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the school day dragged on, slowly coming to an end. autumn's fury had ceased, as she had not once glanced at the blonde boy who sits slightly behind her on the opposite side if the room. Not even when she could feel his dark eyes burning holes into her back.

she specifically took a different path home, to be alone and away from the horrid boy.

billy, however, was saddened by the fact that he was walking alone. he knew it was because of what he said, and he knew it wasn't right. his friends expected a snarky remark, so he had to deliver. what would they think of him then? his only friends in the world brought out the worst in him. but he had no one else.

the winters girl arrived at home, just as billy was turning the corner onto the street. he stops and stares at her with saddened eyes. she stares back at the boy before rolling her eyes and walking inside. immediately, she runs up to her room. in a moment of rage, autumn rips paint from her box and disposes of her old water before getting some fresh. Her mother had not yet noticed she was home. the fair toned girl swirls a paint brush into water before dipping into the paint. reds, blacks and oranges swirl together once again in anger. soon, her inspiration began to show. through the swirling fury is a face of sympathy. it's eyes are closed and it's face is tilted. autumn washes off the brush, reaching for a thinner one. she dips into a dark blue and begins to carefully shape a tear dripping from the face's right eye, directly underneath it's long eyelashes. to accent, the girl adds a lighter blue and white for highlights and to show a form of light.

in her fit of emotions, she had not heard the knock on the door or the sound of billy's footsteps up towards her room. he stood there, admiring her painting as it was being created. immediately, he had known who and what it was about. billy watched as autumn signs her name at the bottom in yellow, so it would be visible. he clears his throat, causing autumn to jump. she quickly turns around to the noise and is disappointed at what she sees. "oh, it's you." she says, putting her paint away. billy stares at the floor. "i suppose we should begin." autumn says as she pulls out her chalkboard and small piece of chalk and sits in the middle of the floor. billy follows, sitting across from her. "do you want to start with maths or literature?"

autumn tutored billy for what seemed like hours. surprisingly, he was learning fairly quicker than anticipated. it was not long until mrs. winters called them down for dinner. billy shot up from his place as the girl packed her school supplies. he had thrown his onto her bed. billy holds his hand out to lift the smaller girl up from the floor. she takes it hesitantly and is pulled to her feet."well, billy, aren't you just as strong as a thousand men." she teases, walking past him and towards the door. billy's face lights up. "you're light as a feather, it's not that big of a deal." he chuckles before following her down to the dining room. he takes one good look at her room just before shutting off the light.

 ˚* ੈ✩‧₊  𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 ⋆ 𝒇𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now