Nightmare Reborn Part 2

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Shadow was working his magic on the controls all over the balcony. But te generator still didn't shut off. "Shadow what is taking so long!" Sonic yelled. By then the room was being swarmed with me, and still counting.

"Sonic, the controls aren't working!" Shadow yelled. Sonic looked at him with big eyes.

"That's because... You're no longer in control of your operation.." They heard a voice over the com in the control room. "Who is that..?" Silver said faintly. "I.. Am Swift the hedgehog." The voice said. All three hedgehogs looked up at the com with massive eyes.

"As in... The leader of robotropolis?!" Sonic said. "The very same... Now, you three aren't walking out of here alive." Swift said over the coms. Then he turned the mic off. "Oh crap!" Sonic yelled. Shadow teleported back down to Silver and Sonic. "We can't turn it off... We'll have to take it down while it's active." Shadow said.

"We can't survive *cough cough* that.." Silver squeezed out. They both looked at Silver's bloody body. "You're right..." Shadow sighs. He jumped back up with his rifle. He was pulling on Sonic and Silver with his other arm. He sat them by more cover by the window, still being shot at.

Shadow ran over to the closest control spot. "Sonic, I'm going to close the doors so we can close the soldiers out!" Shadow yelled. He pulled a switch, and saw the blast doors close the men out of the control room. "Are we.. Safe?" Sonic questioned as he looked up from cover.

"Now, what about the generator?" Sonic asked. Shadow sighed, because he knew what he had to do.


"Those three aren't going to leave alive." Swift smiled. He was watching the live feed on the screen of the control room. "What do you want me to do sir?" His assistant asked. "Activate the chargers, and set them for 1 minute." He said happily. "Yessir." The assistant said, then walked out.


"Uh Shadow... Do you hear that ticking..?" Sonic asked. Everyone stayed quite, and heard a silent *tick tick tick tick*. "Oh shit, he set bombs!" Shadow said. "W-we have to get out of h-here.." Silver said faintly. Shadow sighed deeply. He hopped multiple rails to the control panel. "Shadow, what are you doing?" Sonic asked in fear.

"Im overriding the panel." He said. "Wait.. You won't be able to survive that." Sonic said in fear. "*long sigh* I know..." Shadow said sadly. Silver and Sonic both has scared and depressed expressions on their faces. "We only have fifteen seconds guys!" Shadow said sternly. "No.. No no no! Shadow we aren't leaving without you!" Sonic said, starting to shed tears.

Shadow jumped off, and grabbed both boys. He was going to toss them out of the 5 story window. "Shadow! DON'T!!" Silver cried. "I'm sorry guys. You m-meant everything to me.." Shadow actually cried. "And.. I love you guys. Tell Rouge I love her.." He said. He broke the glass, then tossed the boys out.

"NOOOO! SSSHHHAAAADDDOOOWWW!!!" Sonic screamed as he fell down.

"I'm s-sorry guys.." Shadow said to himself. He let many tears slip out of his eyes. He teleported back up to the panel, and worked his magic.



"So.. This is it.." I said to myself. I held the button down, to keep the generator overpowering. It stared shaking and spitting out electricity. "Goodbye Silver. Goodbye Sonic. Thank you for everything. And... Goodbye Rouge. I.. L-love you.." I cried to myself.

"WARNING: ACCESS OVERRIDE" the screen kept telling me. "Detonation in 5... 4... 3.." It counted down. "Here we go.. Huh Maria!" I cried to myself. Don't worry Maria... I'm coming. Finally. "Detonation countdown complete."


"SSSHHAAADDDOOOWWWW!!!" Sonic yelled as they fell to the ground. He was watching the building blowup as they landed on their backs. "No! He's still in there! I can save him!" Silver shouted. He started trying to get up, but Sonic kept pushing him down.

"No Silver! You can't!!" Sonic shouted back. Then, the building's roof blew up completely. "No.." Silver softly cried. "He's... Gone.." Sonic cried. "No.. S-Shadow.." Silver cried.


"Shadow!!" Silver yelled. He looked around, and realized he was in his bed with Blaze. He was sweating, and panting for air. Blaze was awake, staring at him with fear. "Silver..?" She asked with a sad tone. She saw a couple tears fall from his eyes.

"Silver baby, are you okay?" She asked. He wiped the tears from his eyes. "I just... Need some air." He said, then got out of bed. He walked over to the balcony on the other side of the house. Their room was upstairs too.

He went outside, and sat on the railing of the balcony. Alone.

"Shadow.. Why.." He said to himself. "Why did you do this to us... We would have all went out together.." He shed more tears. "Silv..?" He heard behind him. He glanced behind him, at Blaze. He put his head down in shame and sadness.

"Awe Silver..." She said as she sat on the rail with him. She put his head on her lap to comfort him. "Why did he leave.." Silver cried into her. "He did it to protect you Silver... Trust me, he'd be in the same situation you are in if you gave your life for the others." She said to calm him down.

His crying calmed down a little. "I promise Silver... He's in a better place. He gets to see Maria again! Don't you realize that?" She smiled. He kind of smiled back. "Now c'mon, it's 2:30, let's go back to bed, okay?" She said. He smiled, and helped his girl off the edge of the balcony. They walked back down to their room together.

He hugged Blaze tightly before they got back in bed. "Thank you honey. I dot say it enough but... I love you." Silver smiled. Blaze smiled back. "I love you too. Now, go to sleep dork." She joked. He smiled, and crawled back under the covers.

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