs me by my arm and forces me inside.

I start to shout and kick, but his strength overpowers me as he forces me into the remise. Inside the cab, two similarly dressed men sit in the front. One ginger, and the other, a brunette. The moment the officer hops inside and locks the door, the driver looks at him through the mirror and he nods. We drive off in a crazed manner and I know better than to fight. I've seen movies and read enough stories to know better than to fight my abductor if he's stronger than me.

My anxiety gets the best of me and I begin to ask questions. "Can you put on some music? Please." Nothing is said by the men, yet the sound of someone moving is heard from my left. I turn to look and see the officer lunging at me. He wraps his arm around my neck and puts me in a choke hold. I try to fight him, but it's of no use. I flail my legs around as I try to slip out from his grip. Inevitably, the scenery around me starts to haze as I drift farther and farther away from consciousness until I'm asleep.


I blink my eyes several times as I wake up. I try to rub my eyes with my hands, but find them to be restrained behind me. I close my eyes tightly as I adjust to the light in the room, and open them when I feel right. The room I'm in looks to be apart of an abandoned building. There's a white door in front of me and no windows on the walls.

I can't tell where I am, but all I know is that I don't want to be here. I look down and notice my clothes are still intact. I look around and notice I'm tied down to a wooden chair. There's a rope wrapped around my waist, arms, and legs, and I try to wiggle out of my restraints. It's to no use.

The door opens with a creak and I look dead ahead in a frigid state. To my surprise, Mr Jackson comes out of it. He looks quite pleased with himself as he looks me over with an undressing grin. I'm cloaked in distaste as I stare back at him. "Glad you recognize me, Vanessa," he says as he walks to the side of me and is followed by a man who brings in another chair. It's the ginger passenger from the cab and he places the chair before me, before walking out.

My eyes drift back to Mr Jackson and I watch him walk over to me. "You know," he says as holds his chin in his hand, "It's such a waste to not be able to use your body in the ways I had planned." He looks towards me and then instantly shakes his head as look back towards the door. I bite down on my jaw and wait for his next move. "Oh well," he exclaims and walks over to the chair, "Guess we'll, just have to make do."

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