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autumn didn't sleep a wink. she tried, wrapped up in billy's arms but her mind kept her up. everytime she closed her eyes to sleep, her imagination ran back to her mother's corpse laying face down on the table, and how billy was missing until late that night. she wondered what he was doing, praying it wasn't trouble. the boy slowly awoke, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. autumn doesn't move, watching as he sat up. "good morning, beautiful." he says, engulfing her once again as he lays with her. she snuggles into him, burying her face into his chest. billy kisses the girl on her temple. she smiles softly, feeling butterflies once again. "we should get ready." autumn says, sitting up on the bed. she had borrowed a nightgown from jane, but it was a tad big on her.

that morning, autumn slipped into a pale yellow dress that mrs. andrews had fetched for her from her home. she sat at the table, refusing to eat as the adults whispered. they weren't very good at doing so. supposedly, her father was missing and was a suspect on the case. the idea of her father murdering her mother sent a shiver down autumn's spine. "i'll pack you a lunch, dear." billy said, finishing his breakfast and washing his plate off. she smiled at him with gratefulness. jane and prissy were quiet, creating a thick awkwardness in the air. unappetized, autumn sat up from the table as billy finished up every ones lunch. he places the small handkerchief in her basket, taking it from her as he holds her hand. they walk out of the home, autumn stopping as she looked at her own home. it was filled with men and dogs, searching every inch of the home. billy watches the girl with sad eyes, pulling her away from the scene. the walk to school was quiet, billy being the one who talked endlessly in an attempt to distract autumn. "and then, right after you and i were running, we came to a cliff!" he exclaims, talking about the dream he had that night. she smiled at his silliness, the pit of despair inside of her slowly melting away. in the distance, the couple heard muffled yells. "you sold me out! i trusted you!" the loudest said, obviously distraught. billy seemed panicked, rushing autumn to the classroom.

she sat alone outside, needing the space from everyone. she needed time to think. could her father have killed her lovely mother? she couldn't believe, let alone accept the possibility. the man who helped raise her, showed nothing but love towards her and her mother, and inspired her could have killed the love of his life. the familiar lump formed once again in her throat, tears threatening to spill. she did not let them. she stood up from her seat on the steps of the school house just as cole mackenzie came through the forest. he walked calmly, greeting his friend sadly. something was wrong. autumn asked, but received no answer. instead, he walked inside the classroom. anne follows closely behind, smiling sadly at the girl. suddenly she heard yells and screams, instantly rushing into the room. she stood beside anne and diana, who called out for the obviously furious boy, who had tackled billy to the ground. "cole!" autumn cried out, "don't hurt him!" he had billy pinned down, attempting to punch and hit him.

a sudden fit of rage washes over billy. he gained the strength to push the boy off of him and switch their places. he had the upper hand now. his anger blocked every noise out. it was just him and cole in the moment. autumn's begs and cries were faint, most of her words he couldn't hear. he felt a hand on his back. it was small, soft. it was autumns, he knew it. billy recognized the shape, how her small palm connected to small yet thin and bony fingers. suddenly all of his senses rushed back, making him weak. cole flips them over, billy quickly pushing autumns hand away. "cole! stop it! stop it now!" autumn cries out as the two roll across the school floor, much too close to the furnace.

someone was going to get hurt.

 ˚* ੈ✩‧₊  𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 ⋆ 𝒇𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now