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prissy stares into the mirror, stroking the beautiful lace that extended from her hips. "prissy, you understand that he doesn't have to control you. if he truly loved you, he'd support you." autumn explained, sat on a chair beside the bride. prissy was unsure about the wedding, not knowing if she was able to go through with it. "i'm in love with him, autumn. i'd do anything for him." her voice was sad, yet hopeful for a positive response. the wedding was to begin in ten minutes, she was to walk down the aisle in five. billy and the other girls waited outside of the room. "but would he do the same for you?" autumn sighs, standing up from her seat and taking prissys hands in hers. there was a knock at the door, billy's voice yelling for the girls to hurry up. "you deserve the absolute best, prissy andrews. don't you dare forget that." autumn whispers before unlocking and opening the door, finding billy, jane, tillie, diana, and ruby all leaned up against the door. each had a shocked look on their face, autumn laughing as a result. "tillie! i absolutely adore your dress!" she says, gasping as she extends her hands towards the girls green clothing. tillie smiles, twirling around to show off the dress. billy snakes his arm around autumns waist, kissing her temple. autumn returns the favor, pressing her lips to his cheek with a smile. prissy softly smiles at the couple. "come on, priss. it's about time." billy smiles at his sister before looking at his significant other. "you and i, however, must find the perfect seat."

autumn and billy sat at the front of the aisle beside mr. and mrs. andrews. tillie sat beside the girl, fiddling with the lace on her dress. "tillie, may i ask you a question?" autumn said, turning to the dark haired girl. she hasn't turned enough for billy's hand to fall from her knee, however. tillie nods, smiling as autumn sighs. "josie is... well, you know. she's not the kindest. and you... you're so generous and friendly. how do you put up with it? i'm not meaning to sound rude, truly i'm not." autumn rushes, placing her hands on tillie's knees. the girl smiles, thinking of an answer. "she's always been there for me, she was my first real friend. josie's different now. she's rude and jealous and she's always speaking horrible of you, which i don't understand. you're not as horrid as josie says you are, you know. she's really just upset about billy."

it was no secret that josie pye was infatuated with billy, and it was noticed that the feelings may have been reciprocated. music begins as prissy begins her walk down the aisle, billy squeezing autumns leg. he didn't like their relationship, but always supported his older sisters decisions. autumn traces his fingers and the back of his hand in efforts of comforting the boy, her attempt resulting in billy releasing the breath he hadn't noticed he was holding. slowly, he leans towards the girl to whisper in her ear. "she's much too young, autumn. i can't watch her but i have too." he says, choking on his words. billy truly didn't want his sister to wed.

he got his wish.

prissy ran out of the church and out into the snow, anne and the other girls following close behind.

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