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instead, she remembered jeffrey. she remembered his rough hands and his frog lips. she remembered how he bit her bottom lip on accident, and how he trailed his freezing hands down her thigh. she remembered every single detail of the previous night. autumn could still feel his hands resting at her bosoms, and was trying not to imagine what else could have happened. she pulled away from the kiss. "i-i can't do it, billy. i can't kiss you. not right now." she cried. billy's eyes grew dark. "well why the hell not?" he starts, a slight raise in his voice."i-it's too soon. i can't. i'm sorry." her voice was whispered, embarrassed.

it was her fault. she taunted him. she's the one who practically asked him to kiss her. billy stared at autumn, fury in his eyes. she had embarrassed him. "autumn mare winters, i hate you." he says angrily through his teeth. autumn's eyes widen, surely he couldn't mean that. "y-you don't mean that..." she begins, being cut off by the boy. "i do. i do mean it. i wish i'd never met you. i can't believe i ever cared for you." he raises his voice, standing up from his place. autumn follows his actions, opening her mouth to say something.  "you and me, autumn? we're the complete opposite. i'm mean to mask how much i care. you? autumn, you present yourself as nice and quiet. but inside, you are the most horrid girl i've ever met." billy yells, storming out of the girls bedroom.

autumn hardly slept that night, despite the plans for the next day. how could she face billy after everything he said? just the thought of seeing his face made her queasy. her stomach churned with nervousness. autumn stepped out of bed, coldness shooting up the pads of her feet as she walked across the hard wooden floor. she stopped in front of her vanity, staring at herself. her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, tears had stained her cheeks. autumn sniffles, preparing herself for what the day created for her. she changes into her favorite clothing, a mustard colored, long sleeved yellow dress along with her white overdress and thick white leggings. again at her mirror, autumn pulled back the front ends of her hair and tied them together with a mustard bow to match her dress. this hairstyle was popular, but autumn was not very fond of it. she, however, did not want to make too much of an effort.

her mother had lent her some rouge, and allowed her a tiny bit of mascara. the girl brushed the red coloring against her cheeks and nose lightly, so it would not be so bold. the pigment left behind a light pink. next, she went for the mascara. the girl gently scraped the thick black substance from the tin pan with the small wand before laying it onto her eyelashes. she was left with longer eyelashes tinted with black. autumn looked at herself in the mirror. she didn't look like herself, but perhaps that was best. she quickly pulled on her best black shoes before running out the door, not forgetting to kiss her mother goodbye.

she began her walk towards the show house for the auditions. beautiful white snow covered the ground and sprinkled from the sky. "autumn!" a voice shouts from behind her, causing the girl to spin around. her best friend ran towards her, smiling like a clown. "cole!" she exclaims, engulfing the boy in her arms as reaches her. he picks her up in his arms, spinning her around in the snow. "oh how i've missed you! each day has been dreadful without your company." autumn laughs as he sets her down. the two walked together, chatting about what they wanted out of the musical. cole only wanted to be the artist, painting everything for the musical to make it beautiful. autumn told him how she longed to be the beautiful fairy queen, but was she she wouldn't get the part. "why wouldn't you get the part? you are absolutely beautiful." cole responds, looking at the girl in confusion. the compliment was nice, but she refused to accept it. how could she? instead of denying, she thanks him. "thank you, cole, but sadly you're the only one who believes so." she smiles at him as they approach the show house.

 ˚* ੈ✩‧₊  𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 ⋆ 𝒇𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now