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immediately after mr. philips dismissed the class, diana and her friends approached autumn. "my, please do teach me your ways." ruby says, staring wide eyed at autumn. Confused, autumn knits together her eyebrows. "billy, autumn. how did you do it? how did you tame the beast?" diana laughs as they exit the classroom. billy was nowhere to be seen, but autumn waited for him outside. "i didn't really do anything. it just happened." she shrugs, tucking a think strand of hair behind her ear. the group looked at eachother, surprised. "autumn winters, you are the most magical girl i've ever met! somehow, you managed to create sunshine from a storm. billy hasn't teased anyone today!" diana exclaims, a wide smile on her face. it was obvious that anne was not interested in the conversation, as she didn't participate or look at the blue eyed girl. "diana, don't you know that people don't change? billy andrews will always be a rude, horrid boy. people can't change people. surely autumn wasn't the cause of his sudden change in character. it's an act, girls. pretend." anne yells, motioning to autumn as she spoke her name. the sudden outburts startled all of the girls, especially autumn. "anne!" diana gasped, frightened by her action. annes face suddenly feel. she hadn't meant to say that all aloud, especially not in front of autumn. "i suppose thats why you're still such a brat." autumn says angrily, stomping away from the group and inside the school house to find billy. i

"bills?" she calls out, her voice echoing through the empty classroom. "i'm here, darling." his voice calls from the back of the classroom, where they had once played spin the bottle. autumn walks to the back, finding billy with a box in his hand. it was different. it was wrapped up in brown with white twine tied around it. he holds it out to her. "it's a gift," he says, "for christmas." autumn gasps, not wanting to touch the beautiful wrapping. christmas was tomorrow. "billy, this isn't right." she says blankly. his face falls. "w-what do you mean?" he says nervously. a smile grows on her face. "why, i couldn't open it unless by a christmas tree! besides, i haven't gotten anything for you. i didn't know we were doing presents." billy smiles, sighing in relief. autumn walks closer to the boy, wrapping her arms around his neck as he snaked his around her waist. they hold eachother, just like that. "we should get home, it's getting dark." billy says, sighing through his words. autumn nods, removing herself from his grasp. they walk outside of the classroom, and begin their journey home.


short chapter i'm sorry :(
- sof

 ˚* ੈ✩‧₊  𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 ⋆ 𝒇𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now