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I wake up and feel an acute pain come from my core. Some of the events come flooding back in, but mainly the part where I lost my virginity. Shit. I wasn't waiting till marriage, but I always expected Richard to be my first time. Not Liam.

I look around the room and notice all the dark decor. Chocolate brown sheets cover my naked body as they match the walls around me. The furniture is all dark brown and I look around for any help to handle this pain. The bedside table beside me has a glass of water and a few pills next to it with a note. I hiss as I grab the note and open it up.

'I figured you might need this after last night, so I brought you some iBuprofen. Drink the entire glass of water and rest well. We'll talk when you feel better.'
- Liam

I start to wonder if he's caught on but decide against it. I'll deal with that bridge when I get there. I reach for the medication and toss them back. I drink some of the water and place the glass back on the bedside table. In far too much pain to do much of anything, I fall back asleep and let my dreams take over.

When I wake up again, I notice the sun's no longer shinning and my pain has minimised. Thank God! I look around the room and see two doors. I get up from the bed and walk towards the one I presume to be the bathroom. When I enter, I'm correct. A nightgown is placed atop the loo and the sink has toothpaste. I decided to take a quick shower and do my hair. While putting my wet hair in a side braid, I start to think about how many days are left of my vacation. If it's still Saturday, then I have three days left.

I hear a muffled sound come from within the house and I panic. I hastily put on my nightgown and step outside the bathroom. I hear the sound again, except this time it sounded more like a groan. I approach the other door and hesitantly open it after a few more noises come from the other side. I step outside and notice they're coming from the only other door in the upstairs portion of this flat.

"Yes!" I hear being somewhat shouted. "Again Master!" I hear a girl say as I near the white door. I hear more and more moans of pleasure coming from her and despite my common sense, I open the door. When I peak through the small crack I made, I see a girl tied up to Liam's bedpost with her pink arse sticking out. Her tall modelesque figure stands bent over waiting for Liam to ignite her flame.

I watch Liam run his hand down her back to her arse and stop. He takes off his hand and whips her with the other. She moans for him and my mouth falls ajar at the sight. "More Master," she pleads behind the curtains of her red hair. He whips her again but this time with more intensity. She cries out in pain and he grabs her by the waist and starts fucking her from behind.

Merciless thrusts are thrown her way as he rams into her like a beast. His naked body glistens even with the dim lighting and I wonder what he's been doing while I slept. I notice she's no longer moaning as she tries to take in his whole length. "You don't tell me what to do," he venomously spits at her before pulling out.

He walks to the bedpost she's tied up to and unties her from her bonds. He places the leather rope on the bed and walks a few steps away from her. "Tell me the rules again pet," he orders in a bored manner. She straightens her posture and regretfully repeats his rules. "Never tell Master what to do. Always say 'butterfly' if he goes to far. And most importantly, please Master whenever wherever and whichever way he wants."

He smirks proud that she knows his rules and points a digit toward his bulging dick. "Now suck me dry pet." He barks at her and she nods. She crosses the distance between them and gets down on her knees. She grabs his dick with her hand and puts it in her mouth. She starts bobbing him up and down as her hands cup his arse. Liam starts groaning after a couple of bobs from her before grabbing a fistful of her hair and taking over. Powerful, quick thrusts now replace Madison's slow bobs.

She struggles to keep up with his pace but keeps going on regardless. I watch as Liam starts to reach his peak, and opens his eyes through hooded lids. He clenches his jaw hard as I see him cum. It's only then that he sees me peeking through the door and sends me a deadly glare.

My eyes widen and I try to run, but my body becomes immobile. Liam pulls Madison's mouth out of his cock and forces her to look him in the eye. He breaks eye contact with me and orders her, "Get your clothes and get the fuck out of my flat. Quickly! I have some business to take care of." At his words, I don't even bother sticking around to see what happens.

I run into my bedroom and try to find someplace to hide. I scan the room three times and decided that it's hopeless. I hear soft footsteps pass my door and feel my heartbeat fasten. I close my eyes and pray he didn't see me, but alas, my door is yanked open seconds later and I'm met with a maddened Liam. He slams the door shut and an eerie silence follows. Neither of us moves.

Fear overcomes me and I make a dash towards the bathroom. I can't help the slight excitement that flows through me at the thought of being chased around by him. About to reach the knob, I feel him grab me by the arm and pull me against him. I meet his gaze and see how dark his eyes have become. "You shouldn't have done that V." He mockingly tells me as he guides us towards the bed. I feel my wetness slid down my thigh as I remember the sec we had on the sofa.

When my thighs collide with the mattress, Liam spins me around and pushes me down onto the mattress. He puts both my hands behind my back and holds them down with one hand. "Liam. Please. Don't." I try to plead with him in fear of what's going to happen to me. I don't want to be fucked from behind like Madison was. I feel him lift up my nightgown past my arse and fondle with my cheeks. I hear him tsk from behind me and feel his fingers slowly trail my thigh. "You better not cum," he says and my eyes bulge. "It's too bad I'll have to mark your virgin arse," he says and I wonder if he knew what I was before last night. Smack! I cry out in pain at the feel of his palm. "Count to 7 or they'll be more. And believe me when I tell you, that if you don't count, it'll only hurt more," he warns. Smack! I cry again and barely manage to say 2.

"Liam!" I cry out. Tears spill from my eyes at the third smack and I have to force myself to say 3 between sobs. Smack! "4," I weep. Smack! 5. Smack! 6. Smakc! 7. I sob in pain as tears cascade down my face. After he finishes spanking me, he rubs my arse softly. He continues rubbing my spanked arse for a minute before letting it go.

When he lifts me off the bed, I turn around and ignore my disheveld appearance. "Why Liam?" I cry as I hit his bare chest. "Why must you punish me for everything I do? Not just in bed, but even at work." I hit his chest again with more force this time. "You always go after me. Why? It's not fair." I shout up at him and keep hitting his chest with my fist. He wraps his arms around me and locks me in place. "Shhh V. You'll be alright." He coos as he rubs my hair and cradles my face in his neck.

After calming down enough, he guides me to my bed and lays down with me. He cradles my injured figure as we fall asleep in each other's arms.

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