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autumn awoke the next morning to a ruckus. the sound of shattering glass and banging pots rang throughout the andrews home. panicking, she runs down the stairs to find a lonesome boy in the middle of it all. he stares back at her, an ashamed look in his eyes. "billy andrews, what in the world are you doing?" autumn gasps, rushing to him. shattered glass was scattered around him, a pot laid to the right of his left foot. the glass had cut up his hand. "let me see." she says, reaching for his hand. billy quickly pulls it away, wincing in pain from the rushed movement. "i don't need your help, winters, i'm a man. i don't need help from a girl." autumn's heart drops to her stomach. she takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, and looks back at the boy. her blue eyes grew a bit darker as she stares at the boy with blank anger. billy stared back, glossy eyed. he lets out a small huff, "fine." he said as he held out his hand. cautiously, autumn stepped towards billy. softly taking his hand, she wets a towel to put over it. billy winces, letting out a small "ouch". autumn quickly glances up to the boy, dabbing the wet towel on the wound. "do you have anything to wrap it with?" she asks. billy nods and points to a cabinet. walking towards the cabinet, autumn asks what he was doing to have made such a mess. "i was meaning to start breakfast." he replies as autumn finds a wrap of gauze. in a quick step, she's back by billy. as she wraps his hand, she takes in the sight around her.

the broken glass was a plate, obviously painted with a beautiful design. autumn could see reds and yellows swirled around each other, dots of brown, and green lines connected. it was obvious the design was of roses and sunflowers. "d-don't touch that. let me clean it up." billy shouts, rushing to get a broom. startled, the girl steps away from the broken glass as he sweeps it up into a cloth. "i'm sorry i woke you up..." billy trails off as he looked at the blue eyed girl. he looked so vulnerable and alone. just like jane had said. "it's okay billy. as long as you're okay." autumn smiles.

billy hadn't expected her to be so kind. the way he had been treating her should've made her hate him, that's what usually happens. as much as he hated to admit it, this made billy a bit happy. someone wasn't being rude back to him for once. "hey, winters. i'm sorry i'm always a jerk." he says. this surprises autumn. never had she expected to hear that come out of billy andrews' mouth. "i know, jane explained everything to me last night." she smiles, "now, breakfast?"

 ˚* ੈ✩‧₊  𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 ⋆ 𝒇𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now