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lunch time had soon come upon the day. autumn quickly got up from her desk as they were excused and made her way to the stream, cole following closely behind. she quickly grabs her milk and quickly races to hers and cole's "secret spot". cole had grabbed their sketchbooks on the way out.

the two day underneath a large willow tree, it's leaves and branches flowing down to hide them. silently, the draw and eat. autumn shared her sandwich and cole shared his apples and carrots. "mother is making me tutor that horrid bully andrews tonight." autumn says, her voice muffled by chewed apple, juice dribbling down her chin. quickly, she wipes it off as cole looks up from his drawing. his eyes were wide with astonishment. "are you serious? gosh, i can't imagine the torture you'll go through." he sighs.

voices sound from outside of their shelter. the two look at each other before quickly closing their books. and hiding them behind their backs. "i'm telling you, andrews. just ditch the girl and hunt with us." one says, another agreeing. "you're not listening, bud. my mother would have my head if i fail, i gotta go. at least someone is willing to help." billy says.

coles eyes widen. "oh my god he's talking about you, autumn!" he says, a little too loudly. suddenly the voices and their footsteps stop. "cole!" you whisper yell, giving him the "are-you-serious?" look. "well, well, well. if it isn't winters and mackenzie. what're you two doin' under the willow tree? huh?" one of billy's friends smirks, looking to the blonde boy.

his face showed sympathy and hesitance, but is soon turned into his signature smile. his eyes darken as his teeth gleam. "it seems to me, boys, that these two were macking!" he exclaims, adding a laugh to the end. the two agree, looking at each other and billy before running off. "billy andrews, you are the most wretched boy i have ever met!" autumn screamed at him, causing his face to fall.

"do you have some sort of lack of emotion? are you a sociopath, billy? is that what this is? i regret ever being kind to you. i regret forgiving you for your poor choice of actions. i wish my parents would've never invited your family for dinner. i wish i hadn't spent the night at your house. i never want to see your stupid face, ever!" she finishes before storming off, cole soon following behind her.

autumns face was red with anger. oh, how she resented the andrews boy. the hurt he made her feel is what she wanted for him. he deserves it, after all.

 ˚* ੈ✩‧₊  𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 ⋆ 𝒇𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now