2 - That Night At The Club

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I saw Richard smiling from across the table as he chatted the night away with our office tramp, Brooke. Who could've known that the leggy blonde girl with the fake boobs and arse would be the one to seize most of the men in our firm? Oh, that's right. I did because I was the one that warned Richard of her. 

He obviously ignored my warning and is now enjoying his time with her. I warned him three months ago. Now, I sit across from him in at his VIP table for our Thanksgiving After Work party. I watch as his light blue shirt and khakis change colour with the strobe lights in the club. 

Brooke's sluttly red dress leaves nothing to the imagination as she babbles on flirting with Richard. Every now and then he'll check her breast and smile up at her. Even now, he picks her over every other girl. Why couldn't I be gorgeous like her? Why couldn't I be the one people fought after?

Mikayla interrupts my thoughts when she sees Liam headed our way. His 6'3" figure struts our way like he owns the venue until he reaches his brother, Richard. "The man of the company is here. I hear he likes it dirty," she mingles in my ear. "Bugger off Mik. You know I'm not into him," I tell her dismissively. She smiles at me knowingly before saying, "Still doesn't mean he doesn't want to leg you over."

I shake my head at her and add, "You don't know that." "Well from the looks of it, he might want you more than you think," she hints at me with a smirk before turning away. Before I get the chance to ask what she meant, Liam shouts out my name.

I snap my head in his direction. Only now do I see the clothing difference between both brothers. I check out Liam's casual clothes since I've never seen him wearing a dark blue shirt with light washed trousers. He reaches his hand out to me and I'm snapped back into reality. "Want to dance?" he asks me in front of everyone.

Intuitively, I know all my colleagues are watching me, and in turn, I'm watching them. Specifically, Richard and Brooke. "I don't think my boss would like that very much," I shout over the bustling music and our distance.

In turn, Liam ask Richard for permission and Richard smiles at his brother. "Go have fun, Vanessa. You have to learn how to have fun otherwise you'll be alone," he comically shouted at me. A pang of pain hit me right in the chest and I meekly nodded my head. Fucking wanker. I looked back at Liam and nodded my head at him. "Let's go," I said while getting up.

I crossed the distance between us and grabbed his hand. His perfectly sized hand. I lead him as far as I could into the dance floor before loosening myself up. "You sure you want to dance? I can find someone else" Liam asked me with concern and it pissed me off. Why does no one think I'm fun?

"Just shut up and dance with me you minger," I say and grab two shots off a passing waiter. I swing them back and place them back on the tray. I cough a bit at the Jaeger I just drank and pull myself towards Liam. I wrap my arms around his neck and start dancing to the beat of the music. A few seconds later he starts dancing with me.

Liam guides his hand down my body and stops just right above my arse. He closes the space between us and I feel like melting in his arms. The Jaeger's working. His thigh rest in between my legs and the fire within me screams to be tamed. Overcome with lust, I started grinding myself against his thigh until I hear him groan.

I halt my movements realising what I've just done. We're in the middle of the dance floor. I'm somewhat knackered. I can't do this. He's my boss's brother. I could lose my job if Richard ever finds out. I need to leave, even if I don't want to.

Almost as if on cue, Liam grabs me by the waist with both hands and starts grinding himself against me. I toss my head back as I hold back a moan. I close my eyes with force, but not out of shame, but out of pleasure. I feel his growing bulge through my dress and instinctively try to close my legs. He lowers me down his thigh before slowly guiding me back up to his dick.

Unable to hold the heat I feel inside me, I moan and lean my head against his chest. I feel him chuckle and try to control my breathing. At this point, I've forgotten about the rules and get lost in this feeling. He lowers his hands to my arse and starts grinding against me once more.

The heat grows between us and so does my desire to feel him in me. Unconsciously, I grab his shoulders for support and grind myself against him harder than he has. I get to do this for a few seconds before he forces me off his thigh and wraps an arm against my waist.

Without saying a word, he guides me to the front of the club. When we reach it, he turns to me and grabs both of my shoulders. "Stay put," he hoarse says before letting go and leaving me in the crowd.

I feel a newfound sorrow come over me as I see his figure retreat into the raging crowd. Why does this feel like goodbye? No, perhaps goodbye is too strong of a word. Perhaps I'm looking for a phrase like till next time my igniter.

Suddenly, an arm wraps around me and I'm overcome with displeasure. "Let me buy you a drink sexy," the man says at me as I try to get him off me. He brings both arms around me and squeezes my body against his. His bulge is pressed against my rear and I freeze fearing the worst. "I know you want it." I feel like puking and know tears are growing in my eyes. I start scratching his arms and kicking his legs. "Stop fighting me you fucking whore," he shouts and I continue to fight him off. It only takes a second for his grip to loosen and I take my chance to run out of his arms.

Colliding into someone's chest, I try to apologize, but can hardly understand the words coming out of my mouth. It's only then that I realise I'm crying and trying to run. Run far away and never come back. The stranger wraps his arms around me and I somehow know I'm safe. I calm down a bit and look up.

"Liam," I breathlessly say upon seeing his face. His features harden as he stares down the disgusting being who tried to force me on him. He's my saviour. Liam's my hero, but here's the one thing I never liked about heroes. They always did the saving and I don't want to be saved. If only I could fight for myself, you'd see I'd never need to be saved by anyone else, but myself.

At the feel of Liam's hand guiding me, I follow. I just need to get away from this club. And I need another drink I tell myself we exit the club. The cold London air hits me and I thank the God I wore a long sleeve dress. It's cold enough to make me shiver aloud, so I'm guessing the temperature must around 13°C.

I look up at Liam and see him putting his phone in his pocket before reaching over to me and wrapping his arms around me. I take in his woody scent and feel instant warmer. His body providing mine heat from the crisp air until a remise comes an picks us up. "6-2 Wickham Cres," Liam tells the man and we drive off.

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