No More

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I... Can't *cough cough* breathe... The air, it's so thick. I feel burning, and hear crackling. And I smell... Smoke?!
I opened my eyes, and saw a horrible sight. The entire house was on fire! And coming down! I painfully sat up, but noticed something.

Is that... Silver?! "Silver!!" I yelled. I had to spit out the blood to make it clear. No response. He was covered in a burning piece of the roof. As much as it hurt, I had to get up to help him. I painfully limped over to where I saw him. "C'mon Silv! Stay with me damn it!" I yelled.

He had a big gash on his forehead that was covered in blood and sweat. I bent over, and tried to lift over the giant rubble. "C'mon Sonic! Just move the damn ruble!!" I yelled to myself. But, then I found an easier way. I saw a long piece of rubble, that I was gonna use for leverage.

I picked it up, and dug it under the roof piece. As I pushed down on the piece, the roof part began to come up. I then slid Silver out from underneath, and put him around my shoulder. "Silver!!! Listen to my voice!!" I yelled in his ear. Then finally... He was coming to.

"Thank god you're alive! Now, we gotta find a way out of here!" I said to him.


"Thank god you're alive! Now, we gotta find a way out of here!" Sonic said loudly to me. "W-we..." I was too weak to finish my sentence. "N-Nicole.." I finally choked out. "We gotta go back for Nicole!" He finally said. "Put me outside! G-go find N-Nicole.." I coughed out.

He nodded, and ran around looking for a way out. There was no way out! But when all hope seemed lost, there was one way out. The garage. He ran through the garage door, and out into the grass. He sat me down, then ran back inside.

Wait.. Blaze! He took her! THAT SON OF A BITCH!!! I'm going to cut his little head right off when I find him!!!

Sonic ran back in the house, looking for Nicole. "Nicole! Can you hear me!" He shouted throughout the house. No response. "NICOLE!!" He shouted as loud as he could. "Sonic!!" He heard her scream. He ran super speed to the side of the house where he heard her scream.

He was in her room, and saw her body. "C'mon Nicole! We gotta go!" He said. But he didn't know, Nicole wasn't in her body. "Sonic! In my hard drive!" She yelled over the crackling fire. He looked over, and saw the big computer she uses to charge up.

It was a holographic form of her popping up. And because of the condition of the computer, it showed her heavily injured. As did her body. Sonic took her hard drive chip out, and ran over to her body.

"Where the hell do I put it in at?!" Sonic said loudly. "Under my left ear!" She said from the chip. He saw the little port, and stuck it right in. It went back in her head, then closed. He saw her eyes glow blue before coming to.
"Alright, now we *cough cough* gotta go!" Sonic said as he picked her up.

He dashed full speed throughout the whole house, and back to the garage. He made it last second before the doorway was crushed by ruble. He made it in the grass, before he dropped to his knees from being tired. "Nicole, get a good look at Silv. He's not looking so good." Sonic said.

Nicole crawled over to him, and started examining him. "I'm fine Nicole. Just a *cough cough* cut. Nothing bad." Silver said. She saw a wet spot through his shirt. She ripped off the remains of his shirt. She kept staring at him with a blush.

"Wow... You're really... Masculine Silver." She said. "God.." Sonic sighed, as he grabbed the bridge of his nose. "Oh my god!!" He heard Nicole yell. "What! What is it!" Sonic said in concern. "Look at this! A big gash across you chest!" She said.

"Don't do that! It hurts!" He says as he swatted her hand away. Before she could continue, Sonic got her attention. "Uh Nicole... You might wanna put this on." Sonic handed her his shirt. She looked down, and saw her shirt was torn to shreds so much you could see her breasts.

She quickly grabbed the shirt, and put it over herself. "Well, what can we do now??" Silver said. "Nothing." Sonic said deeply. "Wait... What?!" Nicole said. She and Silver were both surprised to hear that from Sonic. "That's right. We do nothing." He said, as he say down.

"But.. Sonic- "No Nicole! That's it, it's over!! We... We lost.." He sighed. He felt a drop in his head, and looked up. It began to rain as the clouds turned darker. "We can't just give up like that Sonic! They have our friends!" Silver argued.

Sonic turned back around to look at him, with an angry look. "Look at you Silver! You yourself can't take another beating! You already have shards and shrapnel in your chest! Then you suffered a heart problem, what's next! A bullet to the head?! Or a knife to the heart!!" Sonic yelled.

"If that's the risk to save my family..." Silver said, as he stood up. He and Sonic both got face to face. "You cannot take another hit Silver!!!" Sonic yells.
"I don't care Sonic! What happened to you?! You aren't the brother I fought along side with!!" Silver yelled.

That crossed the line for Sonic. "You ignorant.. SON OF A BITCH!!" Sonic yelled, before he threw a punch at Silver. It knocked Silver back to the grass. He and Nicole both looked at Sonic with shock. Sonic was staring at Silver, with fear over himself.

"I.. I.." Sonic couldn't finish. "Why don't you just l-leave.." Silver said. Sonic stared at him with shock and fear still. "But I- "Sonic... Just leave.." Nicole said with disappointment and slight anger. Sonic began to tear up, then bolted away.

"Good riddance.." Silver sighed to himself in anger. "I can't believe it... The best brother you ever had... Hit you like a rag doll.." Nicole said, still in shock. "Friend... Not brother." Silver said out loud.

The ride in the armored vehicle was a silent and sad one. Not one word was said, from the friends in shackles. That was, until Cream the little rabbit sniffed in sadness. "Shut up you little brat." An armored man said. "All she did was sniff! So how about you shut the hell up!" Sally defended.

"Oh you wanna play like that!" The guard says. He brought out his night stick, and hit her with it hard against the cheek. She fell to the floor with a bloody cheek. Before he could hit her again, the other guard in there, took out his static-saber, and electrocuted the abusive man.

Everyone looked at the other guard with shock, as the asshole lied on the ground unconscious. The guard then took his helmet off, which would then change the girls' lives forever.

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