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autumn walked home alone that afternoon. it didn't feel right. as much as she hated to admit it, autumn missed billy's presence. she silently walked through the forest, watching all of the trees as they swayed in the wind. "hey, autumn." a voice says ahead of the girl. autumn stops, seeing no one. she looks around confused before the voice reveals itself. jeffrey. autumn's breath shortens, her heart begins to race. jeffrey miles has always been up to no good. "that was some kiss, huh?" he asks, smiling as he walks towards the girl. autumn gulps. "uh... yeah it was something." she says. by something, she means the absolute worst. jeff moves closer and closer, until he was only a few inches away from autumn's face.

"tell me, autumn. what was it like?" his hot breath warms her face. she was obviously uncomfortable. "whatever do you mean, jeffrey?" she asks, trying her best not to show weakness. he smirks. he moves his face closer to hers before whispering in her ear. "what was it like to be kissed by me? i'm sure you enjoyed." he laughs. autumn gulps. he was wrong, so so wrong. she resented herself for kissing him. his lips reminded her of a slimy frog. "i suppose you want more." he smirks before smashing his disgusting lips onto hers. she tried to pull away but he had forced her against a tree. his hands gripped her at her waist, surely leaving a bruise. "jeffrey s-stop." she tries to say loudly, but her voice comes out as a whisper. unable to speak, there was hardly anything to do. "shh" he whispers raspily, "just enjoy it."

she did not enjoy it. she did not enjoy his slimy lips, or his rough hands on her waist. or how they slowly trailed down to the hem of her dress. she tries to scream but as before, only a whisper was produced. jeffrey's hands pushed on autumn hips, forcing her against the tree even more. finally, his forceful kiss resides. but only for a moment to look at her. "what to do, what to do." he thinks aloud. he removes his hand from her hips and moves them higher. and higher. and higher. they rest at her bosoms.

"what's going on here?"

jeffrey moves away from the girl, who had pressed herself against the tree. "gilbert! you're back?" jeffrey asks surprised. gilbert blythe had left just about a year ago to work on some steam boat. "yeah, uh i just got back. i brought a friend with me and he's just dying to get out of the cold and home. wouldn't that be nice, jeff?" he asks, glancing at autumn's horrified face. a man stood behind him, staring at the girl. she watched as jeff and gilbert conversed. "so uh yeah, hate to be a party pooper but my parents are probably expecting me home." jeffrey says nervously, earning a nod from gilbert as he glances again at autumn. "yeah, yeah. you go ahead." and with that, jeffrey walks off.

"are you okay?" gilbert asks, walking up to the mortified girl. she shakes her head vigorously. "i'm not, i'm not. i wish i was but i'm not." she breaks down, wrapping her arms around her own body. she was shaking with embarrassment, with fear, with anxiety. "here, um. my house is just right here. please, come with us." gilbert begs the girl. she nods, slowly moving away from the tree. gilbert places his hand on autumn's back as he guides her towards his home.

this was so fucking hard to write, so i hope you enjoy it.

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love you xx
~ sof

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