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"cole, i promise you he's not that bad. i know he's an absolute jerk to you, but billy really is sweet. and he cares for me, he really does. i do hope you can look past his awful actions." autumn sighs, walking beside her best friend. she had just told cole that her and billy were in love. "i just don't see how you could fall in love with him," cole says, "all he's ever done to either of us is torture our lives out." autumn looks at her friend with sad eyes. she knew he would react this way. her heart hurt, knowing he would never accept their love. "cole, you don't know him. and-and i'm happy, don't you want to be happy?" she asks him, pleading with her eyes. he wouldn't dare look at her. "of course i do, autumn. but not with him. don't you care that i hate him? that every waking moment of every day all he does is ruin my life? don't you care if i'm happy?" this infuriated autumn. of course he had to make it about him, he always does. "i have always done things for the sake of your happiness. it is so draining always doing things for you, cole. i love you, you know that. but don't you think that i deserve love?" tears roll down both of their faces. cole sniffles, wiping his nose on his sleeve. he nods, taking a deep breath. "yeah," he says, "yeah. you do. i'm sorry autumn. just please, please don't let him break your heart. i don't know much of that i could take."


autumn walked into class, her fingers intertwined with billy's. everyone stared as they approached his desk. "bills, everyone's staring." she says as he sits atop his desk, pulling her closer towards him. "don't mind them, sweetheart. they'll get used to it." josie pye stared at the couple as billy held the girl. her stares attracted diana, anne, and ruby towards their direction. the group begins whispering amongst themselves. josie suddenly stomps outside of the classroom. "anne! diana! ruby! tillie!" autumn shouts, quickly walking towards the girls with excitement. they giggle at the girl, walking towards her to meet her half way. "so what's with you and billy?" tillie asks, adding that josie was quite upset. autumn blushed, smiling at her feet. "i believe i'm in love with him." anne rolls her eyes, not believing that billy andrews was capable of loving anything other than himself. "oh, how romantic! don't you think so, anne? anne's always dreamt of a tragical romance." diana gasps, eager to learn more about their relationship. autumn chuckles, remembering her history with the red-head. "i'm sure she already has one." she says, glancing at gilbert. mr. philips barges into the classroom, "everyone in their seats!"

autumn placed her chin on her hand, leaning into her desk as her eyes slowly closed. "the area equals one half times the sum of both bases, multiplied by the height." the teacher explains, "simple enough. now, begin. the student who finishes last will wish he stayed home from school today." he glances at cole, then at prissy. it was known that the two were to marry any day now. autumn quietly drew on her chalkboard, solving the equation given when the door swings open. cold air rushes around the classroom, alerting autumn. she turned her head, meeting eyes with bash. he smiles before justifying his sudden disruption. "i need to have a word with gilbert, please." mr. philips looks the man up and down, noticing his ethnicity. "i'd thank you to stay in the coatroom." he says, attempting to be polite. this was something new to the class. billy watches in disgust as gilbert rushes to his friend. "you're not welcome here," he says, referring to sebastian, "he tried to kill me at the christmas pantomime!" autumn shoots him a look, instantly shutting him up. it was obvious that he needed a few lessons in etiquette. "if there's any threat in this classroom, it's you, billy andrews." anne says aloud, earning a scoff and eye roll from the boy. mr. philips yells at the classroom to continue their work.

prissy had approached the girl as she left to retrieve her lunch. "billy's quite happy, you know." she says, smiling at autumn. autumn returns the favor. "you're doing him good. he's hardly gotten himself into any trouble." the girls heart melted at the thought of a good billy. autumn nodded, thanking the girl for sharing before heading back inside. "autumn!" billy exclaims, rushing towards the girl and engulfing her in his arms. he was much larger than her, towering over her as he hugged her. "i missed you!" he said, a big smile on his face. autumn giggles, shaking her head in amusement. "you've seen me all day, darling," she says, "we're in the same classroom." billy pouts out his bottom lip. "that's not what i meant." the classroom stared at the couple, noticing every action each of them made.

 ˚* ੈ✩‧₊  𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 ⋆ 𝒇𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now