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The lift's doors open and I step out onto his floor. I walk past all the other employees who stare at me with shock as they notice my livid mood. "Ms Bane, what are you doing here?" one of Liam's employees ask me and I glare at them as I passed him. He instantly backs away with his hands in the air. I hear someone whistle from behind me, and I keep walking. "Damn. What can I do to have that tight ass bent over ready for me?"

"Fuck off wanker!" I shout at him as I head towards Liam's office. When I near Liam's door, his temporary secretary, Brooke, tries to stop me as she gets in my way. "I don't see you scheduled for an appointment with Mr Brickman, Bane." She smiles down at me and I give her the bitchiest smile I have ever given someone. "Do me a favour why don't you," I say and lean in a bit, "and fuck off for me will you?

Shocked at my words, she grabs me with force and I look up at her 5'10 figure. "Watch your words, Bane. I'm on the way to becoming the Mrs Brickman, so I'd be careful if I was you. They might just cost you your job." she spits venomously and I smirk up at her. "Go tell H.R. I'm sure I'll be more than happy to listen to your complaint." I spit back at her with a smile and release myself from her hold. Walking past her with determination and more anger and aggression than before, I hear some cheers spread throughout the office floor.

When I reach Liam's door, I open it with force not bothering to knock. I slam it shut, and walk towards him. He looks up at me and speaks, "What the bloody hell is wrong with you woman? Are you trying to get yourself fired?" I puff out a breath and slam my hands down on his desk upon reaching it. "I'm tired of your shit Liam. Treat me with the goddamn respect I've earned." I scold and he stands up from his chair while chuckling.

"You want me to respect you?" he asks and I nod my head as I fold my arms across my chest. "Funny you should say that when you whore yourself around this office." I gape at his words and he moves around his desk to stand in front of me."First off, close your mouth. It's impolite. Second, you don't barge into my office and tell me what to do. Third, you-" he tells me, but the ringing of his mobile stops him from finishing.

He grabs it and answers it as he glares daggers at me. "Yes, no everything's fine and under control." He breathes and I wait patiently. "No that won't be necessary Brooke. I've got her under control," he says and I feel myself wanting to snatch the mobile from him and cussing her out. "Yes. She's a wild one, but nothing compared to you. Trust me, Brooke, you're much more entertaining." I watch him say with a cheeky smile on his face and I can't help, but walk up to him and try to snatch the mobile from him.

Liam terminates the call and lifts his mobile to where I can't reach it. He laughs down at me as I struggle to reach with our height difference. Ignoring how close I am to him, I decided to jump up, but fail as my ankle bends and I fall on top of Liam. He wraps his arm around me protectively, as I collide into him. I grunt and press my hands against his chest to get up from him, but his grip on my waist doesn't allow me. I meet his gaze and he just stares into my eyes.

"Liam, I-" I start to explain but find no words fitting my thoughts. I break eye contact with him and look down as I bite my lip. All the anger I felt before vanishes into the air and the warmth I feel around him grew within me once more. He grabs my chin with his hand and guides me to meet his eyes. He rubs his thumb against my bottom lip, and I bite it. I watch as his eyes turn shades darker as they fill with lust.

I know mine match his own, and I try to hold back the heat within. "If only," he says before letting go of my chin. Bewildered at his statement, I question him. "What?" He breaks out of his trance and releases me as if I burned to touch. He looks down at his desk and whispers, "Get out of my office Vanessa." I stay still thinking this is some sick twisted game of his, but am proven wrong when his mood turns for the worst. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICE!" he shouts at me as he throws his penholder at the door.

Fear overcomes me, and I dash out of his office. The moment I'm out of his office, I hear him shout someone's name. A name I've come to detest and my blood boils. A name that ruins relationships left and right as they have their reckless fun. A name that belongs to a person who ruins the days of many men and women at this company. Her name is Brooke and she's the one he's calling for instead of me. The one he's shouting to come into his office this moment.

A tinge of pain comes from my heart as I watch walk past me with pride in her red dress. The moment she reaches the door, he yanks it open and starts making out with her in front of everyone. My stomach doubles over and I hold back the tears in my eyes. They retreat into his office with a slam and I flinch at the sound. I close my eyes and breathe before turning around. Everyone's eyes slowly drift from the door to me, and I clench my fists as I try to hold back my tears.

I walk past their pitiful gazes and make my way towards the lift. The doors open before I even get to press the button and I look around. Mykayla has already pressed it for me and I nod at her in thanks. Her sorrow written face sends me over the edge and a tear leaves my eye. Before allowing her the chance to question my emotional or mental state I board the lift. I watch as the doors close and press the lift to go down a floor. To my floor.

When the doors open back up again, I make my way to Thomas's desk. Upon reaching him, I drop to my knees and cry with my head and hands in his lap. "Shh Van! It'll be okay. Just tell me what's wrong." he coos at me and I shake my head as I sob onto his trousers. He pats my head as he lets me cry for a minute before interrupting. "Okay. We'll go home. Just let me tell Richard real quick. Stay here." He says and I nod at him as I stand up. 

Why did I could be different? Why did a part of me think I would be the one to help him see the good in him? Damn you fucking romance books & films! You always say love surpasses all, but that's not true. Nothing conquers all. Nothing at all. Yet, you can choose to fight for yourself or let life wash you away.

"Let's go," Thomas says and I nod my head, but remain still. He walks towards me as he bites down his pity and meets me with sorrow. He grabs my hand and guides me towards my desk before going to the lift. Everything around me slowly starts to go numb as my depression starts to sink in. I don't bother fighting it as I let it consume me whole.

The next thing I know, I'm in a cab, and we're being driven toward our flat. I say nothing throughout the ride, and get out as soon as we arrive. I move to pay, but Thomas has already covered it. I inwardly bite my lip out of guilt and walk towards our flat. I pull the keys out of my cagoule and unlock the door. I make my way in and Thomas runs in after me. 

"Will you be alright by yourself Van?" he asks genuinely concerned for me and I nod my head at him. "Yeah. I just need space, and more time off work." I breathe and look at the floor. "How much?" I shake my head and hesitantly say, "I don't know." I bite my lip and hold back the new rush of tears. "I promise you you'll see me back at work next week," I inform Thomas as I look him in the eye.

He wraps me into a loving embrace and he kisses my temple. "Please get better Van. You're practically my sister and it pains me to see you in so much pain," he tells me and I cough a cry. "I will. I promise I'll tell you everything when I'm ready." I say and look up at him. At the sound of a horn going off, I let go of Thomas and look at the cabbie. "Alright. See you tonight." Thomas says with one last hug before leaving me alone in our flat and heading back to work.

I make my way to the sofa and sit down on it. Silence surrounds me and I can't bear it. I turn on the telly and raise the volume as I try to drown out my own sorrows. Regret, envy, pain, and disappointment flow through me as I cry out my heart. Why does this hurt so much? I don't even find him that appealing personality wise. Much less love him. 

Why do I feel this hollowness in the pit of my stomach when I see him with Brooke? Why do I feel the void in my heart grow when I know I'll never be enough for him? I continue to question myself and I fall asleep while crying on my sofa.

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