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billy had walked to school earlier than usual, with the hopes of seeing autumn. he had longed to see her face, her smile, her eyes. but he didn't. he didn't see the girl on the walk to school, nor was she at school as early as she usually is. this worried billy. sat at his desk, he was one of the only five people in the classroom. that is, until gilbert blythe and autumn winters walk into the classroom. they had walked in casually, gilbert had held the door open for autumn as he had for anne that one day. the same stupid look on his face. autumn wore the same dress as yesterday, this time adorned with leggings instead of tights. gilbert's sweater was worn over everything, acting as a dress itself.

billy's eyes harden, his face reddens. he watches as autumn walks past him, clinging onto gilbert with her head down. she didn't even look at him. he stands up from his desk quickly, shoving his chair away from him. now this caught the attention of the girl. she stares at him, he stares back. both of their eyes are laced with tears. billy could see her pain, but he didn't know what caused it. this angered him more. he shakes his head sadly and turns away, storming out of the classroom. autumn's face falls, her heart drops to her stomach. she pulls away from gilbert before chasing after the blonde boy.

autumn found billy behind the school, throwing rocks into the field of nothingness. her boots were loud against the rocks, crunching leaves as she walked towards the boy. her scent was strong, instantly comforting billy. "what do you want, winters?" he questions, anger laced into his words. the girl stood beside him, watching as he threw pebbles. "what's wrong, billy?" she asks, her voice still in the whisper. this intrigued the boy. "what's up with you?" his voice was low, a slight taunt hidden inside of it. autumn gives him the side eye, "i asked you first." she says. billy sighs, sitting down with autumn following in his actions. he thinks about what to say, and how to say it without getting angry. he recalls everything that made him upset in the first place. "i'm mad at you. no, i'm mad at jeffrey. and you, and gilbert, and myself." he says, his face turning red. autumn knots her eyebrows together in confusion, "why?"

"jeff kissed you, you kissed him. you walk into school wearing yesterday's clothes and gilbert's sweater. i shouldn't be mad, but i am and that makes me even more mad."

"it was a game, billy. a stupid, harmless game."

"but it was more than a stupid game to me autumn. when i saw him kiss you it made me angrier than i have ever been. i wanted to be him, autumn. i wanted to kiss you. me. and what about gilbert, huh? what about that?"

"i spent the night at his house last night. i had to. for a reason i'm not ready to share with you yet because i don't want you to get angrier."

"tell me, autumn. i want to know. what could have possibly happened to make you spend the night at gilbert blythe's?"

"i just told you i don't want to tell anyone yet.  you'll probably find out soon enough."

"oh bullshit. you two probably did it, huh? that's what happened. you little slut."

autumn's eyes well with tears. struggling to hold back tears, she stands up and dusts off her dress. "billy andrews, you are the absolute worst." and with that she stormed back into the classroom, leaving billy andrews alone.

 ˚* ੈ✩‧₊  𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 ⋆ 𝒇𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now