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Baby survives because it's protected by the pelvis. Too early on for a baby to die. It's roughly the size of a sweet pea.

Here's a website that explains more. https://www.thebump.com/pregnancy-week-by-week/6-weeks-pregnant


Liam's POV

My face is hidden behind my hands as I try to catch my breath. My hair's a fucking mess and I haven't eaten in the past 18 hours. I need to breathe. I must look insane as I rock back and forth waiting for any news. "Have a bite Liam. Vanessa needs you to be strong," Kyle chimes next to me and I snap at him. "You don't get to say her fucking name to me anymore," I bark as I stand up from my seat and look him in the eye. "You're the reason she's in surgery! You brought her to her death bed!" I shout at him with tears brimming my eyes.

"I thought I could trust you, Kyle," I mutter as I look back down at the ground and add, "But you're just like everyone else in my family. A disappointment." A sob escapes my lips and I go back to my seated position. I run a hand through my hair and think of what I'm going to do to Erick if she dies. He'll pay. They'll all pay for what they have done. I swear it on my grave.

"Mr Brickman?" a man calls and I throw him a murderous look. "What?" I bark and recognise he's a doctor. His eyes are wide as he swallows before talking again. "I'm Doctor Ardal Hassan. Mrs Brickman made it through surgery, but there were some complications," he says and I stand up towering over him. "She had some internal bleeding and is still bearing the child. We put her in a medically induced coma because I'm terribly worried about her health. Going through with the pregnancy means there's the possibility of death if she doesn't heal properly."

"Now, there are options," he continues to say, but the world around me fades. She could die if she has our child. Our baby boy. My face contours as I try to fight the pain this news brings me. I'm coming for you Erick and I won't stop until you're dead. With murderous intentions running rampantly around in my mind, I ask the doctor something important. "When will she wake up?" He looks taken aback for a second, before replying. "It's impossible to say. Each patient is different, but she's lucky to have even made it through. She's a fighter."

I chuckle at him and say, "That she is." I look past me and see my brother and Brooke walk towards me. "'Scuse me, Dr Hassan," I say and make my way over to my brother. "How's she doing?" he asks worriedly and I feel like ripping his head off. "Don't act like you even care about her, Richard." "I was the one that told him we should come and check on Vanessa," Brooke speaks and I look at her. "Why? I thought you two hated each other," I bite and she nods her head submissively. "I'm awfully sorry this happened to her Liam, but even I don't wish death upon her. Besides, she was the one that warned me about Mr Jackson. I mean, Erick."

I blink away my tears and take a heavy breath. "What do you mean?" "Before you fired her, she called me asking about your schedule, and told me to watch out for certain colleagues," she replies and I nod my head at her. "She then told me and we found a way to cut Erick out of the business, once and for all, with minimal damage to the company," Richard states and I sigh in relief. "What was the cost?" I ask as I try to build my composure up. Brooke looks down at the ground before meeting Richard's gaze and nodding at him.

"I sold the rest of my share to investors and put my flat up for sale," he mumbles and I want to fight him on this. "Are you insane?" I raise my voice and he shakes his head at me. "It doesn't matter. Erick's being forced out of the picture and the police are after him," Richard says and Brooke interrupts him. "He's also going to earn back his shares in time, and in the meantime, he's going to be staying over at my flat." Richard smiles up at her and I begin to feel like we might actually take Erick out of the picture once and for all.

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