Chapter 1

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Lets just jump right into it shall we?


3rd POV

The cold of the outside world filled the small dark room. In the corner of the room sat a metal bed frame with a thin matres on top. It was worn through with holes in it and didn't look very comfy. That horrible bed was the only thing in the room, other than the small body on the other side of the room.

A thin dirty blanket wrapped around his shivering and thin body. Trying to keep what little warmth his body had left within his body. The boy had chestnut brown hair that was oily and dirty from not being washed for weeks. His skin was covered in dirt and bruises, ruining his snow white skin.

His face was thin, and pale. Tears running down his once full and bright face. His body froze as he heard foot steps approaching the dark and stale room. He twisted his head around and looked at the light that seeped into the room from under the door. His eyes widened as he seen the shadow of two feet stop in front of the door.

He started to violently shiver, his tears falling faster as he heard the lock on the door unlock. He gripped the thin dirty blanket closer to his naked body as the door swung open. He flinched at the loud thud of the door hitting the wall as the figure stepped into the room.

"It's okay, their gone now" A deep voice spoke out, gruff and dry. The figure walked closer to the small crying boy. "It's okay, you'll be safe with me Yoongi" The man spoke out softly, crouching down next to him. 

The man put his hand on Yoongis' shoulder, only to make him flinch away from the touch. Yoongi buried his head under the ruined blanket, hoping the man would just leave him alone. The man stood back up slowly, watching as Yoongi flinched again before quietly leaving the room. 

He came back a minute later and threw a thick soft blanket over Yoongis' thin frame making him look up at the man. He could see his face clearly despite the darkness that still filled the room. He remembered him, he was his uncle. He had met him 3 or 4 times before, his 'parents' didn't really like his company.

"U...Uncle..?" Yoongis' soft broken voice cut through the silence like a knife into butter. The man smiled at him and shook his head. He came up to Yoongi once again and crouched down to eye level.

"Not anymore sweetheart" The man reached out to caress Yoongis' sunken-in face."I'll be your new daddy, okay baby boy?" He spoke softly, but his eyes held so many more emotions that Yoongi had seen before. The looks the men his 'parents' brought home would give him. 

Yoongi was starving, he hadn't eaten in 6 days. He was dehydrated as well, so he didn't understand the looks. If only he wasn't so worn out, he'd know better.

He'd know better not to nod to what the man in front of him said. Agreeing that this man, his uncle, was now his 'daddy'. 

The mans soft smile turnt into an evil grin, as he gripped the back of Yoongis' head. His movements were quick, with little to no resistance from the worn out child. He pushed Yoongis' small frail body down into the cold concrete floor and pulled the two blankets off of his shivering malnourished body.

Yoongis' eyes widened as he felt warm hands over his body, the tears that had briefly stopped began to pour down his face again. Yoongi tried to get out of his grip, oh god did he try, but his small 9 year old body had no energy left. He could only cry. He couldn't even scream, as he clawed at the floor--   

Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now