7 - Rules

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Earlier this day, Liam and I had quite the chat. I somewhat explained to him why I was in so much pain and in turn he explained why Madison was here. This helped us set some ground rules to follow for this newly found relationship. Liam even had a contract drawn up which we both had to sign.

Our Rules:

1. Liam and Vanessa are not allowed to be with other sexual partners until they both mutually decided to break this agreement off.
2. Vanessa will pleasure Liam whenever and wherever he chooses. This includes in public settings.
3. Liam must acknowledge the lack of experience Vanessa has had with sex, so that he may accommodate their intercourse accordingly.
4. Liam and Vanessa may test each other's limits sexually.
5. Secrecy is the utmost importance.
6. No physical alterations may be done on either Liam or Vanessa unless caused by their sexual interactions.
7. Under no conditions, will Vanessa bare a child with Liam.

Failure to follow these rules involves extreme measures of punishment. Punishment will be chosen by the Punisher.

This is a binding contract. Sign below if you agree to the following terms and conditions.

Vanessa Bane        (Partner 1)

Liam Brickman     (Partner 2)

Currently, I am waiting for Liam to come back from work so that I can test our Rule #4. Seeing some other girls get down on him made me livid, but no matter. I shall be the one going down on him tonight. So while I wait for his arrival, I started cooking some spaghetti. The meat sauce has already been made, now I just need to drain the noodles and I can serve myself.

Minutes later, I've cleaned up my mess and stored away any leftovers. I sit on Liam dining table and enjoy my meal with a glass of water. I watch as the sky changes colour. From sky blue, it turns into an orangey pink. When I finish eating, I clean up after myself and head upstairs.

I enter my room and look through the drawers to find linen sheets or towels in the dresser. The bedside table holds nothing more than a few condoms and a flashlight. Tired of wearing the same nightgown for an entire day, I strip and enter my bathroom.

I take a quick shower and untangle my hair. When I step out of the shower, I dry off my hair as best as I can. When I feel it's dry enough, I tie my hair in a bun. I check the cabinets beneath the sink and find an unopened razor and decided to shave. I shave every hairy part of me to the best of my ability before exiting the bathroom.

I leave my towel in the bathroom and make my way towards Liam's room. Images of what happened late last night pop into my headed and I try to push them back. I don't want to think about all the shagging they did. So, I turn on the light, walk past his bed and see two doors side by side. I choose the one farthest from the entrance and open it.

I turn on the light and am met with quite the large closet filled with work clothes in the front and more casual clothing towards the back. I enter his closet and start looking for worn out clothes. For now, I decide to wear the first shirt I see and it ends up being a casual navy blue shirt of his. I find none and decided to check his drawers for more shirts. When I opened this drawer, I saw a button on the side. I clicked out of curiosity and heard a door open.

Behind Liam's casual pants, a hidden door was revealed. I opened it up and the lights flickered on. I gasped at the sight before me. Odd contraptions surround the floor of this room, while costumes and whips and toys are hanged up on the wall. I head inside and take a look around. Fascinated, I grab a whip off the wall and run it against my skin.

It's a rather large black whip with 3 leather strands. Holding it makes me feel powerful and I begin to understand why domination is something he's into. A throat clears to my left and I snap my head his way. "Liam! What are you doing here?" I shockingly ask. "That's funny my dear because I could ask you the same." He tells me as he leans against the doorframe.

Wanker! "I didn't want to wear my nightgown anymore, so I entered your closet and accidentally found this place." I meekly say. "Pretend you never saw it. It's not the right time for you to be here anyway," he says as he beckons me over. I place the whip back on the wall and make my way towards him. But not before grabbing something else off the wall.

"What's this?" I ask while holding a red ball with a buckle on both sides. Liam chuckles at me and replies with, "If you want to find out, take it with you." I feel the heat grow within me, but I wonder if I should sleep with him again so suddenly. I exit the sex room with the ball in hand and make my way out of the closet.

"Liam," I call out when I don't see him in his room. "Liam!" He comes out of the bathroom a second later, wrapped in only a towel. He's a sight for sore eyes. After oogling his v-line for long enough, I meet his gaze. He smirks at me and I have to look away. "Can I be on top of you this time?" I ask him expecting rejection. "Are you sure you want to do that already? I mean, I'm the one person you've slept with since your first. Are you sure you want to do that?"

I take my 5'5" self and walk over to his 6'3" figure and stare him down. I do what I damn well, please. I stand on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck. "I'm sure," I tell him before capturing his lips. He wraps his arm around my waist while the other cues me to wrap my legs around his waist. He hoists me up as I break our kiss for a breath. He places me down on the bed and I daringly spread my legs open.

He licks his lips at my shaved fanny and climbs on top of me. Liam restarts our kiss as he rolls his hips against me. I groan in pleasure and he tugs on my lip. His towel slides off and I place my hands on his chest. I take my hand feeling his every muscle. Guiding my hands down his body, I stop when I reach his semi-erected membrane. I wrap my right hand around his length and Liam groans.

He breaks our kiss and grabs my wrist. "You don't have to do this. You're new, so I don't expect this from you." "I know. But I want to do it. For both of us." I tell him and he nods. I slide my hands down his shaft and go back up. I speed up with every jerk as I wank him off. "Vanessa," he moans as I feel him reaching his peak. Encouraged, I use both hands and try going faster. Closer and closer he gets until he stops me mid-jerk.

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