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this morning, the classroom was more rambunctious thank usual. billy talked with his friends outside, most likely doing something idiotic. autumn stood chatting with anne, diana, ruby, jane, tillie, and prissy. "why does he get to decide?" the red head asks, referring to the situation at hand. mr. philips had told prissy that after they wed, she is not to attend college. prissy agreed, but was upset nonetheless. "are you going to prissy's wedding tomorrow, autumn? it would be such a pleasure to see you. and i'm sure prissy doesn't mind, do you?" jane asks the girl, glancing at her sister. "well, as long as i'm invited. i'm sure billy wouldn't mind, would he?" she speaks, earning a no from both jane and prissy.


coles voice is heard from behind autumn, causing her to instinctively turn around. billy had taken coles clay. "what's this?" he asked, not noticing autumns stare. cole has been using clay ever since he got his splint off. him, diana, and anne went to some soirée and was told to try clay to strengthen his hand. "just give it back!" cole yells, looking behind billy to autumn. billy turns around, finally realizing autumn was watching. "fine," he says, "catch." autumn can hear his smirk. billy throws the clay, missing coles stature and into the window. the glass brakes, but catches the mold inside. mr. philips walks in from the back. "mr. andrews, that is enough!" he scolds the blonde boy, billy rolling his eyes. "to whom does this belong to?" he asks, pointing at the clay. cole admits to owning the ball of clay, resulting in the teacher tossing the ball into the furnace. "then your parents can pay for a new window." anne gasped, growing red. "that's not fair! billy threw it at him!" she says, defending the artist. autumn glares at billy angrily. "i am speaking to mr. mackenzie." mr. philips says, glaring at anne. the girl stood, mouth open, waiting for billy to admit to the damage done. "well?" mr. philips says, waiting for a response from the artist. "why don't you tell the truth for once?" cole yells. billy shifts his weight, folding his arms. "i was just doing what you told me to," he says, "i was giving it back." anne stares at the boy angrily along with autumn. "i told you he wouldn't change, autumn. he's still just a rude, irritating boy." she stomps away, leaving autumn to her own devices.

autumn stared at billy, who couldn't look at her without regret. she had blocked out the rest of the conversation until she heard coles final sentence. the boy and mr. philips stared at each other before the older man instructed he hold out his hand, grabbing a long stick from his desk. autumn gasped, looking at prissy. the girl stares at the teacher, a horrified look on her face. she said nothing. "mr. philips, you cant possibly-" "winters, i suggest you close your mouth before you receive the same punishment." everyone's jaw dropped, staring at autumn.  the classroom was tense, everyone staring at the student and teacher. "you are the most disruptive student in this classroom." philips says, earning a scoff from autumn who glances at billy. billy stared right at the girl, regret and guilt filled in his eyes. "that is your perception, but it is not fact. if you want to hate someone, you should look in the mirror." cole says, stepping closer to the teacher. the two glare at one another. "hold. out. your. hand." he says as the boy showed confidence. cole simply says no before walking out of the classroom. autumn follows close behind him, calling his name.

"autumn!" billy says quietly, grabbing the girls arm. "i'm sorry." he says, pulling her around to face him. she was mad at him once again. "don't start right now, billy. i don't want nor need to hear it. i need to go after my best friend."


what's poppin b's! bad news lol, this story is ending in six chapters. i know, i know i'm the worst and a horrible person for doing this but i still do have another billy fanfic and may create another in the future or may potentially write a sequel!

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