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Small Update. Consider it a gift, because it wasn't my original plan to even have a Christmas chapter.

I hope you're enjoying your Christmas.

Now, on with the story.



The tension between Kyle & I has faded. He was right when he said that I wasn't in my right mind when I kissed him. I wanted.., no, I needed someone to hold onto after seeing that man's dead body in my sitting room. I remember how perplexed I was when he asked if I was even remotely interested in him beforehand. My answer was obvious to the two of us because he ended any speculation right there and then.

"As I said before Vanessa, I'm not the one you really want to be with," he tells me as he grabs ahold of my hands. He looks down at the floor before looking back up at me with a judicious smile. "You don't love me. You love him." I rip my hands out of his hold and stand up. "I'm not in love Kyle," I nearly yell. I hear him chuckle and look him straight in the eye. "I. Do. Not. Love. Him," I menacingly say while lowering myself down to his level.

Kyle smirks at me and coos, "Oh. But you do and you know it." I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a breath. "Fine. What makes you think I'm in love with him?" I ask and sit back down in front of him. "Don't think I haven't heard you talking to Mik & Thomas about him nearly every night." He laughs to himself before adding, "What was it that you said the other night?" with a questioning look.

"Ah! Right," he snaps his digits and continues, "If only I hadn't shagged him, but then again, I really fucking enjoyed it." I gape at him and hit his arm. "You shouldn't even be listening to my private conversations you fucking wanker!" I scold. His smiles only seem to grow, so I hit him harder. "Stop smiling so much," I protest, but he grins even more.

"Vanessa's in love," he chirps and I swat him. "Shut up! Am not." "Vanessa's in love!" he says louder and I try to cover his mouth. "I said, shut up, you stupid foreigner." He engulfs me in a hug and lifts me off the sofa. Kyle screams, "She's in love with my best friend." "Kyle!" I squeal as I kick to get out of his hold, "I fancy him. I'm not in love with him."

Kyle takes a breath and sits me back down. "I know. I'm just fucking with you." I scoff at him and shake my head. "Muck around all you want, but I'm not changing my mind. I'll never be in love with Liam." He nods his head dismissively and gets up. I watch him walk away into his bedroom and then come back out with a box in hand. "Well in the Christmas spirit, I went out and got you a small gift."

I look at the wrapping on the box and admire how the decorative paper is about to be torn into shreds to see what hides beneath. "What is it?" I ask. He shrugs his shoulders at me and walks over to me. "You may only open your present on one condition," he says and I narrow my eyes at him. "That being?" I watch as he pulls out his mobile and dials a number. "You talk to Liam right now," he states.

Before I get to protest much, Liam picks up the call and Kyle replies. "Hey, Liam. Yeah, no. All is well," he says as he looks at me and then back towards the ceiling. "I got someone here who wants to talk to you," he chirps and I try to snatch the mobile from him. "Haha! She's a wild one I'll tell you that." "Kyle, give me the mobile," I threateningly say and he laughs at me. He bloody laughed at me. "Did you hear her mate? She just tried to threaten me and it was hilarious."

My anger's running high and I make a run for it. I charge towards Kyle, but he dodges and continues talking to Liam. "Have at her. She's trying to knock me out," Kyle says before handing me the mobile, "Here you go." I snatch it from him and make sure he hung up. "Merry Christmas Vanessa," I hear Liam say and I know it's too late to hang up now. While starring daggers in Kyle's eager self, I bring the mobile up to my ear.

"Merry Christmas to you as well, Liam," I solemnly say. Silence fills both sides of the mobile and I bit my lip waiting for something to be said. I debate whether I should end the call, but continue hanging onto to a shred of hope. "Enjoy the holidays. Maybe in another lifetime V," Liam says before I hear the line go dead. "Wait. Liam," I call out, but it's to no avail. I hand Kyle back his mobile with a frown on my face.

"Sorry kid," Kyle tells me with the nickname he made up for me. He hands me the box and I hesitate. Remembering it's Christmas, I push past my own emotions and take the gift. I sit down on the sofa and begin opening the gift. I'm met with a black box and look at it for a moment. "Go on. Open it." Kyle says and I open the lid. "I know it's not much, but I hope you like it," he says as I stare at my present.

A red ruby necklace lies within. The stone's shaped into a square surrounded by small diamonds. For some odd reason, it reminds me of Liam's tattoo. Strong may she be, it read, and I feel I have a better understanding of why he has. He can't be strong alone, because even the strongest of us get lonely. Just like this stone, I fight the world because of my past experiences, yet I do it alone. I lean only on myself and have managed to survive because I've been strong. Strong like this stone.

Coming back to reality, I stare at it long enough to say, "I can't accept this." I try to hand it back to Kyle, but he hides his hands. "Yes, you can. It's not as expensive as it looks." I look at the necklace again and ask, "Are you positive this isn't worth hundreds of pounds?" He laughs at me and nods. "Promise."

I sigh before lifting the necklace out of its entrapment. It weighs little to nothing as I hold it in my hand. "Could you-" I ask. "Yeah," Kyle answers before taking a seat next to me. I hand him my necklace, turn around, and lift my hair. I watch as the necklace comes before me and it delicately placed onto my skin. "Done," he tells me and I instinctively grab ahold of the necklace.

"Thank you, Kyle!" I softly say and he nods. "But of course, it's a pleasure taking care of my best friend's girl," he says with an animated smile and I shake my head at him. "I can't wait to be back in the city."


Sorry for the short chapter, but the next one will be longer. I promise.

Hope you enjoyed!

Till next time. Keep Those Christmas Spirits High, & Read On!

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