Return of Heroes

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4 Months Later

"Blaze hurry! The boys will be home any second!" Sally yelled. Blaze was flying around the house, cleaning up and preparing. She and Sally were also packed to live with their men again. Blaze was putting the bed spread on neatly, while Sally was washing and scrubbing the house spotless.

"Blaze! Everything is clean! Are the rooms put together neatly?!" Sally yelled down the hallway. Blaze dashed down the hallway swiftly. "Everything is ready! Where's Rouge?" Blaze asked. "Rouge... Went to the bar. She doesn't want to be here right now." Sally added.

"Oh.. But doesn't she want to see the guys?!" Blaze added. "Of course she does! But after what happened, I don't blame her for not wanting to be here.." Sally said, wiping the tear off her face. Blaze looked down at her heels in sadness. They were about to start crying over Shadow again, but then there was a loud knock on the door.

Both girls fought to get to the door first playfully. They pushed, shoved and grabbed each other to try and keep them from getting to the door first. They both pulled together, and walked to the door calmly. Sally turned the knob, and opened the door.

In their doorway... Was Silver and Sonic both in uniform. They had in their military issue baggy army pants, and their army jackets on unbuttoned, with their backpacks on one shoulder.
They stood in the doorway with bright smile. "Heya girls." Sonic said brightly.

Sally ran up and hugged Sonic tightly. Blaze flew up to Silver, and hugged his neck with tears down her cheek. "I missed you so much!!" Blaze cried out. Silver pulled her off of him, and kissed her happily.

Sonic went straight for a kiss on his loved one. "Don't ever leave me again Sonic Hedgehog!" Sally cried with a smile. "Never again." He whispered into her ear softly. They all pulled it together, and walked into the house together. "So after all this time, you all lived together?" Sonic chuckled.

"We couldn't bare living alone with you boys gone." Blaze added, while she hugged Silver's arm. "Well, where's Rouge?" Silver asked. "Rouge didn't want to... Be with us right now." Sally said with a sad tone. Silver and Sonic both looked at each other, with the same painful look.

"We understand Sal." Sonic said in a sad soft voice. "Oh,...and we have a dinner reservation with G.U.N tomorrow. They've invited us all." Silver said. "What for?" Sally asked. "... Because of the death of one of their agents.." He replied.
Everyone was silent for a moment.

"Well, speaking of food, why don't we go grab something to eat?" Sonic said, trying to break up the sadness. " Sally, I'll go get your purse." Blaze politely said. She breezed down the hallway into Sally's room. She came out seconds later.

"It's the boy's pick. Where do you guys want to eat?" Sally asked. "We haven't seen our beautiful women in forever. You girls can pick." Silver said with a smile. Both girls looked at each other, with their eye brows raised. "Well, you girls make up your minds, Silver and I have to change." Sonic added.

Both boys grabbed their backpacks, and walked into a random room. Sonic shut and locked the door. "Silver, I don't know if I'm ready to face Rouge yet. I'm not sure if I'll be able to look at her straight on. "I know..." Silver sighed. He dug out a picture of Shadow, Sonic and himself. It was the last photo they took together.

"How can we do this Sonic? I mean, she has to come to the dinner! We can't evade this for to long.." Silver added. Sonic didn't answer. "We just..." Sonic cut him off. "Silver we have to do it today. Or else we'll never build the courage to do it." Sonic finally responded. Silver looked at him, then sighed.

He continued to look at the photo, while Sonic slipped his army pants off. Sonic tried to break the sadness. "Here Silv, these are your jeans." He said, as he threw Silver's pants to him. Silver caught them with his powers. Sonic slid his plain black t-shirt on.

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