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the christmas pantomime was to begin in approximately thirty minutes, sending the entire cast into chaos. josie pye had not yet showed up for her refitting or for the dress rehearsal. billy was nowhere to be seen. "has anyone seen billy?" autumn asked around, earning a few looks by anne. "i think i saw him walk out just a while ago. why do you need him?" diana questioned the girl, giving her a puzzled look. "ms. cuthbert needs him for one more fitting." she lied, thanking diana before heading out to the front. still, she could not find billy. autumn decided to look around the showhouse, walking down the front steps and around to the side. "billy?" she called out, searching for the boy. there was no response. she turned the corner, bringing her to the back of the building. there, she found the boy. he was sat atop the largest tree, the tail of his costume flowing down. "there you are, billy. i've been searching everywhere for you." she sighs with content, looking up at the boy. billy kept his eyes forward. this puzzled autumn, causing her to walk closer to the tree. "billy, are you okay?" she asks, still not receiving a response. the girl climbs up the tree, seating herself on top of the branch right next to the boy. "are you okay?" she asks again, urging the boy to respond to the girl. "i'm fine, autumn." he says monotonically.  his tone of voice startled her, something was definitely wrong. "billy please, talk to me. what's wrong?" she begged the boy, placing a hand on his knee. he looked at her now with sad, worried eyes. "no one has ever asked me that." he says, tears welling in his eyes. he jumps down, autumn following after. they stand in front of each other before autumn crashes into him, holding him in her arms. "what's wrong, darling?" she coos as the seat themselves on the snow, autumn cradling him in her arms. "i'm so scared, autumn. i-i don't know if i can go up there and do it. my stomach feels like it's about to explode and my heart is racing. my palms are wet and-and it's hard to keep still. is there something wrong with me? please don't lie, autumn." he cries, trembling in her arms. the girl lets out a chuckle, causing the boy to suddenly pull away from her embraced and glare at her. "why are you laughing? it's not funny, nothing is funny about this. i could be dying right now and we wouldn't even know until i'm lying here and my eyes roll to the back of my head!" he exclaims, widening his eyes as she rolls into the snow laughing. "billy, honey," she says between laughs, "you're not dying, and there's nothing wrong with you. don't you see?" billy's body calms, but he furrows his brows. "i-i'm not? there's nothing wrong?" autumn shakes her head no, calming herself from her fit of laughter. "no, bills, you're just nervous. i suppose you've hardly ever had nerves in your life if this is how you react!" she chuckles. billy smiles, gazing at the girl as she laughed.

she was wrong, he knew nerves. but different nerves. he was all too familiar with the pit in his stomach and the specific rate of his heart every time they were near one another. he knew that when she looked at him, he could feel it and his stomach would leap. or the nervous chuckle he would rarely let out when he heard her name. and every time he saw her smile, butterflies erupt in his stomach. he knew these nerves, but not stage fright. "you make me nervous, autumn." he says, stepping closer to the girl. he felt her breath hitch as his warmth grew closer and closer to her. "do i make you nervous?" his face was right against hers, so close that their breath warmed each others cheeks. autumn swallowed hard as they continued to stare into each others eyes, despite their closeness. billy notices her nervousness. "are you ready, autumn?" he asks, pleading her with his eyes to say yes. he wanted nothing more than to kiss her at that moment. slowly, she nods. he smiles, looking down to the girls lips before connecting to them with his.

they tasted just the same, but this kiss was different. she kissed him back. billy melted into her lips, taking in every honey or mint flavored inch. autumn smiled into his lips, letting the cold air come between him. they pulled apart, autumn still craving more. already, she missed his warm lips on hers. she missed his lavender lips. "come on," he says, "we should head back. the show will be starting soon." billy grabs autumn's hands, instantly warming them. her palm and fingers were ice cold, sending chills up his spine. "are you still nervous, andrews?" she asks, looking at the boy amused. he shakes his head, laughing at her as they approached the building. before he was able to open the door, autumn ripped her hand away from his. sadness falls on her face as he looks back to her. "you go ahead, josie might be here." she says, looking down to her feet. billy's heart sank, realizing what was wrong. he reaches for her hand once again, intertwining his fingers with her. the boy steps away from the door, standing in front of autumn. he places his index finger underneath her chin as he lightly lifts her face to meet her eyes. "autumn winter, i don't care what that josie pye thinks. hell, i don't care what any single one of those people think. all i know is that i want you with me. i don't want you doubting yourself or thinking that you are not worthy of being seen wit me. you are more than worthy autumn. if anything, i don't deserve you. please, autumn, please let me love you. let me show them that i love you." autumn smiles, chuckling a bit. "you love me?" she asks, wrapping her arms around billy's torso.

"i did say that, didn't i?"


cute? i think yes.

 ˚* ੈ✩‧₊  𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 ⋆ 𝒇𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now