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"I want to be inside you next time I cum," Liam tells me and I'm shocked. I bite my lip but nod my head at him. I reach his lips and snog with him for a bit before letting him flip us over. Now I'm on top. I remember what I did the last time I was on top and decide to follow in my knackered self-footsteps.

I undo by bun and roughen up my hair. Seductively, I take off Liam's shirt and toss it. I place my hand over his pectoral tattoo and bite my lip. I place both hands on his lower torso and smile up at him. I'm actually doing this. I take a breath and lift myself off him. With one hand, I guide his pulsing dick into my entrance and slowly glide down him. I wince in both pain and pleasure as I take more of him.

I use my hands on his torso as help when lifting myself out of him. I go down on him again and this time we both groan. I come back up proudly knowing I went slightly farther down the second time. I grunt once more the third I lower myself onto him. Up and down I go, working my way towards a faster tempo. Eventually, I feel I'm not going deep enough to satisfy myself. "Liam," I breathlessly say while I look at him through hooded eyes, "Can you help me go down farther?"

His face radiates pride towards me and he grabs ahold of my hips. Together, we go faster and deeper as I feel an emotional connection start to form between us. I feel myself clench around him as my cum cloaks his length. With only a few more pumps, I can feel my orgasm hit me. "Look at me," he orders and I force my eyes open. At the sight of him gliding me up against his erect self, I claw at his stomach to hold back my incoming orgasm.

I scrunch my eyebrows together as I try so hard to not cum just yet. "Don't hold it back V," Liam coos at me before sliding me back down. I cum undone above him, and my arms lose their strength. Therefore, collapsing on him as I let my orgasm flow through me. I feel him move my hair to the side as I take deep breaths.

After a while, he speaks up. "Are you strong enough to let me finish shagging you?" Unable to speak, I look him in the eye and nod my head at him. I manage to slightly lift myself off and give him access to my body. He grabs my hips and starts ramming me down on him in slow, authoritative thrust. At the feel of another orgasm coming my way, I close my eyes and ride him as he cums in me.

"Oh fuck!" I say to myself at the feeling of me pumping his iron. "LIAM!" I soon shout as I let my body turn to numb in pleasure. I lay on his chest with his dick still inside of me, as I wait out my wave of pleasure. Minutes pass, yet Liam makes no attempt to move me. "Want to try it with the gag next?" he teases and I instantly feel energized. I reach across the bed and grab the ball. I straddle him and hand the red gag to him.

He motions for me to open my mouth and I do so. He ties the gag around my face and secures it on my mouth. He pulls me out of him entirely and sets me to the side. Ouch! I watch as he gets off the bed and walks to the head of it. He signals for me to follow him and slide off the bed while ignoring the soreness I feel throughout my body.

I walk towards him and stop when I'm close to him. "Turn around and kneel before me," he demands with a darkened tone and feels my bean clench at his words. After inhaling, I do as such told and kneel. I hear him walk away and open a drawer before shutting it. I keep my head straight afraid of another spanking. Only when he grabs my wrist do I turn my head to the side.

I see a black leather cuff wrap around my left wrist. He pulls my arm behind me and grabs my other wrist to do the same. Slightly uncomfortable in this position, I make myself more comfortable but am yanked upwards. I look at Liam and watch as he drags me into his closet. "Are we going to bugger or something?" I try to ask calmly, but it comes out unintelligibly. He unlocks his secret sex room and we enter it.

Without pause, he guides me to a padded corner and bends me over on my knees. Although he didn't push me hard, I didn't prepare for the fall. My head hits the floor and I groan in pain as I press my face against the cold floor. He lifts my somewhat throbbing head and ties a thick black collar around it. My neck and tied wrists become indirectly connected with the help of a bar. He then grabs my right foot and ties it down to the floor. My left foot is then guided all the way to another floor tie and tied up.

My legs are spread open and I know he has quite the view of my soft growler. "Remember the safe word, Vanessa. If I can't hear you, shake your body and don't stop until I have. If it becomes too much for you, let me know," he says in a caring manner and I feel my heart beat faster at his words. I nod my head at him in agreement and take a breath. At the feel of his hands on my arse cheeks, I clench them. Liam laughs at me and says, "Relax. Just think of all the pleasure you'll feel in a moment." I swallow as best as I can with the gag around my mouth and stiffen up when I feel his finger graze over my ring piece.

He continues rubbing my anus until I loosen up. I feel him place his bellend at my clitoral entrance and tease me for a bit with it. "Ready?" he questions me and I nod rapidly before changing my mind. He grips my hips tightly and rams his hard-on into me. I gasp in surprise as I roll my head back. Once he's inside me, just starts shagging me with intent.

I hear him groan and moan the more he pumps into me. Eventually, he takes his right hand and places it at the front of my vagina and moves his left hand to my ring piece (anus) once more. I feel another orgasm lurking in the shadows and I meet Liam's thrust. As he grinds himself against me, he plunges a digit into my anus. He sets two entirely different tempos as he finger fucks me and shags me from behind.

It doesn't take long before I'm done. "LIAM!" I scream muffled by my gag as I cum undone once more, but he keeps going. He pulls out his digit from within me and grabs my hips once more. He fucks me harder than he did when he was pounding Madison and another orgasm quickly follows my last. Liam finally slows down his thrusting and exits out of me.

"Fuck Vanessa. At this rate you'll become a sex addict," he hoarsely says as he removes the gag from my mouth, and I hear him walk away. Much too tired to move, I lean my head against the wooden floor and rest. I hear him touch something and chuckle to himself before coming back over. "Ever been fingered and flogged simultaneously?" he asks me and I can hear the smile on his face.

"What?" I ask in shock and swallow. I turn my head back to see his face but fail as my restraints keep me in place. He releases my feet from their restraints on the floor and glides his hands over my back. He stops in front of my tied wrist and undoes their restraints. He unclips the bar from my neck and flips me over. "First time for everything," he says before fixing me into position. "Liam, what are you about to do?" I question him with slight fear, yet mainly excitement. "I liked you better with the gag on," he tells me with a smirk and grabs it. The moment I see the gag in front of my face, I start shaking my head to try and fight him.

"No. I want to talk." I say whilst shaking my head. "And I don't talk during sex. We're not making love so shut up," he says as he tries to grab my chin. "I won't let you shag me unless I get to say and do what I want." He stops trying to reach for my chin and looks me in the eye. "We're already doing what you want, and you're already saying what you want. So stop saying shite and stay still.

I shake my head again and continue to dodge him. What can I say? I'm kind of a brat in bed. Tired of my fighting him, he pulls on my hair as he secures the gag on me once more. He releases my head to say, "That's better." He breathes and puts me back in place. "Now it's time to have some fun. 

I watch him grab the whip I held earlier and try to question him. "This is a flogger V. This is what I use to punish naughty girls like yourself," he says in a low tone and I feel myself get wet again as I bite my gag.

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