The Return of a Hero

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The guard took his helmet off, leaving the girls speechless. "That guy was a dick anyway." The black hedgehog said. "Oh... My... God.." Rouge cried, as she put her hands over her mouth. "Long time no see baby." He smiled at her. She jumped out of her seat, and on to Shadow.

"Oh my god... You're alive!! How?!" Amy said in happiness and shock. "I'll get to that later. For now, we'll let our good friend drive us away from here." Shadow grinned, then started unlocking all of the shackles and cuffs.
"Wait... Who's driving?" Sally asked.

Shadow turned around, then slid open the little port window to look into the driver and passenger seat. It was Shade driving, and Knuckles in the passenger seat, both in suits. "How the hell did you manage all this?!" Sally exclaimed. "We black opted their black ops." Knuckles laughed.

"Speaking of that, we're almost to our location." Shade answered. "Which is..?" Blaze questioned. Shade and Knuckles both turned around with grins.

Knuckles and Shade both opened the back doors, then let everyone out. The secco they got out, Rouge pounced on Shadow. "I missed you so much.." She cried into him. "Rouge, I'm sor-

She cut him off, with a kiss. It felt as if it wouldn't end for days. "I haven't got to do that for 2 years.." She said with heart eyes. Then Cream ran up to him his leg. He smiled and rubbed her head. Nobody could take it anymore, the rest ran up to hug Shadow.

"Okay okay." Shadow said as he finally got free. "So where are..... We." Sally paused, as she looked up. "Where are we Mr. Shadow?" Cream asked. "We are at the Guardian Units of the Nation. Also known as G.U.N." Silver stated.

"Wait, so where are Sonic and Silver?" Shadow asked. Everyone started to look sad again. "Shadow... I think they're.. Dead." Blaze sighed. He stared at them with fear and pain. "No... T-they can't be!" He denied. "We don't know for sure. But they were both left in a burning down house, unconscious..." Blaze finished.

Shadow just stared into the sky with shock and fear. "W-who's house was it!!" He demanded to know. "It was Nicole's house! Swift ambushed u-
"Wait a second... Swift, ambushed you.." He said with a horrifying tone. His expression went from sad to anger.

He then punched the armored vehicle, leaving a massive dent in it. "I want to know everything." He said sternly to them.


I.. I can't believe it... I hit, my best friend I ever had.. But I didn't mean t-to!!! I couldn't have meant to! I would never!! Just... Face the facts Sonic. You did it. And you will never be able to change that or take it back. Ever. Silver...

I already lost Shadow. Now I lost you. It's all my fault. I'm such an idiot... I don't even know how I deserve an amazing girl like Sally. Id die for her. I just... Want to find her. But I can't do that without Silver or Nicole. But what choice do I have?

And I think I know just the way...

3 hours later

I hate this store... But, I need new clothes. And supplies. I started my way through the superstore, looking for something that is atleast DECENT to wear. I eventually found something alright. I saw brownish tan khakis. So far so good.

I continued my way down, looking for shirts. Since I got 4 pairs of pants and khakis, I needed a few shirts. I got a black t-shirt, a gray hoodie, a gray under armor shirt and a white t-shirt. This will all also be Smart Cover for incognito. I love that word...

I needed some supplies too. Wait... I wonder if I can go to Tails. Yeah, that's a better idea. Besides, what the hell can I buy at Walmart that will help me get my girlfriend and my friends back? I would have kept looking around, but then my phone rang.

I couldn't believe me eyes... It was Sally's #.

"Baby! Are you okay?! Where are you?!" I worried.

"Oh my god you're okay!!" She cried on the phone. She thought I was dead..?

"Yes baby I'm okay! Where are you!!" I shouted.

"We're at GUN! You need to get here. Right away." She said kind of sternly.

"Are you okay? Wait... Why are you at GUN??" I asked.

"I'll explain everything later. Just get down here blue. As soon as you can." She said.

"Okay I'm in my way. Love you." I said, then hung up. She's okay... Thank god.

"And there you... Go." Nicole said, as she wrapped the last bandage around Silver's forehead. "At least the swelling went down." She said, as she glided her fingers along the gash on his head. "Thank you Nicole. But, we still need to... find our f-friends." Silver said as he struggled to get off the bed.

"Take it slow tough guy. You're still very weak and injured." She said, as she scanned his body with her holo-control panel. "I can't take it easy Nicole! They have my girlfriend!" He shouted. "You can't get her like that! Look at yourself!" She argued.

Before he could answer, his phone rang.

"Please answer... Please answer.." Blaze pleaded. Then, the ringing stopped.

"Blaze!! Are you alright?!" Silver worried to me.

"I'm fine Silv. But, you have to get to GUN right away. It's urgent." I said, as I looked at Shadow. He nodded.

"You're at GUN? Never mind, I'm on my way! And Blaze... I love you." He said. I felt like crying.

"I love you too." I said, then he hung up.

"He's on his way.." I sighed in relief. "So is Sonic. They should be here soon." Sally said. "Wait, why didn't they both answer one phone? Are they... Separated??" Amy questioned. "They must be. Those two dorks would both answer the same call." Shadow states.

"Let's just hope they hurry. I just wonder what they'll say when they see you.?" Rouge said. "I don't know. But when they get here, I need to be alone with the two of them." Shadow said in his usual grumpy tone. The rest nodded in agreement.

Silver arrived at GUN HQ, and was escorted immediately into the building. Three men with rifles led him to the room Blaze and the rest were in. He ran straight into the big lab like room, straight towards Blaze. "Blaze!" He shouted as he ran to her.

They both hugged tightly, then kissed. "Baby your forehead!" She looked at his bandaged covered head. "Blaze I'm fine. How did you get here?! Are you okay??" He stressed. "I'm fine! Where's Sonic?" She asked. "Sonic?" He questioned.

"Long time no see Silv." He heard a deep voice say. "That voice.." Silver said. He turned right away, and saw Shadow standing there with a grin. He couldn't believe his eyes. "S-shadow..?" He questioned, as his eyes began to tear up.

He ran right at Shadow. Shadow grabbed him by the back of the head, then hugged him tightly. "There's no way... We.. We watched you d-die!" Silver said with shock. "I'll explain everything once Sonic gets here." He said. "Sonic is coming?" Silver said, with a slight snarl.

"Yes. Why? What's wrong?" Sally said. Silver looked at her with a slight angered look. "Sally!" They heard a voice yell. They saw Sonic run straight in to her. He hugged her right away. "Are you done?" Shadow chucked with a grin.

Sonic's eyes lit up, as he looked at Shadow. "No... You're... Alive..?" Sonic said with shock. "For the third time today, yes. I am." He said in slight annoyance. "B-but... We saw you... Blow up?!" He said. Before he could finish, Silver spoke up.

"You..." He said in an angered tone. He turned around to look at Silver. He had the same angry look as Silver. "You son of a bitch!!" Silver charged at him. As Sonic did the Silver. Shadow held Silver back, and Sally held Sonic back.

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