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billy had stayed with autumn the majority of the night, helping her finish the mural. the girl, however, ended up falling asleep on the stage with paint smudged on her face and clothes. the next morning, rachel lynde walked into the showhouse almost infuriated at the girl. anne, diana, ruby, and tillie had showed up along with the woman, staring at the sleeping girl. "the poor thing fell asleep!" mrs. rachel lynde gasps quietly, anne walking forward to wake her up. the red head lightly shakes the sleeping girl, whispering her name. autumns eyes open slowly, her wiping the sleep out from them. "oh, no." she mutters in a panic as she looks around the room. "mrs. lynde, i am so so sorry, truly i am. i was working so hard and had set my goal to finish half of it. i suppose i did, but i really didn't mean to fall asleep." she rushes, picking up her paintbrushes and paint. mrs. lynde stretches out her arm, flicking her hand in a downward motion as if saying "don't you worry about it." autumn smiles at the woman. the door opens, cole's tall figure is seen walking into the showhouse. "cole!" autumn exclaims, running towards the boy with open arms. she engulfs him in a hug, being careful of his wrist. the boy hugs back with his other arm, smiling as he does so.


the girls had requested that cole and autumn teach them how to paint as well as they do. the friends agreed happily, and had managed to finish the entire mural with their help. tonight was the christmas pantomime, and everyone was excited. everyone had shown up promptly two hours before the show for dress rehearsal and fitting adjustments. autumn, however didn't need any adjustments as she was a part of the tree. a measly little part, but a part nonetheless.

the girl sat at the edge of the stage, dangling her legs off as she hummed the well known main song of the show. warmth plops itself down next to her, instantly warming her cold hands. "hello, darling." billy says, smiling at the girl. autumn smiles back, feeling her cheeks redden into a light rose color. "bills, would you consider us romantic?" she asks, gazing at the boy. his face hardens from his smile as he knits his eyebrows together in confusion. "i-i mean we kissed, didn't we?" he asks the girl, his face beginning to turn red with anger. she nods, keeping her face down. "i'm just not sure if you would consider it a romantical one. i do, i know i do. but i'm not sure about you." she says, trailing off at the end. billy relaxes from his tension, his shoulders visibly calming and the red receding from his face. "of course i consider it- us romantic. i wouldn't kiss you for no reason, autumn." he says, taking her hand in his. the girl smiles at him, taking a second to think. "you know, i think i liked the other name better." she beams, letting out a slight laugh. billy laughs along with her. "i should probably get my fittings, darling. i'll see you in a bit?" billy questions, standing up from his spot. autumn nods, smiling. he kisses her forehead, earning stares from josie pye, who was sat in the audience as she waited for her fitting.

"alright, sweetheart. now go!"

this one was short but i have tons going on right now and i'm trying to update as much as possible for me and my schedule! i should probably work out some uploading days? leave me some suggestions!

i hope you all had/have a magnificent day, kisses!


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