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autumn winters sat at her desk, sketching in her notebook. chattering crowded around her, booming at her in every direction. the classroom was small and smelled of wood and chalk. her best friend had not yet arrived at school, she was alone.

"whatcha drawin' there winters?" a voice says from behind her as a hand grabs her notebook from beside her. turning around, she locks eyes with billy andrews. the rudest, most horrid boy in the grade. she watches as he flips through the sketches, lining each detail with his thumb. "come on, billy. give it back." she whines, leaning forward to grab her book only for it to be pulled away.

billy andrews' eyes sharpen, making out what the images drawn were. as he follows each line with his thumb, his eyes follow. "billy andrews, i'm serious. please give it back." autumn says, her voice slightly raised. he closed it, sighing, before hesitantly handing back the book. autumn thanks him, turning back around in her desk just as cole mackenzie takes a seat right next to her. billy runs off to his friends.

"what was that about?" he asks the girl, leaning in. autumn just sat there, holding her book and staring at the front cover. she didn't answer him. "hellooooo. autumnnnnn. anyone in there?" cole sings, snapping his fingers in front of her eyes. "s-sorry, spaced off i guess." she says, turning to face him. propping her feet on the end of his seat, she folds her arms on top of her knees and smiles.

the two sat there quietly, cole sketching the image of his best friend. he had always admired her natural beauty, although many of the kids were too stuck up to notice. he didn't care if her lips were too big, or if her hair was always in her face, or if her fingers were always smudged with led and paint. he loved her, platonically.

soon, everyone piled inside to get to their seats before mr. philips began teaching. autumn moved across the room and one row up, she had been in billy andrews' seat. sighing, she sets down her sketchbook and pulls out her chalk and board. "good morning class." mr. philips says monotoned, earning a small amount of responses. he then goes on and begins teaching.

 ˚* ੈ✩‧₊  𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 ⋆ 𝒇𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now