New Home

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"Sonic! We're gonna be late!" Sally yelled. "I'm coming I'm coming! Don't worry, no one is more excited than I am!" Sonic states. Sally saw the blue blue pass right by her, as picked up her purse. Sonic was already on the driver seat with the car on.

"C'mon Sal!!" Sonic yelled. Sally smiled and rolled her eyes. She shut and locked the door on her way to the car. When she got in, it's like Sonic was bouncing off the walls. "Okay, we leave now!!"Sonic said in anxiousness.

He then drove off quick. "Don't get a damn ticket Sonic!" Sally said angrily as she gripped the hand tightly. "I won't! I won't! I just... Don't want to miss it." Sonic said. "I know you don't blue, but you don't want to get in a freaking wreck either. Don't worry we're almost there." Sally says more calmly.

Sonic turned the corner, into their new home of Mobiotropolis. "I'm so glad we moved here. And now you're closer to your mom too." Sally smiled. "Yeah, it's nice being closer to her and my siblings. Not to mention it's my hometown and I'm basically still a prince." He grinned at Sally.

"Shut up and drive dork." Sally chuckled.

The two arrived at Grand Oak Hospital, and parked the car. "C'mon!!" Sonic said in impatience. "I'm waaaaiiiiittinggg." Sonic said as he thumped his foot fast and crossed his arms. "Shut up I'm coming." She said. "He grabbed her wrist, and took off in to the hospital.

As he got to the cafe, he saw Shadow and Rouge already there. "He's upstairs Sonic. Floor 6, room 10." Shadow says, as he sipped coffee in his seat. "Sonic nodded, as he and Sally got in the elevator. "Stupid elevator... Too sllooowwww." Sonic whined.

"Oh my god stop whining!!" Sally scolded him. Then the elevator stopped. The door opened, and Sonic breezed off without Sally. He counted the numbers as he looked for room 10. "There!" He smiled and turned down the hallway.

He looked through the massive window, into the operating room. That's where, he saw Silver lying down, with doctors all around him. A machine had the shards of metal from his chest, on a table. Sonic just stared in joy as he saw his best friend getting those shards out of his chest.

Three hours later, Sonic and Sally were joined with Nicole, Shadow and Rouge. "It's almost 8, why haven't they called us in yet?" Nicole complained. Then, they heard fast paced clacking. They looked behind Shadow, and saw Blaze running towards them in joy.

"He's awake!!" She yelled in joy. Afterwards they all heard a swish noise, and saw Sonic and Shadow's coffee mugs spinning on the table with their seats empty. "Those two." Sally chuckled.

Sonic and Shadow were already at the Silver's floor, as they raced to his room. Sonic opened the door, and they both ran in. Silver was lying there, watching TV. "Sup fellas." Silver chuckled. Sonic smiled and walked to Silver's side. "How ya feelin dork?" He asked.

"Pain in my chest. But now, at least those shards of metal are GONE." Silver said happily, and rubbed his wrapped chest. "What about the bullet wound?" Shadow asked. "Turns out the bullet went straight through me. It was never stuck in there. It almost put me in a comma, but the doctor fixed me up pretty good." Silver replied.

"When can you get out of here?" Sonic asked. "Whenever the hell I want." Silver joked. All threw hedgehogs shared a laugh. "What about now?" Sonic winked at him. The hedgehogs shared the exact same grin.

Rouge, Nicole, Sally, Blaze and Cream walked in to check on and visit Silver. "Mr. Silver!!" Cream cheered and ran in. But alas, Silver wasn't in bed. And the three hedgehogs were long gone. "What the!" Blaze says. She then saw the window was open.

She looked out the window in confusion and anger. What she saw, shocked her. Silver Shadow and Sonic were running away. Except Silver was levitating. And, they all had McDonalds food bags and drinks in their hands. "SILVER THE HEDGEHOG!!" Blaze shouted in anger.

"See ya at home baby!! I love you!!" Silver yelled back, as he made a heart with blue light from his psychokinesis. Blaze sighed, and smiled. "Idiots." She laughed.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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