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autumn began her walk to school later than earlier. she tried to wait until after billy had left, but he never did. she pulls on her thick, black coat and ties her white scarf around her neck, topping her head with a knit hat. quickly grabbing her supplies, she heads out the door. her walk through the woods was peaceful. that is, until the dreaded blonde boy jogged up from behind the girl. "boo!" he screams, placing his hands on autumn's sides, hoping to scare her. she jumps. "billy andrews you horrid boy! you just about scared my heart out of my chest." she yells, her hand placed upon her heart.

billy's face fell. surely he didn't mean to frighten her that much."i'm terribly sorry autumn, i didn't mean to frighten you that much." he says. autumn looks at him with confusion in her eyes. he stares back, secretly admiring her bright blue eyes. she stutters. "um i-it's okay." the two once again begin their journey to school. no words were shared between the two of them until they reached the schoolhouse. autumn steps forward to open the door, but is suddenly stopped. warmth wraps itself around her hand. she turns to see the source, finding billy's hand grasping hers. "wait," he whispers "i really am sorry."

little did they know, a certain blonde haired girl was watching their actions. her face grows red with anger. "i told you it's okay, billy." autumn says, looking at the boy with a small bit of annoyance. "okay isn't enough. i need you to accept my apology. please." he pleads, sorrow in his eyes. maybe he really did feel bad, autumn had never seen this side of the irritable boy. she sighs. "i accept your apology, billy andrews. may we please go inside now? i'm freezing." billy smiles and nods. the door swings open, revealing an obviously upset josie pye. "billy! there you are! quick, come away from that... freak." she takes his hand and leads him away.


lunch soon came around. it was much too cold now to sit outside. besides, cole had not been at school today. autumn sat alone in the coat room, eating a sandwich whilst admiring everyone's beautiful coats and scarves. "why were you walking with billy this morning." a familiar voice questions. josie pye, tillie boulter, jane andrews, ruby gillis, diana barry, and anne shirley cuthbert all crowded in front of autumn. josie stood before the bright-eyed girl. "he's my neighbor, josie. why do you care?" autumn asked, obviously annoyed by the crowd. "oh winters, don't be so naive. i can't have you infecting my beau." josie laughs. the other girls look at the laughing girl before rolling their eyes. "josie, i-i'm not quite sure he's your beau just yet. he hasn't made a romantic gesture." anne states, earning a smile from autumn. josie rolls her eyes and sighs, turning around to face anne. "anne, i'm not sure you understand the circumstances. so please, be quiet and stay in your place."

"anne does have a point, josie. besides, billy deserves you. a horrid boy deserves a horrid girl. i don't care if he's your beau or not. i'm forced to be around him, so that's that. now please, see your way away from me. your presence is making me sick." autumn smirks, shooing the group away. all but josie leave. "watch your back, winters." she growls. "or what?" autumn laughs as josie leaves.

 ˚* ੈ✩‧₊  𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 ⋆ 𝒇𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now