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"i'm telling you kyle, she practically begged." jeffrey laughed. lunch had just started, and the two of them had already met up. billy was nowhere in sight. "never thought winters would give it up that easy." kyle snickers, looking at the girl through the window. billy walks out of the door, all bundled up and practically covered from head to toe. jeffrey and kyle look at eachother suspiciously, noticing billy's demeanor. "hey, bills, what's wrong?" kyle questions, knitting his eyebrows together. billy shrugs it off, "it's nothing. i'm fine." jeffrey smiles, eager to tell billy his recent endeavor.

"you'll never guess what happened, andrews"

"please, do tell. i need a distraction."

"you know that winters girl?"

"what about her?"

"i caught her walking home. man, oh man, what a night. until gilbert blythe came and ruined the fun."

billy's face goes pale, his palms sweat. there's a lump in his throat, a heaviness in his chest and a burning sensation in his stomach.

"what kind of... fun? what happened?"

"you see, she was walking, right? and i go up to her and ask about the kiss, and she says it was something. now i'm not so sure what she meant but that's what she said. and then i kiss her, again. and she tells me to stop, but we all know that's not what she meant. but that's not the end, boys. she's against a tree. and so i move my hands and put them on her-"

billy's fist met jeffrey's cheek. in seconds, the blonde boy was on top of his friend as he pinned him to the ground. billy punched him repeatedly until he was rolled to the ground, now being hit by jeffrey. "you disrespectful mutt!" billy yells, trying to get out from under jeff. the entire school was watching from inside, autumn wide eyed. she struggled to put her art supplies away, ending up throwing them to the ground. her pencils broke as she ran outside to aid the situation. billy and jeffrey wrangled, kyle attempting to pry one off of the other.

"billy!" autumn screams, running towards the fighting boys. she grabs a hold of billy's shoulders and try's to pull him off of jeff. instead, billy turns around and punches her in the face. autumn falls to the ground in pain, holding her right cheek as tears fall down her face. cole and gilbert ran outside, kneeling beside her. "shit." he mutters, getting on his knees and crawling towards the girl.

"shit, shit, shit."

gilbert places his arm in front of him, shielding him from the girl. "stay the hell away from her, andrews." he growls. billy's eyes are wide with fear. "no, no, no. i-i didn't mean to. autumn!" he yells, wanting her to hear him. for a moment, only a moment, her eyes are visible from gilbert's shield. they're full of sorrow and forgiveness, but also full of tears from the hit. "gilbert, please." billy begs, the lump in his throat becoming larger. gilbert ignores his pleas, and instead shoves him away. the two are now standing, billy being slightly taller. the darker haired boy's eyes are dark with anger, much different than billy's who's are large with sadness. gilbert seems to notice the difference, as he furrows his eyebrows together with confusion. "please." billy chokes out in a whisper. "i need to make sure she's okay."

 ˚* ੈ✩‧₊  𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 ⋆ 𝒇𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now