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Friday Afternoon

I'm waiting in the room for Dr Todd to come into the room as I sit patiently on the medical bed. I stare off at my trainers until I hear the door open. A man nearly twice my age walks and shakes my hand. "I'm Dr Todd. A pleasure to meet you," he says before taking a seat in front of me. "So it seems you're vomiting often, are suffering from fatigue, and have had some on and off discharge. Correct?" he asks looking back up at me.

I nod my head at him and clarify, "When I get sick, my illness tends to be worse than that of most." He nods his head accordingly and writes something down. "Tell me, have you taken any sort of medication for nausea you're experiencing?" he asks awaiting my answer. "Uhh... yes, but I'm not sure if it worked since I kept retching," I tell him and he nods his head once more.

"Any sort of discomfort recently," he asks as he motions around his body and meets my gaze. "Yeah, actually. My breast can get quite achy from time to time," I tell him and he jots something down. "When was your last cycle?" "My cycle?" I ask puzzled. "Menstrual cycle," he clarifies and I look at him oddly. "It's like I told the nurse, it hasn't been acting normally doctor. It's just some weird coloured discharge every now and again." He scrunches his eyebrows as if knowing something, but pays no regard.

"Any sexual activity? Drinking? Drugs? Smoking?" he asks me almost bored. "No. To all of them," I say at first but then correct myself. "I had sex about a month ago if that counts." He turns his head side to side and says, "It might. Depends on what's making you ill enough to be here." He writes down a few more things and stops to check everything.

Dr Todd gets up from his chair, takes my temperature, and checks my heart/lungs. "Gone anywhere for vacation?" he asks me and I shake my head. "Do you have a family doctor you normally go to Ms Bane?" he asks me as he retreats towards his seat. "Yes, but I haven't seen them in a while and you're close to my flat," I tell him.

"Alright. Well, we'll need to run some test and get you home," he says before getting up. "I'll get a nurse for ya and feel better," he tells me as he exits the room. Shortly after he leaves, a nurse comes in. "Name's Nurse Jasmine and I need to draw some blood," she says ever so sweetly. I fold up my sweater and do everything possible to pass the time and ignore the needle.

It doesn't take long for her to be done and send me out. I walk towards the receptionist and she tells me all I need to pay is eight pounds. I thank her and walk out. I head towards my flat and start my three-minute walk home. I check my phone for any notifications and see none. It's 1:45 and I'm quite famished. I check my bag for any pounds left and see I have just enough to buy myself a pizza & some dough balls from Pizza Express.

I arrive there and order my food to go. It doesn't take too long before I have my food and pay the frantic worker. I make my way outside and see Kyle nearby. "Oi! Kyle!" I call out and he sees me. He beams at me and heads my way. I meet him halfway and greet him. "How are you & what are you doing here?" I ask as we move to the side for other walkers.

"I'm well. Thanks for asking! Just checking out the city," he says with that thick American accent and I look at him oddly. "Yes, I get that, but why Chiswick?" "I live nearby. Right on Dolman Road," he inquires and I nod my head. "Oh fucking hell," I think to myself. "That's surprisingly close to where I live, innit?" I say and he nods his head. "Yeah. It's why I didn't mind taking you home that one night. You were reasonably close to mine," he chirps.

My stomach rumbles and I look down at it. "You hungry mate?" Kyle as mucking around and I throw him a knowing look. "Nah. Just holding a pizza for no fucking apparent reason," I reply. He laughs at me and I decide to start heading back home. "Hey. Wait up!" Kyle calls as he catches up to me. "How's work?" Kyle asks me with that cheery smile of his.

"Wouldn't know," I say as I look down at my pizza. "I was fired for not following..." I breathe out and finish my statement. "It's not important." Kyle nods his head knowingly and says, "That's funny. See that's not what I heard." I cast a gaze and he meets it. "I think we should talk. In private. There are some thing's you should know about," Kyle tells me and I nod my head at him.

"Let's go to mine," I offer as we continue walking down Chiswick High Road. "My flat's right over there," I say as I point to it with my hand. "Sounds good. After you my lady," Kyle comically bows. We remain fairly quiet for the rest of the walk until we reach my flat. Upon opening the door, Kyle helps me with my pizza as we get inside.

I walk over to the sofa, take off my coat, and sit down. I watch as Kyle does the same and places the pizza before us. "What did you need to tell me?" I ask. Kyle takes a breath and begins, "I know about you and Liam. I know how you slept with him a couple of times. And I know I might sound a bit insane right now, but" Kyle adds defensively as I scoff at him. "Insane? No. Creepy? Stalkerish? Yes."

"But, Liam's my best friend. The point is, people are after him. Bad people. And not just him anymore, but you too. He's turned into a fucking mess ever since-" Kyle starts but then suddenly ceases. "It doesn't matter. What matters is that you stay under the radar for as long as possible." "What are you going on about?" I ask worriedly. "If I know anything from being friends with Liam all these years, it's that you don't ask questions when you have nothing to gain from them."

My stomach grumbles again and I grab a slice of pizza. I get up from my seat and unapologetically walk away from Kyle. I take a bite out of my pizza. "You're not safe Vanessa," Kyle pleads and I turn around. "Not safe? Not safe from who?" I shout as I toss my arms about. "Look around Kyle. No one's after me, so you can both give it a rest." Angrily, I take another bite of my pizza as I stare Kyle down. His voice softens as it turns into a whisper. "You don't want to know."

Before I can reply, there's a knock on my door. Kyle's eyes widen a bit and he comes closer to me with a digit on his lips. "Tell me," Kyle whispers ever so quietly, "was anyone supposed to come to visit today?" "What? No." I start to say, but Kyle shuts me up with his hand. "Okay," he looks around the room and the knock is heard again. "Go hide in there and don't come out unless I get you."

I'm ushered into Thomas's room as Kyle forces me inside. Before closing the door, Kyle pulls out a gun from his trousers and motions for me to remain silent. Words no longer want to leave my throat as I'm paralyzed in fear. I'm surrounded in darkness and the knock is heard once more. I hear the front door open and with it, the clashing of sparring and some household items. It's not long after that I hear something heavy fall onto the floor and footsteps headed my way.

I retreat further into Thomas's room as his door begins to open. Kyle instantly sees me and yanks me upwards. I'm dragged out of his room and past my kitchen. It's only when we enter the sitting room that I notice a grown man's body lying on the floor. I gasp in shock, fear, and abhorrence. I didn't notice that Kyle had stopped touching me until something collided against my chest.

I look down and see it's my coat, bag and the dough balls I ordered earlier. "We have to move now or they'll find us," Kyle says as he stares me down. I watch as Kyle puts away his gun once more I stand there, motionless. Kyle grabs my arm again and yanks me through my flat. I manage to move my feet, but my eyes don't dare leave the man's body. His lifeless body.

A moment later, we're out of my flat and on the pavement again. "Act normal," Kyle whispers and I try to. I'm as stiff as a board as we make it all the way into his Ford. We climb in and he starts driving. Silence plagues us for a while as we leave West London and head towards upwards. "Don't you want to eat?" Kyle asks and the thought nauseates me. I shake my head and he adds, "Don't worry. we'll be there soon." "Where's there?" I ask. "Safety."


Sorry for the short chapter, but life happens sometimes, and I didn't have time to write.

Anyhow, who do you think these bad people are? 

What's going to happen to Vanessa and Kyle? What about Thomas or that dead guy's corpse?

I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Till next time. Smile on & Keep dreaming! XO

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