Equal Terms

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Shadow, Sonic and their entire team rushed straight down the hill, firing multiple rounds into the massive army. The army was then aware of the attack, and finally began fighting back. "Shadow and I got right! The rest of you go left!" Sonic yelled over the rifles.

The men did their orders and started their front at the left arm of the fleet. "Wait, if Silver isn't here, then where is he??" Shadow questioned, as he and Sonic took cover behind a destroyed concrete slab. "I already answered this. I. Don't. Car- LOOK OUT!!!" Sonic then yelled.

Shadow looked up at a bright orange light, and saw an RPG missile heading towards them. He and Sonic both barrel rolled then jumped out of shrapnel range. They flew feet away as the RPG detonated. "They really don't want us in there do they.." Sonic coughed.

"Tough shit. Now,c'mon!" Shadow yelled as he got up. The two hedgehogs ran straight to a flipped over vehicle for cover. Bullets and rockets flew everywhere. "What the hell were you thinking! Two hedgehogs against half a freaking fleet?!" Shadow smacked Sonic.

"Look, we got this! And I know just how.." Sonic said as he rubbed his smacked cheek. "How?" Shadow asked. "Look at the cruiser above", Sonic said as he pointed up. "If we can get to the roof, and get on the AA gun, we can take it out!" Sonic said.

"I'm taking about the soldiers!! Not the damn cruiser!!" Shadow yelled as he shot his rifle. "Let me finish!.. Then, when that comes down, it will hit this part of the city and more than likely kill them." Sonic said happily. Shadow stared at him in shock of his brilliance.

"That's actually... Smart! But getting to that gun is impossible! Hell, we'd have a better chance getting inside the damn cruiser." Shadow said, as he threw a grenade. But then, he saw Sonic smiling at him from the corner of his eye. He knew what he was smiling at.

"Oh no. Heck no!" Shadow yelled. "C'mon you can teleport us up there! No problem!" He said. "News flash genius, I can't teleport anymore." Shadow said kind of annoyed. "Then let's just take down a chopper and fly up!" Sonic suggested.

Shadow though for a second, then sighed. "Fine." He said in defeat. Sonic smiled and nodded, then continued to fire at the soldiers.

*SMACK* Lien-Da flew straight into the wall. "Look at you... A l-little sword fighter n-now.." She joked. He held the blade straight to her throat. "Why would you do this.." Silver questioned. "Do what? Let my new boss take over my ex's city and try to kill him??" She replied.

"What do you benefit from this!! Look around you!!" Silver yells. She looked around at the destroyed city. "This is my home!! It's your home! And you let this psycho destroy it!!!" He shouts in rage. "You really want to know what I benefit from this? Now y-your blessed city is j-just shit. And l-look at yourself!" She says.

"You're just torn to c-crap now that your precious h-home is in shambles now. And you know why it is destroyed? Because you couldn't protect it!!! L-like you could never p-protect me.." She said, then let a couple tears fall.

Silver dropped the sword in anguish, and thought about what she said. "I'm s-suffering now because I had those times.." She says and continued to cry. "YOU THINK I WANTED THIS LIFE!!" She finally screamed. Silver stared at her with pain in his eyes.

"That one freaking day... You left your guard down.." She sobbed. "Lien.. I'm so sorry.." Silver said in sadness. "But... Please help us.. You may hate me, but please... Don't bring it out on everyone else. And help us just this once." Silver begs.

"Why should I help you, huh? You nearly ruined my whole damn life.." She said in slight anger. "Because... I'm the one who can also help you fix it.." He said in slight joy. She thought it over for a second. "You... Want to help me get my life back together.." She said.

"Please.." Silver said, with a slight smile. She sighed, then took his hand. "Now... Where can we find your 'boss'?" Silver asked. Lien-Da grinned, right before she answered.

"Idiot.. Idiot idiot!!" Nicole kept banging her head against the wall. "Nicole?! What is the problem??" Amy asked. "If it weren't my fault, the guys would still be here!!" She screamed. "Don't beat yourself up over this! It wasn't your fault, he hacked into you!" Amy tried to persuade.

"That's impossible! No one could hack into me! I always have me sensors and firewall u- She stopped. "My firewall!! I forgot to put it up!! That's why he got inside me!" She said in regret. "You had it off the ENTIRE time?!" Sally freaked out. she shook her head.

"I programmed you better than that!" Sally said. She gave Sally a short glare. "That technology they used... It was like something I've never seen. Something from a different source of energy." Nicole said, intrigued wise. "Will someone PLEASE stop that beeping!!!" Rouge yelled, annoyed.

"What is that?" Nicole asked. They all listened carefully. "It's coming from my room. Be right back guys." Nicole says. She walked down the hall back into her room. But one thing about Nicole, she's easily distracted. She was about to answer the beeping from her communicator, but then saw her shirt laying on her bed.

"Oo!" She cheered. The beeping got louder and louder and faster. Nicole was taking off her bra, when she finally had had it.

"What are you doing!" Sonic yells from behind the concrete slab, evading bullet fire. "Calling Nicole! We need more backup! Our men are falling like rain!" Shadow answered. He pulled his communicator out, and began calling. "It's ringing." Shadow said.

Then, Nicole came on the screen. "WHAT DAMN IT!!!" She yells. Both boys were speechless, and blushing. "What?!" Nicole yells again. "Uhh.. Nicole.. You have no shirt." Shadow says. "Or bra." Sonic adds. That's when Nicole stopped, and her eyes grew.

Her face flushed to bright red. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" She screamed then covered her breasts up with her arms. "Just tell the commander we need reinforcements!" Shadow yelled then hung up. "Well then.." Shadow said, still red.

"She can make them grow you know." Sonic cracked. "Shut up and shoot." Shadow snapped. Sonic pulled his rifle up and began firing again.

"Are you still limping?" Lien asked with a slight grin. "Yeah... You kick pretty hard." Silver said in slight pain still. Lien-Da chuckled at his pain. "There." Lien says. "What?" Silver asking in confusion. He looked at Lien, who was pointing to the only standing sky scraper.

"You can fly us up there." Lien-Da adds. "I'll try. I'm still pretty weak right now." Silver said, as he held the spot where Lien shot him. "C'mon just try." She snaps. "Okay mom.." He said under his breath. He grabbed her by the waist, and started to lift up.

"It h-hurts.." Silver moaned in pain. "C'mon Silver! Just until the 21st floor!" Lien pepped. Silver moaned in agony as he pushed his force to his limit until he reached the floor. "There!" Lien screams. She then backflips off him, and crashed through the window.

As she landed, she spun around and pulled her pistols out, killing all the soldiers in the room of that floor. As Silver was falling back down, Lien-Da pulled out a grapple hook, and flung it down towards him. Where it hooked on his belt.

"I gotcha." She said, as she started pulling up from outside the skyscraper. She tugged him all the way up to the floor, and pulled him up. She pulled the hook out, and rolled his sweat covered body on the floor. "You still with me lazy?" She joked.

"Shut up... And....Help m-me....up.." He said in between heavy breaths. She chuckled, and helped pull the weak hedgehog up.

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