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Saturday Night

I'm wearing my favourite X-large white sweater with a pair of leggings while watching one of my favourite films. My mobile rings next to me, so I pick it up. I notice it's an unknown number, and ignore the call. I go back to watching Old School. I'm at the part where Will Ferell takes a dart to the Jugular.

I laugh in both humour and mortification as Ferell crashes on the lawn, but my laughter comes to a swift end when my mobile rings once more. I notice it's the same digits from before. I ignore it yet again and continue watching my film. Yet again, the same number calls, so I pick it up. "Hello?" I ask in an agitated manner. "If I'd known that calling would've made you upset, I wouldn't have called," the voice says and I instantly recognize who it belongs to.

I swallow the moisture in my throat and breathlessly say, "Liam." I hear him chuckle at my shocked state and then speak. "We need to talk in person. Are you available right now?" Liam asks steadily, but I could've sworn there was a slight shift in his tone. "What? No. I'm in comfy clothes and I'm not changing out of them," I respond. At first, he says nothing. It's only after a moment that he says, "I'm coming to get you," and hangs up.

I look at my teli shocked by his words. "Liam, no! Liam? Hello?" I speak into my mobile and hear no reply. I bring my phone in front of me and notice it's back to the lock screen. "He can't be serious," I tell myself and look around the sitting room. I'd ask Thomas for advice, but he's on a date right now. I decide it's best to call Mik and ask her for her piece.

The ringing doesn't stop until she picks up. "You alright Van? It's almost 11 at night," Mik ask me upon answering. "Uhh yeah, it's just... I have a question." I hear rumbling on the other end followed by silence and then Mik's voice. "Ask away," she says utterly bored. Ignoring her tone, I ask my question. "If a guy says, 'I'm coming to get you,' what does that mean?" "Seriously Van," Mik remarks with a knowing attitude, "it basically means there's unfinished business between you two and that you might get lucky."

"Why do you ask? Has a handsome specimen twisted your knickers lately?" Mik asks me playfully, and I scold her. "No Mik!" I squeal and I hear her giggling to herself. "It was Liam," Is all I needed to say for her giggling to cease instantly. "What did he say exactly?" she asks me in an all too serious manner. "He said we needed to talk in person and if I was available right now. My refusal to change clothes somehow made his lucid brain take it as a comeover, so now he's coming to get me," I say within a breath.

"Listen to me carefully Van," she says before taking a breath herself, "you need to go brush your teeth right now." "What? Why?" I ask her bewildered. "Listen to me first and then do as I fucking say, alright?" Mik scolds with her motherly tone and I let her. "Brush your teeth, clean your room, and let's hope you're wearing something somewhat enticing underneath," is all she says before a noise in the background makes it hard to hear her.

"I've got to go Van. Lilly's woken up. Just do as I said and you'll be fine. Night," Mik says hurridly before hanging up. I place my mobile on the sofa and head to my bathroom. I brush my teeth as instructed and look at myself in the mirror. I fix my hair to were half of it's being held up by a clip and the rest is down before heading back downstairs. "He's not actually coming here. He doesn't even know where I live," I think to myself and settle on the sofa. I wrap my blanket around my feet and lean against a pillow for back support.

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